What is the process, from starting from a new single player module of making a world map, 2 town maps to travel between and a dungeon in one of the towns? I've had a browse around the forums and the manual but I'm still not totally sure.
Answer is pretty easy. You just WON'T make a WorldMap. It's nearly impossible, threads on various Arcanum forums exist about that but no one succeeded. As for the submap, you just create maps in a regular way and you link them with any (un)conventional means - e.g teleport, travel, ...
No map? But but but... what about these posts? http://terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/viewtopi ... &view=next http://terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/viewtopi ... &view=next http://terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/viewtopi ... &view=next Some people seem to have done the various bits, though I haven't been able to replicate what they did. So far I've got a large map which the player starts in (world map) which recognizes they are in a town (can view an, albiet tiny) town map and the parchment picture changes to a glowing blue globe when out of the town map. However clicking on the blue globe gives the message "world map is not available" and then I get the same message when I go back to town (even tho the symbol changes to the open town map symbol).
Okay, here is the long answer. I've seen thread on a French forum where a guy created a small peace of WM, based on screenshot of the original Arcanum WM. Here is the thread with picture http://arcanum.multani.info/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1664 As for the thread you found, no one give a proper way to do it. Here is another thread in French (http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT) about the creation but no real answer either. I didn't test that though. As for your mod, the fact that you have the blue WM icon doesn't mean you have the WM.
I think ultimately I need an image going by yours and these threads http://terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/viewtopi ... hlight=map http://terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/viewtopi ... hlight=map If I need to learn photoshop to make an image I will. Alternatively I can use the image created by world ed (bad as it is) until I can find a better one. I need the code though to link an image to the world. Edit: I will find a way to do this! Somehow, not matter how long it takes! Then I will share it on the forums.
GIMP is good free photoshop software, I used it to suggest avatars in this thread and overall I've had no complaints using it so far. From what I can tell there are many tutorials about how to use it correctly too if you look around online.
Or you could just torrent PS. Or just download the trial from the official website and crack it. Jesus Christ.
@ Wims Haha, I'm just determined to do what I planned to do, which is being able to travel across the world of my own making, fight or talking with random creeps and finding secrete locations. I tried something like this ages ago, but then I stopped when I heard it couldn't be done. As far as I can tell there have been people who have done it before and I intent, however hard it may be to succeed! I've been really inspired by chaos wizard's youtube tutorials and now I'm motivated to do map editor stuff. @ Jojobobo Thanks I'll give it a look @ Drog Alt You know now that I think of it, I might actually HAVE photoshop (the pay version though, not the stringy pete version ). Who knows, maybe I'll use both programs AT THE SAME TIME to do it! Nah that's crazy I'll pick one and stick with it @ All I don't mind as of yet how good quality the map looks, so long as it works. In a post from years ago, team a said you could export the terrain bitmap data, and rename it to map and Zoomed.bmp, tho he includes a WorldMap.mes which I don't understand all the parameters of it. Here's his versions of the mes files: Rules/MapList.mes {5000}{MainMap, 24201, 22819, Type: START_MAP, WorldMap: 0} {5001}{ShopMap, 31, 29, Type: SHOPPING_MAP} mes/gamearea.mes {0}{0, 0, 0, 0 /A Place Unimportant/This is the unknown area.} {1}{24291, 22860, -91, -1 /Nemorosa/A small mining town.} {2}{23208, 20848, -70, -1 /Barton/A prosperous town.} {3}{22293, 19926, -5, 0 /Port City/A large city.} WorldMap/WorldMap.mes {20}{50, 50} {50}{1, 1, map, ZoomedName: Zoomed, MapKeyedTo: 1} Edit: At last! I have found someone's working module; http://terra-arcanum.com/amtut/resources.htm (see comm_undat.zip at bottom). Now I gotta find some way of getting mine to work using this. Still get those crashes when I click world map :S
Sorry to double post, but at last! My world map appears in game! And it doesn't crash when I click town map! (At least not the first time anyway haven't tried to go back to town). Got some bugs to fix - the waypoint system doesn't work, but hey I have achieved the impossible. Now it's time to discover how to make it work properly Edit: Success! By analyzing the module from Dark Underlord's website and trying to break it as much as possible, I now have a working world map which you can way point travel across!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all I have to do is find a way to get random monsters to spawn as well as some custom monsters of my own making (with dialogue). Then all the world traveling stuff will be done
Well it's just the generated bitmap image at the moment, but I figured I should get the thing functioning before I make it look nifty. But I think the way things are going, it will only be a matter of time. Currently I'm not getting any random encounters, but then I haven't really looked up tutorials or posts about them yet. When I finish, I plan to have the following; 1) Functioning World Map (done) 2) 2 Locations (done) 3) 1 Dungeon (will follow amtut for that) 4) Random creeps 5) Custom random creeps you can talk to. 6) An awesome (or at least better ) looking world map. As it stands I am going to write down what I've done so I don't forget and post that either tonight or in a few days tops. One of the reasons I'm putting this effort in (other than others mentioned) is I want a person to be able to talk their way through my mod as well as fight. So multiple people to persuade of stuff in each town and random overworld dudes you can persuade to not kill you or even (at higher levels of persuasion) get items. As far as I know, no one has done that, but even if they have I want to make it anyway.
Seems really cool. I could use a WM for my next mod (If I develop it one day - I'm so busy with the current one). As for the random encounters, if you want to personalize them, it doesn't seem really difficult BUT you can use only the prototypes apparently. Which means no guys with fancy dialogs to persuade I think...
Thanks very much! I do hope making custom dudes is possible. I could've sworn I remember seeing a post with someone saying they were putting in wandering salesmen. Well I'll know one way or the other after some searching but I'll finish my tutorial first. If necessary I'll have people you can persuade to teleport between locations so all talking all the time will be possible at least in some way. Edit: Almost done tute of what I've done so far. Is time consuming! But will be worth it.