Finding Arcane Helmet and Medium Arcane Platemail

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by pavlekocev25, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. pavlekocev25

    pavlekocev25 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2014
    Hi guys,

    I have a question about these 2 items, Arcane Helmet and Medium Arcane Platemail.
    I have + UAP installed (no mods).

    I just finished my current playthrough and I visited every possible area on the map (with the help of a guide from the net) and I am 99 % sure I opened every Chest (I leave 1 % room for doubt, because maybe I missed some Arcane Chest that is difficult to notice on the map in some area, but I really tried not to miss any Chests, especially Arcane Chests).

    I didn't find Medium Arcane Platemail anywhere, but I did find Small Arcane Platemail (Ashlag Spoiler).
    1. Does the game randomly pick and put only 1 size Arcane Platemail in the Arcane Chests?
    2. Since I found Small Arcane Platemail, does that mean that there is no Medium Arcane Platemail and no Large Arcane Platemail anywhere else to be found? (excluding the Wise Women)

    I didn't find an Arcane Helmet anywhere (except the one on Pete)
    3. Is it possible sometime the game not to put an Arcane Item (Arcane Helmet in this case) anywhere, not in a single Arcane Chest?

    Incidentally, I found 3 Arcane Great Swords, which was a bit strange to me, and a first in my experience.

    I am not saying these 2 items are the best, just wanted to see if I can find them in an Arcane Chest somewhere for collectible purposes.

    Thanks for your time guys, if you have any ideas what I might have missed and where to find Medium Arcane Platemail and Arcane Helmet in my current playthrough, I can Load before The Void and see what I can do.
  2. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 29, 2011
    As far as I know, what you find in chests is just luck of the draw - there shouldn't be anything preventing you from still finding medium Arcane Platemail or an Arcane Helmet in one, it's just that it's a rare occurrence and happens through random chance (i'd imagine there's less than a 5% chance of finding one in each chest, but I can't be sure of this - I think I've found a set at the Crash Site before). As you mentioned spamming wise women would provide both after enough time, and Pete has a helmet (I seem to recall there might be one elsewhere, but I can't think now). For locations with these chests, most of the non-compulsory areas on the world map should have a decent chest (places like the Broken Cathedral, etc.).

    As an alternative, Arcane Robes offer great protection and are easily obtained at Tulla (use a fate point to steal one if you don't fancy murder). They can be combined with things like the Shield of Force spell, Screaming Shield, Rings of Protection and Velorien's Blessing to easily make up the loss of AC and DR from not wearing platemail - I always think they're superior. Red Barbarian Clothes offer slightly better AC and DR and are also pretty trivial to obtain. However I appreciate that you said you wanted the platemail mainly as a collector.
  3. NamelessOne

    NamelessOne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 22, 2013
    Actually random loot is not very random at all, but based on numbers generated from your character's name and thus can be manipulated. I'm also pretty sure that it's static and not change based (since it seems you always get same loot with same name), but that should make it easier to manipulate. I've no idea what kind of name would guarantee arcane armor though, but I know someone on this forum had figured it out earlier. Hopefully he can shed light on this.

    I'd recommend experimenting with different names and the chest at crash site. I vaguely remember you could get arcane items from it, but I'm not sure.
  4. pavlekocev25

    pavlekocev25 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2014
    I see, thanks guys.
    I had previously checked the Broken Cathedral (I checked it again now), but I didn't find any of the 2 items there.

    I wondered how the Arcane Chests work. Let's focus only on the Arcane Chests, let's exclude Wise Women and Pete when answering these 4 questions.

    Can we try to give a specific yes/no answer to these 4 questions:
    1. Does the game randomly pick and put only 1 size Arcane Platemail in the Arcane Chests at the start of every new game?
    2. Since I found Small Arcane Platemail, does that mean that there is no Medium Arcane Platemail and no Large Arcane Platemail anywhere else to be found in my current game? (lets exclude Wise Women power shopping in this case)
    3. Is it possible to find 2 Medium Arcane Platemails in 1 playthrough and 0 Medium Arcane Platemails in another playthrough (if we check all Arcane Chests in both playthroughs)?
    4. Is it possible sometime the game not to put an Arcane Item (Arcane Helmet in this case) anywhere, not in a single Arcane Chest? (lets exclude the one on Pete in this case)

    I didn't quite understand if this is totally random or it has a certain pattern in this randomness, I hope I will make a better conclusion after I hear your opinion on these 4 questions with yes/no answers.

    New edit:
    I realized now that these questions does not match with my topic title, maybe I should have made a new topic and asked only 1 question, I apologize for that.
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