What does the room you're in look like?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xan Emrys, Jun 1, 2003.

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Am I insane?

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  1. Xan Emrys

    Xan Emrys New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 24, 2003
    Mine is truly worthy of Arcanum. It's my haven, my home away from the rest of the world. It's my Arcane Sanctum.

    It's got quasi-midieval architecture, courtesy of a rogue architect who hated the suburbs he built the house in. It has fake candles with flame-shaped bulbs that are just the right color to look like real candles, and shaded gradually to make the light look like it came from a flame. It has very little dust, but it has spider webs everywhere, not only because I try to kill as little as possible (and I love spiders), but also because I think they add to the look. I have a small chest (no jokes, please) on my desk which can store nuts, bolts, computer disks, post-its, paperclips and so on. The room has a wetbar and a minibar, but neither are used, sadly, for their original purpose: an insane attempt to have a speakeasy in Suburbia. I keep soda in the minibar and the wet bar harbors my netgear fast ethernet switch (with fiber optic cables running into it), at least three of my thirteen computers (mostly 486's built from scratch but with a few reasonably new computers), and a fiber optic cable running upstairs to the DSL line and the rest of the HAN (Housewide Area Network :lol: ). I know: It's a waste of potential. There's a poster of the moon over my bed (I live in my basement to escape the light of the ssssun (I'm a night person)), a shield with two swords crisscrossed behind it with a morningstar hanging down it's front (hand made from wood, glue, nails, and a little welding (ah, welding. We used to think it would last forever in the geek world. Like BBS. Oh, Legend of the Red Dragon, how I miss thee)). There's the wooden door likened unto those on barns except dark brown, the bathroom (if you could call it that) which is unsafe for women but sports leather seats and velvet wallpaper and ornately designed lightswitches made out of metal which can and will electrocute anyone who touches them with a wet hand (doh). My bookshelf, with various dusty tomes, some printed nearly a century before I was born, my chess board and pieces, a phone which says "Bell system property, do not sell" on the bottom (I bought it at a garage sale for five bucks. For some reason, it likes to pick up other people's lines sometimes and make its own calls. Maybe it's cursed. The curse of the Bell System property. :lol: ).
    There's the swirling white paint with extra-white-paint-embossed images of dragons, demons, and men in armor attacking one another, the painting of a seemingly spanish dancer with castanets in one hand (a perfumed, dried, red rose in a vase with a fresh, white rose in a vase next to her, and a normal-person-sized sombrero (my brother's addition. It doesn't really fit (no pun intended))). There are the all black desks, the fax machine with its short table witha pink tablecloth (not my idea (it's in the corner). Kill the fax machines and pink tablecloths (even though it helps hide the orange extension cords (why don't they make black ones? It doesn't make sense, unless you WANT to see one of those lying across your room)), an old-looking globe, an acoustic guitar (perfectly tuned) next to my bed, blue on blue calico carpet (with irregular blotches of color. I think they look nice), an unused treadmill, an alarm clock set to GMT (I don't care about time), an ANCIENT Kirby vacuum cleaner always at hand, a stack of CDs (mostly games), a music studio (Black Gibson Les Paul JR (old but built to last), synths, sound board, amp, foot pedals, microphones, the works, even a computer system which can change between analogue and digital seamlessly (I can hear my records on my computer! Joy!)), chestnut dresser drawers, and row upon row of computer-related manuals and technological items away in a corner on white shelves (I keep my fantasy separate (they corrupt eachother (ARCANUM!))). Oh, and I've got a quasi-African blue-to-bluegreen design on black footlocker (I call it a chest) with crazy designs of bones and fish and arcane symbols. And, I almost forgot, there is a phone book lying behind my USB speakers and Labtec LT-830 Studio headphones. Silly me. Funny thing is, I didn't ask for these possessions! They just came to me. Except Arcanum. I bought that. Oh, and all my fantasy books. I had to buy those too. I'm not kidding about the white paint, guys. It seems like a random pattern, but it's like cave painting or some twisted housebuilder's idea of a funny joke. It's really cool. The only thing I don't like about the room is that there is a gap in the ceiling leading into the laudryroom which is just big enough to let a direct ray of sunlight pass through the window, through the ceiling, down to my forehead at about 7:00 every morning. I live in the basement to escape sunlight. Ack. I forgot the stapler. And the Linux box (Red Hat rules, Mandrake is evil like Microsoft). Come to think of it, I forgot my bath robe, a piece of lint, ... :D am I insane? :)
  2. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Man, you MUST live alone...still, your place sounds really cool. I'd love to live in a place like that. Although, going by your description, I also surmise you have no job, or at least one that can be done at home.

    You're right, it is a waste of potential...potential difference that is! How much fucking power do you consume? I'd hate to get your electrical bill each month...

    And while I'm not a big Linux man, I know that I'm not a fan of Red Hat. If I was going to use one of those distro's, it would be Slackware.
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 2, 2001
    Really cool, except I would miss my sunlight. Of course, we just moved and my room is in the basement with no windows, so I guess I can't spend all my time down there. Kinda strange actually, I am a night person, but I really like sunlight :) .
  4. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2002
    It is for people like you that God invented dawn. I think it is a marvolus time of day, & hope to see many more, but I don't want to wake up & face it.
  5. Demosthenes

    Demosthenes New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 31, 2002
    I too love the dawn, but I simply can't wake up for it. The solution: pull an all-nighter.
  6. Dracona Elonire

    Dracona Elonire New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 1, 2003
    wow that sound really deadly, my room is a little box with only enough room for a bed a tv and a place on the wall to lean my skate, it sucks but soon i move so what the hell. The computers are in my dad's office which smells of tabbaco but in just 3 months 9 days 22 hours and 17 minuets I move off to school for the year which is great for me :) ( i have money for a laptop)
  7. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 2, 2001
    Yeah, I hate to wake up early. The only time I see dawn is when I stay up till then (fairly often accurance thought :) ).
  8. King_Natstar

    King_Natstar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 3, 2003
  9. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Way to waste my bandwidth and time with that pointless post there.

    I swear, I'm also going to flame the next person who says good naturedly "Don't mind Jarinor he's just irritable." I'm talking to YOU Demosthenes.
  10. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    Well, it kinda looks like an outhouse.
    It kinda smells like an outhouse.
    And for some wierd reason, I've got slivers in my ass...

    Wait a second...
  11. GiantRaven

    GiantRaven New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 13, 2002
    i'm in a room with a buch of computers in :eek:
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm in the dining room - a table with 3 chairs, office equipment all over the place, including my computer in the corner, and lots of light from the windows.

    I say this post is a Vaulter.
  13. Skane

    Skane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2003
    Xan Emrys, you sound like you're a musician who's working on a demo in his private digitial studio.

    Well my tiny apt. is a just a big box with white walls, one big window, a small kitchen, and a small bathroom.
    The walls are covered with a framed poster of Tool, Jimi Hendrix, a radiation warning sign, and a cool painting of an angel that was given to me by my friend. And I also hang my 15 unopened Spawn toys on the wall. A centerfold of Lisa Matthews, and Lindsey Vuolo on the corner near the computer.

    As of my furnitures, and appliances. I only have a twin bed with dark blue sheets. Right beside my bed I have a 1973 goldtop Gibson Les Paul deluxe, an Ibanex AX, a Marshall MKII 50 watt head with a 4x12 Marshall speaker, a Marshall shredmaster pedal, Boss Digital Reverb/Delay, and Boss Digital Chorus. I have a small black & white coffee table with 2 chairs near the kitchen. A small sofa on the foot of my bed. A cabinet where I keep my clothes. A long desk that runs from wall to wall, and under it a Pioneer car stereo with 12 disc CD changer plugged into an old Kenwood speaker. On the desk is a customized Compaq 5bW160 and a Compaq MV740 monitor. 3 Shelves that runs from wall to wall above the desk that contains books from authors like George R.R. Martin, My CDs, games, magazines, GI Joes, and some other miscellaenous junk. I have GE microwave oven, rice cooker, and an empty fridge. I don't have a TV yet because I just moved in.

    Yes they are built to last.
  14. bottledbubbles

    bottledbubbles New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    *looks around*
    Dark, cluttered, and soon-to-be renovated. Clay colorful mushrooms and various designs decorating my monitor, too... A lot of incense, candles, and oil warmers around, four lamps, none plugged in. Some artworks hanging on the wall, my favorite being a small "Starry Night" painting...

    And, no, I didn't read the whole post. Too many wordssss...
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