What's wrong with this picture?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darkwalker, Oct 16, 2002.

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  1. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Nbrosz is joking. He must be. It was a good one, too.

    Retard, I used to think you couldn't take the Bible word for word. I used to look for the meaning behind the words. Until I read the "He spake in parables" bit, that is, which is clearly allegorical for "take this all literally."

    Spaking of really old stuff, a guy over here just unearthed well-preserved woolly Rhinocerous corpse and a bunch of other stuff that makes paleontologists go "ooooooh."
  2. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    Well, I don't really understand that sentence, it's over my head, but the "He spake in parables" actually is referring to Christ, for example, the story of the prodigal son, the faith as a grain of mustard seed story, and numerous others.
  3. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Useing Uranium 238 to than certain lead istope which is only make by U238
    radioactive decay they figour out the Earth is about 4.5 billion year old and that the Sun is about 5 billion year old second gemeration star.
    Our sun is than huge fusion reactor which is on the hryogern to helium cycle. Our sun will be on this cycle for than other few billion year.

    This dateing of Earth age isnot and was not detrime by one test by one man but hundred thousand 's of test carry thought the world over than peroid of time by many different's people.
  4. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
  5. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    *thinks about bible*
    Behold, I am coming soon!

    Someone define "soon" for me then.
  6. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    2 days or 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. We do not and can not know. Besides, that just goes back to taking the Bible literally word for word. (Actually the word is "quickly" I think..)

    Anyway, I don't agree with the Missionary Baptists that preach the end times exclusively. They operate on the same basis as our media. They need people's butts in the pews, like the media needs people to tune in or subscribe. Those preachers do it for a living, and the only way they can get paid is to get more members to "come to Christ." That's a load of bullocks if you ask me. We can't "come to Christ" no more than we can save ourselves. It takes a divine Being to do that. So these preachers preach "Turn or Burn" and "The End is Near" as a shock value to get paid.

    Now, I think there will be a time when time exists no more. I do believe in Christ's return, but I also believe that us mere men have no idea when and what it's going to be. So to answer your question DU, I can't answer your question.
  7. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    I alway like the way that some Missionary Baptists say that if you believe the scienist that say Earth is 4 1/2 billion year old that you are saying that
    God is than liarer. Well I ask God about this his answer was I never told
    the writer of the bibble how old the Earth was or how vast the universer is.
    They wouldnot the understood it anyway I told than what they need to know at that time. Look thought the bibble than one of the writer said out right how old the Earth was.
  8. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Charlie boy, seeing as you have such a good relationship with God, can you ask him something for me? Can you ask him: Why can't I put my colours in with my whites when I do the washing? Is that some kind of satanic thing that He doesn't want us to do? Or is it really just because the colours mix and the whites are ruined? I'd really like to know.
  9. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
  10. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    I meant to say that nowhere in the bibble did want of writer say how old the Earth was. As the calad to keep track of time was new. The ancient Jew did not have than year in their time measurement system until much later. So than the old testment the report of person living for 960 years are wrong they where 960 month or 80 years.
    Why you cannot mix colours and white in than washing has more to do
    with the chemistry of dyes. The unvirse is many time vaster than we thing and can see. We can see thought the space telescopes about 20 billion light year in radius. Than LIGHT YEAR is the distance which light in the vaccun of space travel in one year of 365 days there is no leap light year.
    Makeing very decison in running the whole of creation is too much even for
    GOD . GOD created scienceist principles called Scienceist theory's and law's which run the everyday affair of Creation. The Theory of Evolution is one Theory which GOD make to make it easyer to Him run thing.
  11. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    Wasn't that what I said?

    Also, no, you are wrong. Jesus spoke in parables. The creation was as it is written. Carbon dating could be vastly incorrect. How are they sure they are right? Also, how do you get shell fossils high up in the moutains? the Great Flood washed them there, and there they stayed.
  12. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    I see. So you're saying God didn't decide that mixing my laundry was a bad thing, instead he created a set of rules which, through their own mechanisations, interpretations and subsequent affect on the world, have the resulting affect of ruining my whites if I throw colours in with them. Interesting. It certainly makes more sense when I look at it that way. Essentially, ruining my whites isn't a direct "this is the rule" if you do this "this will happen", but rather an unforseen consequence. Certainly, when God created man, he did not forsee the creation of washing machines or even most likely, man wearing clothes. So when He created the orginal laws to bind the universe together, he had no preconceived notion of ruining my whites. Instead, as those laws come into effect when I do my washing, they run their course and the result is that, if I put my whites in with my colours, my colours run and my whites are all f**ked up. What you're really saying is that while it is a result of God's will, it was not God's original intention when he made those laws. As such, whilst my washing does get ruined, it was done so unintentionally, by the rules which God made. Not a direct "God doesn't like people washing their whites and colours together so He made this rule", but rather more of an "in order to keep the universe which I have made from falling apart, I need these rules. By the way, these rules also ruin your whites if you throw colours in with them into a washing mahcine, so just be careful not to do that okay? And before you ask, I can't change the rules, otherwise the whole universe is going to fall apart".

    Gimme gimme gimme. Lemme see the data.

    God told me. He said "DarkUnderlord, carbon dating is correct". Are you refuting the word of God?

    God told me that Jesus put them there. He liked playing with the fossils and he played with them once and they ended up all in the mountains. Jesus didn't like playing in the sand down near the beach, he preferred to be up upon high.
  13. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/11/06/ryder ... index.html

    on this page you'll see RELATED, click on the photo gallery of ryder. I can't finalize my opinion on this woman, in some shots she's absolutely stunning, and in others she looks like a pre-pubescent boy. How about some third person perspective people?
  14. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    You know Darkwalker, here I was having a conversation with God and then you just come in and poop on the conversation. Thank you very much.

    Anyway, on the Winona Ryder "She came, she stole, she left" issue:
    I have to agree. Sometimes, she's a kinda hottie, other times, she's a kinda coldie.
  15. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    Nbrosz has a point about carbon dating. It could be inaccurate. Science isn't infallible. Since I don't actually know how to do carbon dating myself, the claims about the age of the Earth are kinda based on faith, too.

    You should think, though, nbrosz - Retard puts his faith in the Bible and we all pretty much put our faith in carbon dating because we have reasons to assign the people involved a certain amount of credability.
  16. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002
    It is a scientific fact that carbon-dating is inaccurate for dating beyond 25000 years. How science journals come up with stuff describing things that happened millions and gazillions of years ago is really beyond me.

    Personally I'd rather put faith in a book that's been remarkably preserved for thousands of years (yes, yes, I know, there are misinterpretations) than some whiz-bang method of counting carbon atoms and interpolating the figure to millions of years back.

    Can we get off the nbrosz/God bashing already? DU you may not like nbrosz's way of assserting his beliefs but your ways are just sick.
  17. Milo

    Milo New Member

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    Sep 12, 2001
    Yeah, enough about religion already. That and discussing the atomic bombing of Japan are two black holes of message board despair.

    So, dragging this thread back on off-topic,
    Ok, I will give you the correct opinion of Winona Ryder. She is HOT. When she looks a little like a young boy, she looks like a HOT YOUNG BOY with NICE TITTIES.

    Honestly, though, I never got the whole "boy" thing. She never looks mannish to me at all. I've been into her since I was young, and she's aging well. If I hadn't been so lazy, I'd probably have been stalking her for years now.
  18. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    [google expert mode]

    Everyone's confusing carbon dating. They can't carbon date anything that is over about 20,000-60,000 years old or younger than a couple of hundred years. They also can't accurately carbon date a lot of other stuff as well. Carbon Dating

    Anyone here think the world is flat?

    Also, there's the whole starlight issue of earth dating (I'm going for last wednesday).

    Here's stuff for nbrosz: Creationist Arguments For A Young Earth.

    Apparently we're getting less days in the year too (I love this site).

    Maybe that's why they don't use carbon-dating?
    Geological Dating
    "I've recently read several articles which inform me that carbon dating is not a reliable method of determining the age of dinosaur bones. I fully concur with this view. Nevertheless, to illustrate the principles involved in radiometric dating, and because carbon dating is a reasonably well known term in the wider world, let's briefly look at how and if and why it works."

    "The half-life of carbon-14 is 5,568 years. That means that half of the C-14 decays (into nitrogen-14) in 5,568 years. Half of the remaining C-14 decays in the next 5,568 years, etc. This is too short a half-life to date dinosaurs; C-14 dating is useful for dating items up to about 50,000 - 60,000 years ago (useful for dating organiams like Neanderthal man and ice age animals)."

    [/google expert mode]

    I'm sorry if my plight of mixing colours with my whites offended you Tzehoong. I shall never mention my washing machine or the techniques of washing clothes again. Instead, this debate about the bible and dinosaurs is much more interesting.
  19. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Sez you. I'm non-committal on the subject. At this point in time, I have no faith in any higher power(s). Except Mother Nature, except that's more in the nature of a tenous belief. I can't really get my head, philosophically speaking, around believing in a sentient, non-physical being on any sort. Which means I think psychics are full of crap, and John Edwards shouldn't even have a TV show.

    Well, hell, that's proof enough for me! I rescind my previous heretical stance and wish to join whatever crazy cult you're promoting! Actually, wait, I don't. While you two may be unrealised and unknown pillars of a (possibly non-existent) scientific community, I prefer to put what little faith and trust I'm willing to let escape in people who's spent most of their adult lives studying this stuff, and not in amateurs.
  20. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

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    Mar 31, 2002
    Ah yes. With Google, every Tom, Dick, and DU becomes an expert. I forgot.

    When people are talking about carbon-dating, I talk about carbon-dating.
    But you have a point there - radiometric dating is used now, not carbon-dating.

    Of course, nbrosz, you have to realise that nowhere in the Bible does it exactly say that the earth is exactly 6000 (or 6002 if you want to be exact years old), or that God didn't create verything in the appearance of old age.

    Hm. True.

    okay I'll shut up already.
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