Would you?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Zanza, May 12, 2009.

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  1. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

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    Sep 15, 2003
  2. Yuki

    Yuki Well-Known Member

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    Feb 28, 2009
    I think it had something to do with trophy wives and fortune.
  3. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    In Arcanum it would be reason enough for me as well. In real life I don't think I would have a reason to enter a place filled with filth and villainy. It depends on my power of course, If I would be able to whipe them all out then I would do so, but when talking about real life Arcanum I try to imagine myself not too powerful too keep with the roleplay.
  4. Minuos

    Minuos New Member

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    Apr 22, 2009
    Can never finally decide on whether I'd be a techie or mage. If I were a mage I'd do all I could to make my spells as powerful as possible, and take them out from behind protective spells. As a tech-heavy character I'd use stealth and pre-plan things (such as using the doorway to 'funnel' enemies into a line of shot) and use explosives and traps to kill groups.

    I'd probably be cut down before long though, since I'm reckless.
  5. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

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    Jan 28, 2005
    That's the strength of my route, Minuos. massive death, and only a few collapsed buildings to explain. Then again, the TIC wants to build there anyway, so I think imploding a couple buildings thanks to subterranean explosives shouldn't be that big of issue.
  6. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

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    Aug 29, 2003
    I'd work on controlling and uniting the gangs into one criminal organization. Slowly get them working together in shipping and construction jobs, followed by drug trafficking in the slums and taking over the brothel. Convince Don Throgg to unionize with some of my men as "negotiators." I think I'd call this new gang the mob. I'd even change pollock and mog's names to tony and vinny.
  7. Skyfish

    Skyfish New Member

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    Apr 14, 2009
    New question:

    How would you resolve the conflict between Praetor and Maximillian?
  8. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

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    Sep 15, 2003
    Alrighty then.

    Would you actually follow the main quest or just disappear like the Silver Lady suggests?

    Remember at first you have absolutely no idea about Kerghan you just know that a bunch of crazy people with fancy bling amulets are trying to kill you for digging into things that don't really concern you.
  9. Skyfish

    Skyfish New Member

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    Apr 14, 2009
    Re: Main quest

    I would probably speak with Gilbert Bates, and ask for protection since we were both in the same boat. I might be persuaded to continue to the Black Mountain Mines, but it would be a tough sell. Fear can drive one to do many things, though.
  10. Maloch

    Maloch New Member

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    Apr 18, 2009
    If I am far enough in the quest that I'm speaking to the silver lady I'd just continue the main quest, if only to pay back the assassins and the dark elves for their "kindness".
  11. General Mandible

    General Mandible New Member

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    May 6, 2009
    Same as Maloch's reasons for continuing. Also, Bates would probably fund the quest, which would involve lots of booze and women.

    I would stop at some point, though, like before going into the Void.
  12. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    Well i suppose at the beginning I would of given little Sammy Radcliffe the ring and probably a bullet between his eyes after. Return the ring to old Gilly and say sorry buddy I'm out of here. Probably work at one of the taverns in Tarant.
  13. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    How would you resolve the conflict between Praetor and Maximillian?

    I'd bring Maximillian back and then watch the fun from a convenient mansion somewhere. Preferably on the other side of the continent. Praetor is a fucking maniac, and it does seem that Maximillian can fix the place. And, well, stable countries are better for trade...

    Would you actually follow the main quest or just disappear like the Silver Lady suggests?

    See, now here's the problem. I don't see myself actually going all the way through with this, but the only place you can halfway safely escape everything is right at the beginning or just after handing over the ring to Gilbert. But my CURSED curiousity wouldn't let me bow out before getting rid of the bloody ring, and Bates does offer you some hefty cash to go scout out the mines, and once I got through the mines I'd be too curious to just walk away, and so I'd probably be dragged right through everything because I couldn't bring myself to just forget it and skedaddle...

    Plus, would I have the knowledge I have in the real world? Cause if this is a 'sucked into Arcanum and living the game' situation, I'd know what's coming and how to handle it, and my love of and sympathy for Arronax would compel me to finish this shit. If, on the other hand, it was me in Arcanum and I'd lived there all my life and had no knowledge of the future... well fuck, you'd have to give me some damned good reasons to go walking into the Void, curiousity or not... Oh, who am I fucking kidding, of course I'd do it in the end.
  14. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

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    Jan 28, 2005
    I can't remember the conflict between Praetor and Maximillian. I think that's one of those quests I never managed to do.

    I think I would wind up doing everything, since, well, do you really think the Molechean Hand is going to be happy if you disappear? I mean, sure, maybe if you go and live with the Bedokaan or The Old Blind Master, but otherwise you're gonna get your ass hunted down.
  15. Minuos

    Minuos New Member

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    Apr 22, 2009
    Good point, DF. May not have much of a choice.

    Main Quest:
    Eh...I think I'd continue on with the quest through to completion. Whether or not I'd enter the void or not, I can't really say. I'm reckless, but potential suicide is a no-go. I'd need to know more about it.

    I'd convince Maximillian to return to Dernholm with me, then he, I and Lianna del Par would conspire, plot and essentially decide upon a solution to Dernholm's backward King. My solutions would be violent and involve a funneling strategy as usual. Block the main door and part of the castle, creating a single straight corridor to fire down. Then, make a ruckus demanding of attention. Then it'd be my traps, Hand Cannon, Lianna's thrown weapons and whatever ranged weapon Maximillian prefers, downing every guard in the place, and Praetor. As for what follows that...I dunno. A method of bringing the new rulership to Dernholm's attention without starting trouble with the guard (namely that Bastard, Garrick) would need to be decided.
  16. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Preator is an awful king which doesn't have the right to rule.
    Maximilian is on the Isle of Despair even though he didn't deserve it. Yet, he was there very long, which propably didn't do anything good with his psyche. He is visibly agressive, who knows what sits in his skull.
    So, I would release Max from his unfairly exile (why wasn't that an ingame option beats me. Or was it, but he refused? Not sure at the moment, but if that was so, I would tell Lianna about him), but he would be on his own with Preator. It's not like any side of the conflict is visibly better. A lousy king or a depraved king?

    I wouldn't believe the whole Panarii giberish and would prefer quite life over dealing with assassins. Thing is, the Molocheans would keep tracking me down and attacking, so I would try to solve the mystery (and as a result, follow the plot) just to not have people wanting to kill me on every corner. That would continue to the point when I would know why they are actually willing to kill me, and convinced (hopefully) GL during the great T'sen Ang bridge conversation. However, at that point I would know about Arronax and what's he planning. I would continune up to the point of gaining the Freuhoff's Device, but would not go to the Void, just wait for Arronax to come to me.
  17. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

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    Jan 28, 2005
    he won't go with you, but you can tell the daughter of his friend that he's on the isle of despair
  18. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    That's the Lianna part I mentioned. ^^ I just couldn't remnd myself if he didn't return to the mainland because the game didn't give an option to propose him so, or was that option implemented, but he refused.
  19. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    Time for another one!

    Tarant is a fun city, filled with backstabbing and intruigue, and in few places more so than in your decision of patron. Namely, do you work (con) your way into Bates' good books, or do you side with Appleby and remove (assassinate) the competition?

    I'd just go straight to Bates. Smart-arsing my way in at the front gate with my massive... powers of persuasion, naturally. ;D
  20. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Bates. As rich as he is, it's hard to find a better paying boss (OK, he didn't actually pay that much, but he is rich and one can expect to get higher and higher prices for his works), while Appleby is a broke failure and such a buffoon that it's hard to not stab him in the eye after 10 seconds of talking to him.

    Still, I would propably reveal Bates' journal after our cooperation would come to an end, no need for the truth to be hidden. If Bates would have balls, he would deal with the revelation of the truth instead of disappearing like a coward. And what, mercenaries? Douchebag.
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