What's wrong with this picture?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Darkwalker, Oct 16, 2002.

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  1. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    I've managed not to point out all the obvious fallacies in peoples respective arguments so far. It's so...tempting...

    Don't feed the animals. I like that. Of course, public statements of US policy is already feeding HK a diet of jingoism, McCarthyism, paranoia and a few other lovely little mind tricks.

    Enjoy them while you can HK. Once you hit old age in a few years, you'll find and understand the joys of Old Timer's (yes, I know it's not spelt that way) and you won't need other people to provide the mind tricks - you'll be a one-man show entertaining yourself.
  2. carlstar

    carlstar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 14, 2001
    I'm not going to mention a thing about bracking international laws and USA recent record there. I shall SteeL myself to not say a thing, as i don't want to appear SheepisH in this EartH shattering argumnet.
  3. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

    Most of you are just a bunch of sarcastic flaming bullies who think your oppions matter worth a damn anyway. Screw you, the fact is that it's the terms of a "peace treaty" that keeps the "peace" and it's breaking such treaties that start wars.

    Don't want a war then write to your commie bastard friends and sex partners in N. Korea and tell them to please stop lieing and write to Uncle Saddam and ask him for the sake of your cousins and aunts living in Iraq to please disarm. Other then that screw you and your "lofty ideals", go whine about peace and prosperity in the mists of lies and deciet somewhere else cause I can't hear you. BYE BYE Bastards :rofl:
  4. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
  5. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
  6. tzehoong

    tzehoong New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 31, 2002
    Based on the three posts above this I submit that the user Hel Khat be banned, the reasons being an obvious apathy for an agreeable forum environment, a lack of linguistic incoherence, and empty posts¹. Above all, the very presence of this user is detrimental to the continued sanity of his fellow users, with constant flaming and derailing of otherwise meaningful discussion.

  7. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    ^---- I agree :nod:

    Only, not for any of those reasons. I just hate the bugger. Sure, I'd hate myself if I wasn't me, but that's besides the point now isn't it¹?

    Anyway, I submit my vote for Hel Khat's A.K.A. Eros Rex's (who was never unbanned in the first place) removal.

    ¹May not actually be besides the point.
  8. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/South/10/21/ ... index.html

    Dear Mr. Sniper, please call us back from a residential, land line phone and make sure to talk to us for 90 seconds, (or longer) were not up to anything fishy, we just want to hear what you have to say. We think you're real smart and skilled, and think what you have to say is very important. If you don't want to call, please feel free to drop us a letter with your home address on it, so we can write back of course, hope to hear from ya soon!

    Your Buddy,
    Moose :pig:

    P.S. I want my lord hammer back!
  9. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Here we go again.

    Hel Khat, why don't you stop wasting our time with your ignorant, jiongoist crap and get someone to pry your skull open and unfuck your brains? While that's being done, why don't you go have a wank about the possibility of a war, and have a pre "Fuck up the world" party? You accuse us all of ignorance, but you're the one with a head locked in a 1950's mindset and your dick up Dubya's arse.

    Go fuck off to some place that actually wants you, your crazy fucked up ideas and values your input, because we sure as hell don't want to waste our bandwidth, time and life reading that crap that you spout off without more than a moments thought of how to say the same shit again in a different way. If anyone is deserving of the events you claim are going to happen, it's you. You are unworthy of labelling yourself a human being, you're just a shitpile that won the karma lottery for one life as a "human".
  10. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    You're not just ignorant Jarinor you are a COWARD, you are willing to let a couple of backwatered assed third rate third world countries bully my country into submission while the blow up discos right next door to you. You are a frightened little wimp of a boy who is likely more afraid of his own shadow then anything else. :hidepc:

    These hate filled punks will not give up until the US is in ruins be it this year or 10 uears from now. Yes there are many reasons why they feel this way but I don't care. Years of trying to talk peacefully with savages has gotten US nowhere. The more we talk the more they lie the more we try to deal the more they try to deseve. :puke:

    Oh and for all you pie in the sky dreamers out there who think that all American are "peace loving stab us in the back all you want naive little beans" consider this:

    We elected JW president a man who was Govenor of a state with the highest per capita Dead sentences in the Country! Texas has put more people to Death then any other state in my beloved country AND they make money off of the executions! This is the man my fellow countrymen (cause Lord knows I didn't vote for him) elected president.

    So you go ahead and think I am just some weirdo standing in the street with a sign that says "The end is near MOTHER FUCKERS" cause there is a whole country of folks on this side of the globe that is just about feed up with bowing down to Criminals and Terrorist. And some of you out their had better take it seriuosly instead of trying to laugh it off cause when we do get rolling WW2 will look like a picnic to those countries that were insane enough to believe they could lie their way into world domination without US stupid Americains even batting an eye. :minigun:

    Death to Saddam and his 100% country of bed wetters the same goes for N. Korea and their lieing asses. And the same to any other country that wants to break treaties and sneak around behind our back suppling terrorists with weapons to distroy our property and kill our people while you morons cry for peace and understanding. :eek:

    The only thing they have made perfectly crystal clear to me is that if we don't kill them they sure as well will KILL US and they will party in the streets over it. Well this is one American who is just as willing to party in the street over their dead also. Cause I will be damned if I see another 9/11 and trust me there are a whole lot of Americans who felt the same even before I did cause if they didn't I seriously doubt that JW would have had a chance in hell at winning. :razz:
  11. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Same to any other country? Oh goody.

    *waits for the U.S.A. to blow themselves and their own lieing asses up*
  12. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    You are one of the most stupid fuckers i have ever talked to if this is your serious opinion. Let us just stop and think for a second. Thinking is something it apears you never doeds you fuck. Calling jar a coward is pulling it a little to far. as far as i understand it was Bush senior that said "that you have our support" to the people that fought against saddam after the last gulf war and did nothing when saddam killed all the rebells. Ohh and kill all people that support terrorist with weapons. The why have you not killed your whole weapons industry and half of CIA who has put lawfull rulers out of action when those rulers has been going against american intrest.What countries think thought they could lie themselfes into world domination? Ohh saddam and north corea. they are not a threath unless you push them to hard if you have not gotten that. stupid bastard. Why are these hatefilled bastards so filled with hate? perhaps it is because the US do not want to take responsibilty for their own actions.
    huh why do i even try.
  13. Rat Keeng

    Rat Keeng New Member

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    Mar 20, 2002
    Bowing down to terrorists and them killing us all?

    Do you shape your reality off of TV, cause it sounds like you, just like the media, blows terrorism grossly out of proportions.
  14. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    IGNORE HIM. Don't feed the animals, folks. Don't feed the animals.

    If we ignore such shit as Hel Khat spouts off, he will stop. I mean, how much fun can it be argueing with.......no-one? Nothing can be said to change Hel Khat's mind. I mean, if someone walked up to you and said, "Hey, you're a stupid fucker." What would you do? Nod your head and say, "You're right. I am a stupid fucker. Not only that, but I am ugly as shit."??? Hell no. You'd defend yourself to the death, even if you were a stupid fucker.

    So just everyone ignore HK's posts. I know it's soooooooo hard not to toss that peanut through the bars into the baboon's reach, but let's give it the ol' college try.

    Or am I just a stupid fucker?
  15. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    retard, you are in fact, not a stupid fucker. I tried my "ban the Spam Khat" crusade once before, sadly to no avail. That was when he was posting like 20+ per day. Nowadays he just posts shit that pisses people off, I personally think that's less deserving of banishment. But you're right we shouldn't throw gasoline on the fire, which is why I havn't fought with the Khat since that Einstein theory slam. As long as he doesn't regress to the 20+ a day, I say he's okay. Who would be our resident scapegoat if he was gone?
    I :heart: Khat
  16. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
  17. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Frightened little wimp of a boy? Afraid of my shadow? This, coming from a middle aged gay black man who lives out his dreams of grandeur and totalitarian rule by the USA on a game forum? Riiiiiiiight. You just go on living in your fantasy world Hel Khat. I'm sure those third world countries are primed to 'standover' the US any day now. Why not arm yourself with those guns so freely available there and go on a suicide mission and strike first? At least that way I wouldn't have to listen to your crap and the world would be a better place.

    What you don't realise is that the US is partially (with varying degrees of directness) responsible for their condition in a lot of cases. The USA has a bad history of embargoing countries because they don't like the leaders who elect themselves, and then wonder why the citizens of those countries don't like them. It's not a mystery to anyone else with a functioning brain capable of reasoning and logic, but for some reason it seems to baffle people like you.

    That's not true. You got yourself a great big hole in a New York, and a chance to build something better in it's place, like a nuclear silo for striking back at the "savages". It's amazing you still consider them savages - they were able to hijack three planes with fake bombs and stanley knives. And then kill a few thousand people with it. Not too shabby for "savages".

    I'm going to try stay out of this discussion now with Hel Khat - the only reason I added is because I felt obliged to defend myself against the spurious claims of me being a coward and frightened of my own shadow. I've never been afraid of the dark, much less my shadow, and I'm not a coward. Exceedingly pathetic insults, I think you'll agree, but I still feel a need to defend myself.

    After all, how can I expect to unite the world under my benign iron fist if I'm a coward and afraid of my shadow :)?
  18. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2001
  19. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    HA I look at your pitiful AV and wonder who has room to talk Your sorry ass can't even FIND a good pic of yourself to show! All you've got is a butt faced old man and a bunch of wussy assed words that you THINK impress people. If your mind wasn't half as swelled as the gray assed afro your butt faced av sports you could realize this.

    NO what you don't realize is that I don't give a fuck! Fuck this fairness and light crap go get a life and grow up! Life is not fair and need to wake up and smell the coffee or the nucular waste that will be their back yards if they don't wake up. The US is not here to kiss their asses and play "FAIR" with them. We have won the cold war we are the number one power and like it or not that is LIFE. Don't like it? feel "oppressed" :( Fine keep fucking around and blowing up our shit and we'll show you what the fuck OPPRESSED means.... :mean:

    Oh and btw MR. Geriatric wanna tell me what the fuck YOUR country has done to these idiots to deserve getting the disco blown to shreds? You like tapping US on the chest so much and saying how fucked WE are. Well HOW FUCKED is Australia???? You evil cold hearted slavers MUST have done something to deserve that bombing. Yup that MUST be it someone bombs anything and the governments involved MUST be oppressive. Is that right Mathusala?

    So we have a BAD history!? Well then fuck fight US like men instead of this hit and run bombing crap. They apparently don't care if they live or die anyway cause we are SO EVIL, so why not stand up and fight like MEN (why not? cause they are fucking PIGS and so they fight like PIGS and squeal like PIGS and likely smell like PIGS, fucking sissy's they need gray old asses like yourself to stand up for them and justify them...)

    Sure I'm the villain and I'm the Spam Khat, but you know what I'm not sneaking around trying to blow up your kids while you are on holiday. And at least i am man enough to tell you SCREW YOU to your face in stead of trying to figure out how many of your neighbors I could take out if I planted a bomb just right :nod:

    So go spout you illogical crap to the other senile members on this board and you all can go have one giant "GROUP HUG" in a field of flowers with your happy go lucky bombing the fuck out of your own neighborhood friends. (what a bunch of idiots....)

    You don't seem to understand so let me make it clear. These terrioist "DON'T CARE" one lick that you are defending them! They would still just as soon blow you up as LOOK at you!!! Your dumb-ass could have been in that disco!!!!! One of your friends could have been there! They would not have cared one bit and if they got caught and you were by some weird chance able to confront them and tell them about your beautiful love of their wonderful ways, but how they should not have bombed your disco THEY WOULD NOT CARE! THEY WOULD DO IT AGAIN!

    America AND her allies!!!! How many times do they have to say that before your monkey ass realizes that your country is an ALLY????? Do you think that disco bombing was a mistake and that they were actually hopping to get a bunch of American's on a drunken night out? NO THEY DID NOT CARE!!! they wanted to kill ANY ally! that includes your gray ass. So don't get on your soap box and squeal "blah blah blah America this and Blah blah blah America that" cause you know what while you are talking and I am listening there is a guy with w turban on in the crowd just waiting to take a pot shoot at your happy "allied ass"

    They are random Murderers and you LOVE THEM and want to UNDERSTAND THEM!! All of your asses are CRAZY. Fuck why don't we all go to Calif and see if we can get Manson released while we're at it! I am sure he must be at least as misunderstood as these PIGS are!

    And WHO is funding these Pigs? where are they getting their bombs and guns from....? Hmmmm let US guess... Paris? NO. Sydney? NO. Hmmm maybe it's them damned Puerto Ricans! NO.

    You clowns want me to believe that Iraq and N. Korea has nothing to do with ANY of this they are just a pure as the driven snow and would never harbor a terriost thought. Cause they LOVE AMERICA.... Please give me a break go preach this crap to other senile like Jar Jar. They have room in their "Depends undergarments" for LOADS of crap, but don't try feeding it to me, I've got bombs to drop :thumbup:


    All the more reason to kill their dead asses now. Like it or not we are in a war and if we don't start acting like it we are going to lose it .....

    NICE quote RETARD it is best that you keep your mental ass out of this. Better to let those with developed minds try and handle me....

    Whatever "old man" sit your ass down get take a laxative and let those who are willing to do something cover your frightened ass...

    Good question :asshole:
  20. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    Good question :asshole:
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