I've just been informed (well, I wouldn't say "just" as I was actually told a while ago but I didn't bother posting it until now) that that heavy piece of Flash that is the <A href="http://www.vampirebloodlines.com">Vampire Bloodlines web-site</a> has been updated. There are a few new screenshots in the media section such as: <A href="http://vampirebloodlines.com/screens/BS23.jpg">Attack of the Fish Monster</a>, <A href="http://vampirebloodlines.com/screens/BS24.jpg">Kung Fu Magic</a> and <A href="http://vampirebloodlines.com/screens/BS26.jpg">Fish Head</a>. They've also put that oh so sexy trailer up in the movies section (Just don't try to watch it full screen or you'll get a VBScript runtime error). There are also a few new links in the aptly named links section. Just don't try to click on them if you want to follow them because it'll open up a web page and then close it on you 2 seconds later, before the link has actually loaded. Yup, way to go there guys. If you don't have a slow internet connection, you can <A href="http://www.vampirebloodlines.com">visit the site here</a>. If you do have a slow internet connection, then I'm sorry, they obviously don't want you to buy this game. I can highly recommend <A href="http://www.mafia-game.com/">Mafia - City of Lost Heaven</a> for a good mix of FPS / story and driving set in the 1930's. It's a year or two old now but it's still good for a linear, well written story (with some great voice-acting and setting).