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A Gentlemen's meeting in CaladonTaken from an IRC roleplaying session between a few Arcanum fans.
Mr. Demry: And how are you this fine evening my good Dwarf? Pacius enters the room, sending a chill down the spine of everyone presentMr. Demry: AAAAAAAAAA!!! Mr. Rivenshar: Now, now, gentlemen, let us please bury the hatchet. Mr. Pacius: Sorry I'm late, I was attacked near the city gates. Apparently Mr. Demry has some men convinced that I am a murderer. Mr. Demry: You yourself have plenty of people convinced of the same, Mr. Pacius. Gustavef walks in and nods to all "Evening Gentlemen"Mr. Rivenshar: Let us step back from this topic for the evening, perhaps... And good evening to you as well, Gustavef. Mr. Demry: Hello, Mr. Gustavef! I'm glad you could make it Mr. Gustavef: Thank you for the postponement. I think it will help to have a judgment with cooler heads. Mr. Demry: Yes, well it also allowed me to come to Caladon as well. Mr. Demry: Being a prime witness it was in my interest to postpone. Mr. Rivenshar: Indeed... It is sad that these talks must occur under the dark shadow of such events... Mr. Demry: As to cooler heads, you are probably right - any distance between an event and the examination thereof usually allows for greater objectivity. Mr. Gustavef: I understand. I would ask that you make certain that each of the seven that stand accused is guilty. I would not like to see any innocent human or Orc die again. Mr. Demry: If Mr. Pacius will refrain from death threats to various factory owners, I will refrain from assuming him to be the assassin. Mr. Pacius: Please, it has been days since my poorly given threats, and I have made no such threats since my public apology. Mr. Demry: Very well, then. Mr. Gustavef: Enough talk of what has happened. Shall we take our seats and begin? Mr. Pacius: Yes, please. Mr. Demry: Indeed. Mr. Demry: Although Mr. Ratster is not currently present, I must say that the coffee he has provided is excellent. Mr. Pacius: Have we heard from him at all? Mr. Rivenshar: I have heard nothing from him of late. Mr. Pacius: Is anyone keeping a log of this meeting? Mr. Ratster: Hello. Mr. Pacius: Speak of the devil Mr. Demry: As a solicitor, I keep logs of everything. I shall track this meeting and send out the minutes. Mr. Demry: Please ignore the stenographer in the corner Rivenshar: Many thanks to you, Demry, for taking the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Pacius: Excellent. I will proofread them, certainly, to make sure everything is represented correctly... Mr. Ratster: I hope you gentlemen will not be disturbed by my tardiness Mr. Ratster: I was delayed Mr. Gustavef: No, no. We were just sipping the coffee and tea. Mr. Ratster: Excellent Mr. Demry: Not at all, I was just commenting on the excellentness of the coffee. Thank you. Mr. Ratster: Call meeting to order then? Mr. Pacius: Please do. Mr. Rivenshar: Indeed. Mr. Demry: Quite Mr. Ratster: Who should like to start off the debate? Mr. Pacius: I would like to propose a legalization of labor stoppages Mr. Rivenshar: That is a most direct suggestion; might I ask how you would legislate such a thing? Mr. Pacius: We Orcs should be allowed to peacefully protest and picket on public premises. Mr. Pacius: We Orcs should be allowed to assemble as Unions. Mr. Gustavef: Well first one must be able to file grievances. Mr. Demry: The Orcs have little to no political power. Regardless of the merits of making labor stoppages legal, it is unlikely that, without popular support, it would stand any chance of success. Mr. Gustavef: Let us take the case of workers safety. Mr. Rivenshar: And to gain popular support we must attempt to draft a bill that is palatable to the owners, unfortunately... Politics sadly boils down to such things... Mr. Gustavef: When it is brought in to question an outside source, unbiased towards the Orcs or factory owner should look at the case. Mr. Demry: Correct, Shard. Mr. Rivenshar: I agree, Gustavef, but who would organize these independent investigators? Mr. Demry: A mediator is what you mean, Gustavef? Mr. Pacius: The investigator should not know the nature of the races involved in the case. There are few humans without an anti-Orc bias. Mr. Rivenshar: There are few members of any race without bias... You would suggest, therefor, that an account be drafted that does not mention the races or classes of those involved? Mr. Pacius: That is what I respectfully submit Mr. Rivenshar: I am intrigued by the notion, but you then face this problem: how do you assure that the person writing the account is without bias? Mr. Demry: I don't know if concealing the race of the involved parties would succeed, since their roles alone would probably identify them. Mr. Demry: I agree that prejudice is certainly a concern. Mr. Ratster: Might I suggest a council made up of one member of every race? Mr. Pacius: One might consider Mr. Demry an expert in prejudice... Mr. Demry: Mr. Pacius, please, I am being civil. Mr. Pacius: Perhaps two or three members of every race to maintain a broader scope Mr. Ratster: Yes of course. Mr. Rivenshar: I am intrigued by the idea of a council... How would the members be chosen? Mr. Demry: Given the overall prejudice against Orcs, a council of all races would not likely be free of this dilemma. Mr. Pacius: Elected by the populace, I think, or how ever the populace sees fit to chose a leader. Mr. Ratster: Election by their respective peers perhaps. Mr. Gustavef: I would argue against drawing up said council on racial lines. Or by election. Mr. Rivenshar: What would you suggest, Mr. Gustavef? Mr. Ratster: How would you proceed then? Mr. Gustavef: I would have one from the Unions, One from the Owners and one outsider. Or at least in these parts. Mr. Ratster: Wouldn't such a small council lead to corruption quickly. Mr. Pacius: I agree with Brother Gustavef Mr. Rivenshar: The only problem is this: in most issues, the outside party would be the deciding vote--it again comes down to who this 'neutral third party' is. Mr. Demry: Arbitration by a neutral part makes the most sense, but both sides have to accept the decisions and must therefor believe the party to be truly neutral and free of any prejudice. Mr. Pacius: The council could be scaled up. Mr. Gustavef: I would also have this council exist only for the case at hand then disbanded. Mr. Rivenshar: Then how would the council be chosen each time? Mr. Demry: good thought Mr. Gustavef, as that could help to head off the issue of corruption. Mr. Gustavef: As for the Union Rep and Factory Rep, by the respective parties at that time. Mr. Gustavef: The third would then have to be agreed by both the Union and the Owners. Mr. Ratster: Sounds sensible enough. Mr. Pacius: Perhaps the neutral party should remain the same. His actions could be monitored, and therefore corruption could be avoided. Mr. Rivenshar: But how would he be chosen? Mr. Demry: Since either side could veto any particular person as the neutral party, then corruption should not be an issue. Mr. Gustavef: At worse there would be a stalemate for decided the third person. Mr. Gustavef: During such stalemate, the Union has the right not to work. Mr. Demry: I doubt the owners would agree to that. Mr. Rivenshar: That seems to make sense. Mr. Pacius: I assume, then, that we have or are going to submit a bill legalizing labor unions? Mr. Gustavef: At this time, we have the right to form a Union, but as such a Union has very little legal power. Mr. Demry: Correct, virtually none, as a matter of fact. Mr. Gustavef: More to the point, our Unions have not been outlawed. Mr. Rivenshar: The legalization of labor stoppage is more in question. Mr. Gustavef: That is correct. The workers need some ability to legally fight for change in the factory. Mr. Demry: Without the legal threat of labor stoppage, the unions have nothing to use at the bargaining table. Mr. Demry: Save violence, of course. Mr. Rivenshar: Of course, violence is even more illegal. Mr. Gustavef: Well we can still bargain with them...They are just more costly for all concerned, and should not be used lightly. Mr. Pacius: What if we were to set up an organization of lawyers representing Orcs, and teaching Orcs and half-Orcs the law? Mr. Demry: A fine idea, but lawyers are motivated by money, and prestige. Mr. Pacius: You are a lawyer, Mr. Demry, are you not? Mr. Rivenshar: That is an intriguing idea; the trained Orcish lawyers could thereafter bring these things directly to the courts en mass rather than through groups like us. What is needed is the money. Mr. Pacius: For every greedy lawyer I know, I know a pure-hearted one. Mr. Demry: Yes, but I'm a solicitor, not a barrister: I do not appear in court. Mr. Gustavef: Some of us have already taken the time to learn Tarant Law, yet none of us have had the money to formally take the Barrister's exam. Mr. Gustavef: The process of an Orc becoming a Full Barrister would not sit well with the current Lawyers. Mr. Pacius: Perhaps we can begin with human and hybrid lawyers, then move to full Orc attorneys once we have established some representation. Mr. Demry: Certainly having a number of Orc-friendly lawyers could do much for the cause, but I'm afraid Gustavef is right. Mr. Rivenshar: I think that perhaps the courts could be convinced to have a 'token' Orc to begin with and hasten the eventual opening of the doors. Mr. Gustavef: How much Human blood would be needed to be a Lawyer? Mr. Demry: None, or so I've heard... Mr. Demry: Sorry, gentlemen, that was a joke. Mr. Gustavef: I would have to say that I would rather fight for something a little more attainable the this utopian idea of an Orc Fully accepted in Legal circles. Mr. Pacius: Brother Gustavef, I would be more than willing to offer sponsorship to Orc and half-Orc attorneys aspiring to take the necessary exams. Mr. Pacius: I also believe that some of the gentlemen here would be willing to aid in funding or loans for such things. Mr. Rivenshar: As would I, sirs, but it will still take a fair amount of work to open up the necessary early education. Mr. Ratster: How long will the Orcs be willing to wait? Mr. Gustavef: Yes it does, only a handful of us are any where close to that. We need solutions that are closer at hand. Mr. Demry: We can propose legal labor stoppages, but unless there is something 'in it' for the owners, it will not pass. as much as I am loath to admit it, recent events may give them the belief that something needs to be done. Mr. Rivenshar: But the Orcs are not directly slaves; they are merely underclass workers. Mr. Pacius: Slaves have no mages or nomad tribes among them. You should talk to Mr. Leeche about this, oh, that's right, he's quite dead. Mr. Gustavef: Okay, I offer the following. Let us go back to the investigation team. Mr. Pacius: Quite. Mr. Gustavef: Should there be a labor stoppage and the investigation decides for the Factory Owner, then the Union must pay the damages of lost income during that time. Mr. Demry: That is a tremendously reasonable point, and one that I imagine would be well taken, Mr. Gustavef. Mr. Rivenshar: Yes, so long as it is agreed that the factory owners must be similarly bound to act if the moderator finds in the union's favor; that is the aspect that will be hard to legalize. Mr. Pacius: We are still presented with the problem of choosing a neutral party. Mr. Demry: The question being, under what circumstances would a legal labor stoppage occur? Mr. Demry: That is where the owners will 'stick' Mr. Gustavef: Well, if a third party can not be found in a reasonable time. Mr. Pacius: At any time the laborers feel an injustice has been caused they may strike. As per the damages law, however, they will not be permitted to strike for no reason. Mr. Demry: I'm afraid stricter rules will have to be drawn up, Mr. Pacius. Mr. Demry: 'At the whim of the workers' is hardly a compelling thought for the owners to contemplate. Mr. Gustavef: Yes, A formal Grievance should be on file before strike. Mr. Pacius: Being of half human blood and half Orc blood, perhaps I could serve as the neutral party. Mr. Demry: As to the neutral party... Mr. Demry: I've just had an unusual thought. Mr. Rivenshar: Not necessarily, Pacius... The world of the mulatto is outside of both sides, but in this case it is not always a neutral perspective. Mr. Rivenshar: Go ahead, Demry. Mr. Demry: We've been thinking in terms of someone who is unbiased. but what about someone who was /equally/ biased? Mr. Demry: An Elven mage, for example. Mr. Demry: Hates both equally, should be able to judge impartially. Mr. Gustavef: Hates us both, I like that. Mr. Rivenshar: I am intrigued... If you find someone who equally dislikes both sides it could just work... Mr. Pacius: I can't argue Mr. Ratster: What say the members to Mr. Demry's proposal? Mr. Gustavef: Also such a person would be less likely for corruption. Mr. Pacius: I concur with Mr. Demry. Mr. Pacius: Allow me to take a biscuit, I shall return promptly. Mr. Ratster: Of course Mr. Pacius help yourself Mr. Ratster: Gustavef? Mr. Rivenshar: Indeed, the mages have very little use for Tarantian wealth, and between a natural hatred for Orcs and technologists there is almost no room for error... Mr. Ratster: Do you agree then Rivenshar? Mr. Gustavef: I still think that both the Unions and Owners should agree, or at least agree that the person is hated by both. Mr. Rivenshar: I find myself drawn to the idea; I believe it could be worth a try. Mr. Pacius: A vote, perhaps? Mr. Ratster: Yes of course Mr. Ratster: All those in favor? Mr. Demry: Aye. Mr. Pacius: Aye. Mr. Rivenshar: Aye. Mr. Gustavef: Aye. put it in the resolution. Mr. Ratster: The Aye's have it. Mr. Ratster: Shall we move on to the next point. Mr. Gustavef: I would like to however still wait till the full resolution is drafted before we solidify any part. Mr. Demry: Excellent. progress. that calls for another cup of this fine coffee. Mr. Pacius: I prefer goat's blood... Mr. Demry: Fresh, no doubt. Mr. Pacius: And early in the morning. Mr. Ratster: Sorry Mr. Pacius I have no goats. Mr. Gustavef: I believe that the wording of the resolution should be a third party with equal bias towards the Owner and the Union. Mr. Gustavef: Be it none, favoring both or hatred of both. Mr. Ratster: Well said Gustavef Mr. Pacius: Aye. Mr. Pacius: Where did Mr. Rivenshar get to? Mr. Ratster: He is temporarily indisposed, I fear he is not used to the rich food we serve in Caladon. Mr. Gustavef: As much as I find the idea of an Elven Mage acting as a third party, I would find it unlikely to find one that was willing. Mr. Ratster: That could be a problem. Mr. Pacius: Brother Gustavef, as a mage, I have many connections to Elven mages. I assure you that an adequate pool could be assembled. Mr. Demry: For enough money, I think an Elven mage could be found. as to the question of him desiring to do harm, I have a simple enough solution. *** At this point, someone suggested using half-Ogres.Pacius: Ogres have little understanding of the law. I also believe that they would do what their masters bid them, seeing as most are slaves. Mr. Demry: From what I know of half ogres, they would tend to side with the Gnomish owners. Mr. Pacius: Who are usually Gnomish factory owners . Mr. Gustavef: I would like to make sure that the third party did have some capacity for independent thought to draw his own conclusions. Mr. Pacius: Perhaps we could use both Elven mages and half-Ogres "owned" by the court. Mr. Pacius: Such half-Ogres would have to be recruited at a young age to avoid prejudice, this will take time. Mr. Pacius: Meanwhile I believe Elven mages to be the best solution. Mr. Gustavef: Gentlemen, I believe that the discussion of where to find the pool of the Third party is academic since what ever the person will be agreed upon by both Owners and Union at that time. *** At this point, Mr. Demry, in a coffee induced spasm, tripped and knocked over the stenographer, causing some of the transcript to be lost.Mr. Ratster: Too much coffee Mr. Demry? Mr. Demry: Yes, I'm afraid. Mr. Pacius: Sorry about that, it appears as though my foot got in your way... Mr. Pacius: If the Orcs need to pay damages for unnecessary labor stoppages, the owners have no need to fear this. Mr. Pacius: Therefore, the labor unions should be able to initialize a strike whenever they see fit. Mr. Demry: I find that point hard to argue with, Mr. Pacius. Mr. Gustavef: I concur mostly. However, It is just in our better interest to make sure there are formal procedures and that strikes are not started at the drop of a hat. I don't want to belittle our only weapon. Mr. Pacius: I think that the strikes should be initiated in a formal way, but in the workings of the labor union and Gustavef: I concur mostly. However, It is just in our better interest to make sure there are formal procedures and that strikes are not started at the drop of a hat. I don't want to belittle our only weapon. Mr. Pacius: I think that the strikes should be initiated in a formal way, but in the workings of the labor union and not the legal system. Mr. Pacius: In that fashion, we will have the say and not a potentially biased judge. Mr. Pacius: once the strike is initiated the aforementioned three party system will be used to investigate. Mr. Pacius: what do you think, Brother Gustavef? Mr. Gustavef: I would state the process as such. 1) A Grievance is filed by the union to the factory owner. Mr. Gustavef: 2) The Owner has 2 days to respond and propose a solution to the Union. Mr. Gustavef: 3) The Union either accepts the solution or calls for a third party investigation. Mr. Gustavef: This gives the Union and the owners 2 days to talk it out. Mr. Pacius: I concur. Mr. Ratster: Will there be a time limit on the investigation? Mr. Pacius: Two weeks? Mr. Gustavef: 4) Should a investigation be called, the members must be determine with in two days. Should the third party not be found at that time, a stoppage may occur. Mr. Ratster: What will be the disposition of the workers while the investigation is underway? Mr. Gustavef: 5) During an investigation, workers should continue to work as normal, for two weeks. Mr. Gustavef: If the investigation is without resolution after two weeks, then the workers may impose a work stoppage. Mr. Ratster: What then? Mr. Pacius: The investigation continues as normal, but the Orcs may picket? Mr. Gustavef: 6) Upon completion of the investigation, Both sides will be legally bound to implement the findings of the investigation. Mr. Gustavef: The investigation continues during the work stoppage. Mr. Demry: What prevents the owner from bringing in substitutes and/or firing the striking workers? Mr. Pacius: A binding contract at the beginning of the investigation. Mr. Gustavef: This gives both sides a cost for prolonging the investigation though a filibuster or other such methods. Mr. Demry: Why would it be in the owner's interest to sign such a contract? Mr. Gustavef: I would assume the law for limit the owner. Scabs could be hired, but the original workers can not be fired and are on the pay role. Mr. Ratster: Welcome back Mr. Rivenshar Mr. Rivenshar: My apologies, gentlemen--it appears I should not have relied on magickal means to arrive here, as I once more seem to be making an unseemly departure and this time I fear I must stay home... I wish I could stay and discuss these matters further... Mr. Ratster: farewell. Mr. Pacius: The owner believes he has a case. If he wishes to "prosecute," he must be willing to accept the terms. Mr. Gustavef: As long as it was a legal work stoppage then the workers can not be fired. Mr. Demry: I'm not sure we have the same definition of legal work stoppage, Mr. Gustavef. Mr. Demry: Currently, Orcs can be forced back to work. Mr. Gustavef: No, currently there is no such thing as a legal work stoppage. Mr. Pacius: A legal work stoppage would be one after two weeks of investigation without result, per Brother Gustavef's six step plan. Mr. Demry: To take it the further step and say that owners cannot fire workers who refuse (however rightly) to work would be a very hard thing to pass, I'm afraid. Mr. Pacius: Perhaps if they may strike and protest, but there wages were cut. Mr. Ratster: Wouldn't this need to be legislated over and above any agreement that the factory owner might make with the unions. Mr. Gustavef: Well, if the investigation finds in favor of the Owner then the Union would pay damages to the Owner. Mr. Demry: The only thing making this at all tolerable is that the unions pay for any lost profits... Mr. Demry: But if the owner does not believe he can win, what happens? no investigation takes place? Mr. Gustavef: We can also talk about the possibilities of other penalties by both sides after we get the basic idea in place. Mr. Demry: What do you mean, Mr. Ratster? Mr. Ratster: If the Orcs strike and the factory owner replaces them what "legal" recourse will they have? Mr. Gustavef: The investigation must happen if the Owner and the Union can not come to some agreement with in 2 days of the grievance being filed. Mr. Ratster: To continue, without law enforcement the Orcs would still be at the mercy of the owners. Mr. Ratster: Would the law enforcement agencies present in Tarant be likely to take up the cause of the Orcs? Mr. Gustavef: The idea here is to propose a legally binding arbitration by a "equally" bias investigation. Mr. Demry: Unless legally coerced, the owner would only enter into the investigation if he thinks he will win. Mr. Pacius: Should a grievance be filed, the owner has no choice but to settle or endorse the investigation. Mr. Demry: Therefor the labor stoppage would have to be a legal threat. Mr. Gustavef: I agree. A Law must be formed to enforce this. Mr. Demry: Replacing the workers could not be an option. Mr. Ratster: which brings you back to passing a piece of legislation, favorable to the Orcs, through the Tarantian Council. Mr. Demry: Exactly. Mr. Ratster: Is such a thing possible? Mr. Demry: Not likely. Mr. Demry: Not without a good deal more bloodshed. Mr. Gustavef: Then Gentlemen, How do we do the impossible. Mr. Demry: I do have a proposal, however. Mr. Pacius: I'm open to the bloodshed possibility....Er, what's your proposal? Mr. Demry: but I must excuse myself for a few short minutes ... too much coffee, you understand. Mr. Ratster: Yes of course Gustavef sips his tea while waiting in the brief pause.Mr. Ratster: I fear we may be at an Impasse. Mr. Pacius: I still do not understand why scabs could not be hired. Mr. Gustavef: Let us wait for what Mr. Demry has in mind. Mr. Pacius: They would legally need to be dismissed at the end of the strike. Mr. Gustavef: I could concede the point of scabs. If they were only employed during the stoppage and were dismissed at the end of the investigation. Mr. Ratster: Yes, yes, but who would force them to leave if they were performing favorably for the owner? Mr. Pacius: The law. Mr. Gustavef: The fact that the owner is now paying two people to do one job. Mr. Ratster: If you do not have the backing of the council, you will not have the backing of the Law in Tarant. Mr. Gustavef: I would allow the investigation to permit the firing of a percentage of workers should the decision be in favor of the owner. Mr. Demry: Mr. Ratster is correct, the law must be on our side. Mr. Pacius: "Our," heh. Mr. Demry: Mr. Pacius, you will find that as a solicitor I find myself siding with very odd individuals indeed. Mr. Ratster: Pray continue Mr. Demry, you had a proposal? Mr. Demry: Thank you for your patience. Mr. Demry: Let me first ask this: Mr. Demry: Do we believe that the arraignment that we are proposing is good for business overall. That is, profits should increase? Mr. Gustavef: Happy workers produce more then unhappy workers or in some cases dead workers. Mr. Pacius: Content workers equal better workers and less dead businessmen. Mr. Ratster: The laws of economics would seem to support it, in the long term. Mr. Demry: Very well, I propose a test case. An example that can be pointed to as a success. Mr. Ratster: Interesting. Mr. Demry: As you know I am fond of experimentation... Mr. Ratster: Yes... Mr. Demry: The Candleworks is up for sale, I propose that we join funds together and purchase it for the express purpose of an experiment. Mr. Pacius: This intrigues me. It would make a good experiment and establish the first factory owned in part by Orcs (Brother Gustavef and I). Mr. Ratster: I shall contribute some funds of my own, as a silent partner of course. Mr. Gustavef: Well it is not my money, but the union's Money. Mr. Pacius: Even better. Mr. Ratster: Is there more to your proposal, Mr. Demry? Mr. Demry: Just that we agree in advance what exactly we shall be doing, with an eye that our ultimate goal is legalized work stoppages. Mr. Demry: Proving that they are not harmful to business, at any rate... Mr. Pacius: Indeed. Mr. Ratster: Excuse me for a moment gentlemen, it seems I have received a telegram. Mr. Demry: I have no knowledge of running a Candleworks. Unless we want to take an extreme leap and appoint Mr. Gustavef as overall business operations manager, I'm not sure who should do the job. Mr. Demry: For all other intents and purposes, I should probably be the majority owner, so that the captains of industry take the project seriously. Mr. Demry: Do we know any businessmen who would make capable managers? I shall for the most part be an absentee owner. Mr. Pacius: Would you rather I run Mr. Leeche's Candleworks, Mr. Demry? Mr. Demry: Given what I know about the interaction of magick and technology Mr. Pacius, you had best keep away from the building. Mr. Pacius: Quite. Mr. Gustavef: I must decline for myself. Though I do know of one of the Senior Workers there who would fit the bill. Mr. Pacius: Sounds good to me. Mr. Gustavef: But only in the day to day running. Not with the product and marketing. Mr. Demry: How about if Mr. Gustavef or his appointee and I interview any candidates we identify? Mr. Pacius: I can take care of much of the marketing, as my contacts are quite extensive outside of Tarant. Mr. Ratster: Ah I'm afraid I have some bad news. There has been more rioting in Tarant. I fear this experiment should be implemented as soon as possible. Mr. Gustavef: What happened. Mr. Pacius: This is unfortunate. I shall have to return soon. Brother Gustavef, I can convey us back to Tarant when we are done here, it appears that we both have business in Tarant. Mr. Demry: Mr. Gustavef and I should return quickly, to ensure that all is well. Mr. Gustavef: I would greatly accept the transport. Mr. Demry, wish to join us? Mr. Demry: Ehm, no. Thanks. Mr. Gustavef: As you wish, I assume you can make other arrangement. Mr. Demry: Yes. Mr. Ratster: I will give you a draft, for my portion of the funding, drawn on a Tarantian bank. Mr. Ratster: I will have my stewards fetch a carriage if you have the need. Mr. Demry: That would be excellent, thank you. I will be in contact with all of you regarding the overall price of purchase. Mr. Pacius: It will take me at least two days to have my money transferred into a Tarant bank, so please let me know as soon as possible. Mr. Gustavef: Very Well. I look forward to this experiment with out mad scientists. Mr. Ratster: Good luck to you all. I hope you are not too late. Mr. Pacius: Meeting adjourned? Mr. Ratster: Yes, yes quite. It has been a pleasure. Mr. Pacius: Good evening to you all. |
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