I was just thinking, given how walls in world ed can be created in... nonsensical ways by the drag and create feature, maybe someone should take a screen cap of wall corners and length sections and make them place able art like chests and trees are. I don't know how to do all that myself though
You can achieve placing walls by taking the original ART file and creating a new ART in the scenery section. All you need is Artview and Paint. If you need ONE section of a wall, I can do it for you but, since you have to recreate every part of every wall individually, it would take a lot of time to make them all.
"it would take a lot of time to make them all." True that. Hm... does anyone know how the code for drag and create buildings work? As far as I can see, it works fine when you are basically just making rectangles and putting them together that way - but any building with a outside shape other than a rectangle or almost rectangle will have some problems and even with almost rectangles (like an hour glass shape) there can be issues.
As in, does anyone have access to the game program code to see where the bug might be? If they do, they could patch it
I know what you mean now. The hollow wall that can be seen on some corners when you build house. No one would patch it I think. Too much work for pretty much nothing. And it's not a real problem... I usually hide the bugged wall with some tree when I mod.
I dunno, the freedom to make a building whatever shape you like would be pretty neat. You could certainly hide walls in rural areas, but it's harder when the building is in a small city or the walls which are buggy are inside the building. When the auto builder works fine making stuff is simple and easy, but when I particularly want a building to be a certain way and the editor doesn't let me it bugs me to no end. Even if there was a way to place walls and have them snap to locations on the grid it would be better. If I knew where to begin I might try and learn how to do it myself, but no idea. The other bugs I've seen so far in world ed have been annoying but ultimately something I can get to work the way I want, this thing though forces me to change my plans for the game when it happens, so I want to fix it.
So maybe you are also talking about the indoors bugged wall that won't set properly with special building design? Yeah, that also quite annoying but I just change slightly the shape of the walls to make it fit. I don't really think it's a big deal but I can understand. Seems that the building builder is bugged though - hard-coded stuff.
So maybe you are also talking about the indoors bugged wall that won't set properly with special building design? Yeah, that also quite annoying but I just change slightly the shape of the walls to make it fit. I don't really think it's a big deal but I can understand. Seems that the building builder is bugged though - hard-coded stuff.
Yup, I'd need access to the code to fix it but as to that, no idea. I don't think anyone's fan patched the editor before