What's your political affiliation, and why?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clothos_Vermillion, Jun 10, 2002.

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What's your political affiliation?

  1. Conservative (or Right)

    0 vote(s)
  2. Liberal (or Left)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Moderate (or Center)

    0 vote(s)
  4. errrr....... Chaotic Good?

    0 vote(s)
  1. LydiaElf

    LydiaElf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 10, 2002
    Positively not! And you know why? Cause you don't know what you 're talking about! Money? Cars? Are you trying to allure me with some of the capitalism emblems? Do I detect jealousy under your class war? Not to mention your "Chaotic Evil. It's just so simple. I ahte laws, I hate police and authority. I rebel. I'm concerned with no one but myself. And I'm power hungry. Yes, that sums it up nicely"alignment post. Isn't that contradictory to your communistic idealism?
  2. Ioo

    Ioo New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 22, 2001
  3. LydiaElf

    LydiaElf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 10, 2002
  4. LydiaElf

    LydiaElf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 10, 2002
  5. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2002
    NO MORE SCHOOOLLLLLLL. I'm free, at last. (phew) (alright, absolutely no use posting that here but what the heck)
  6. LydiaElf

    LydiaElf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 10, 2002
    :evil: grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
  7. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2002
    Lydia... right now.... I'm very much... very very much..... laughing at you... *snort* haahaha... isn't it great!!! I'm off!!!

    ( :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: )
  8. Dennis Moore

    Dennis Moore New Member

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    Jun 12, 2002
    Recently in Argentine the law that regulated the Financial market was dropped. The law stated, among other things, that no property which value exceeded 60 million pesos could be destroyed by its owner; the idea is that the country’s infra-structure should not be compromised to speculative gains. The experts in the IMF weren’t happy until this law was dropped as it constrained the “investiture’s interests�. The same experts tell that the only way out for the crisis is that Argentine makes some sacrifices (of course only the poor people are affected by them).
    In Nazi Germany experts in the health department were concerned about diseases in the country. They made great changes in Factory’s sanitation and claimed that Jews were a national disease; all these supported by their expertise.
    Now every country fights against worker’s rights in the name of productivity and competition. The protocol of Kyoto is thrown to dust by these same experts. These past 30 years in the US the salaries went downhill (according to Chomsky, Hermman and Kurz quoting some Washington papers) at the same time that the country grew richer.
    In the name of economic science more and more people are thrown in a social dump, as their country’s economy can’t sustain them.
    For some communities the isolation is so great that in the US is appearing a new dialect, the Black English.
    Nothing, in my opinion, should give someone intrinsic superiority over someone else; not scientific knowledge, not religion etc. Nothing beats debate and education.

    Yes, it’s a Cold War thing. But economics and politics aren’t dissociated. In most democratic countries today the same groups are behind political campaign, news business, industries etc (broad generalization, I know but I hope its clear). Some times it’s public knowledge (for the more informed), some times not. In my opinion there is not a conflict between communism and democracy, there is a bigger conflict in democracy and capitalism, when we think of capitalism as a world system. I remember Tatcher shaking hands with Pinochet and calling him a champion of democracy. I don’t think democracy should mean only that we elect people, as I don’t think that communism should only mean no private propriety.

    About the virtual democracy I am particularly found of the first hackers’ dream that no information should be a secret. Every decision should be made public as well as the reasons behind it.
  9. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

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    Feb 26, 2002
    Idealistically, I've always been in favor of communism. As a true, pure idea, it's no more or less valid than the true, pure idea of democracy. It's just a presonal preference. However, communism cannot work in our world. The main problem with having a communist government lies not with the idea itself, but in bringing it to fruition. To work, communism would have to start in the beginning, with no transitional faze... After all, it's the transition that kills it. Since we cannot simply convert everyone in the world to communism in one fell swoop, realistically, it will never succeed. Democracy, although not my prefered government, seems to be the only one so far that not only tries to be for the people, but actually partially succeeds. Hence, my decision to be libertarian. No government suits me, because I cannot have the one of my choice, but I realize that the majority of people need some form of government, including myself. While I dislike democracy intensely, so far, it's the best idea we've come up with that actually worked to some degree. As a libertarian, I leave the government alone, and it leaves me alone, and we get along fine.
  10. Vyaas

    Vyaas New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    I was too hasty on the reply Lydia, I had meant that I barely care for anyone. Unless they are my comrades.

    Money will come when we destroy capitalism. It will be money for the people. There will be no class struggle. We will all be rich. That's what I was getting at.
  11. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
    rich is a comparison word. how do you know you're rich if there's no poor to compare yourself to?
  12. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2002
  13. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    I don't know about communism. A lot of people who live around here lived in communes at one point, and the way they put it is that communism is based on the idea of humans as replaceable parts - you don't have any intrinsic value, and your strengths and weaknesses aren't played on. It seems to me that communism was based in the Industrial Age, when machines where the most important asset of production - people just supervised the machines. Unfortunately, it's not longer the same world; factories don't require the same level of supervision, and the most important assets in production these days is in the minds of one's employees; motivation is far more important now than it was, say, fifty years ago. Consumerism is based more on what the consumer wants/needs than on what the consumer is told s/he wants/needs; because of this, every product by necessity has multiple different versions based on how complex the user needs/wants it to be (like those new radio coolers - you could just buy a radio and a cooler, or you could buy both in one handy package) that vary mostly in price. Not everyone needs a cooler, and not everyone needs a radio - but in an actual communist system, everyone would have both or no one would.
    I'm not sure I'm articulating this very well, but eh. I'll attempt to summarize.
    The problem with communism is that it relies on people being homogenous.

    Out of curiosity, has anyone read "The Disposessed" by Ursula K. LeGuin? It's probably the most interesting comparison of governments I've ever read - and she even found a way to have a society based on anarchism.
  14. Vyaas

    Vyaas New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    It is hard to express my ideas of this Utopia. I should say that in comparison to the average Joe here in America, the people strong enouh to live in the Utopia would be far, far richer. Having luxury homes, automobiles, anything.
  15. Evil Assassin

    Evil Assassin New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    the only way you can make everybody happy is to kill everybody, simple as that. :minigun:.
    However to have a perfectly fair government the only way was to brainwash somebody and put him in a building with food ect. then to get him to decide everything without any byasty. what do you think about that.
  16. Vyaas

    Vyaas New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    Simply those who do not comply with us will be killed. Only those that can fit in our plan live. Though we may force some of those unbelievers to become frunts in our military force after brain washing them.
  17. Evil Assassin

    Evil Assassin New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    thats a bit mean!!! If everything is united under you, why do you need an army. If your answer is - because people might revolt then you are not running the system well enough. If your answer is - so we can take over the rest of the world I don't think that is wise, you may destroy their armies but then the people will hate you because your soldiers killed their friends/families.
  18. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2001
    David and Leigh Eddings had a really good idea to get a government worth having.

    Expanding it a bit I have come up with a slightly better version:

    All government positions are compulsory, unpaid and last for 5 year terms. Every 5 years, a random individual is selected and placed in a position in government. They cannot be picked more than once. They are given 6 months to learn about the position and then all of their posessions (except heirlooms etc. which are placed in storage) are sold and the money invested in country. All buildings etc. are 'reserved' for later retrieval.

    If that person does badly in government then their money and posessions are lost, but if they do well, they get their posessions and money back, plus the interest due to the increase in the economy. That way, each person has to run the government for the good of the country and not for personal gain.
  19. Vyaas

    Vyaas New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 11, 2002
    Good job Ferret. We need such an organizer in my Regime, if you are at all interested, you know where to go..

    Evil A:We need an army moreso to protect against invasion, not too many people like Communism. And the U.S is hell bent on destroying because of their paranoid "Domino" theory. And, if we do invade other countries, we would make up all the deaths of their loved ones with money and strength.. People *CAN* be bought you know..
  20. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 8, 2002
    You know which one NOT to invade remember?!
    'cause I'll be waiting... armed, furious and ready. :akimbo:
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