usausausausausausaor is it land ofthemightyweshouldntannoy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by carlstar, Aug 30, 2002.

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  1. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    I think he meant that Islam had the largest amount of followers. I'm pretty sure he's correct on this. Even after the start of this century.
  2. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    But they will not get me, well perhaps five minutes before i die. :wink:
  3. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    "Even in the most treacherous of times, some men prove to be more evil than other men. Cruelty pulses through their hearts and veins, bringing them to life and awakening their senses. And so they suffer the same exhilaration when torturing their fellow man that most men feel when making love. They hold to a punishing and powerful God, one of their own invention, and with warped religious fervor create themselves in the vision of this illusion."
  4. ThreeDogs

    ThreeDogs New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2002
    Obvious question here, how do you know how the 'media votes? 'Second if you read non-U.S. news reports you would realize how silly your statement is. Its an old and tired ploy to rant against something and then use it to one's own advantage. Think Emenm (sp?)
    retard you missed the point. The point is people had to take him to court in the first place. A democracy requires transparency in government. Think Pentagon papers here. But I am glad you believe innocence to be more important than perception. Now would be a good time for you to chastise the right for the Whitewater investigation that wasted a couple of hundred million dollars and turned up squat. C'mon retard innocent until proven guilty right?
    Do you really believe that tax cut was for the benefit of the working class? If so I got a sure-fire web site that you can invest in with me all I need is a $2000 investment from you. Guaranteed to double your money in a year.
  5. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    First Bush annconce than new polcy today that we willnot let any nations to come near our military might or edge in technology. That statement along will
    make any nation like Iran nerseless. Have scource tell me that than Lots of Islamic nation are starting to beleive that Bush want than Holy War against Islam. Read the book by Patrick J. Buchanan The Death of the West. The native European popolate is dieing out as the European woman arenot haveing than childern to even replace their populateion. Only one nation in
    Europe have than positive growth rate in population Musliem Albania.
    Russia is the sick man of Eupore with than decline population plus the part of Russia East of the Ural Mountains have only 8 million people in than area twice the size of USA. China want the land Russia under the Cazar took from then when their weak. Turkey want the land which Russia took from then when they where weak. The old men of China want to end all workship of all religion in China include Islam. When the secert police came back with than report that Islam have over 910 million follower they
    end the idear of moveing against Islam, most of the next generation of leader follower of Islam .
    China mistake was when they sign than treaty with Pakistan in the 1950's to settle peaceful they territory disput than clause than it allow Moslum Inan to travel to China but wherenot allow to built place of Workships in China(new one only) Mao mistakely believe if you donot allow place of workship to exit that Islam wouldnot spead and grow at all.
    Than pactor told me once the word church doesnot apply to the building
    but to the people inside the builting. The samething with Islan it doesnot
    needed builting only people. I than not than Muslom but God told me he want to religion to be workship by 60% to 70 % of the population so we can have than enought in common to have than start of than World Government.
  6. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Hinduism is the most virolen religion in the world there are scarate of human
    being being carry out today in India to their bloodthirst Goddress Kali. The PM
    and DetPM are so anti-islam it show in all they speech in India they stir up the Hind mod in India to kill and rape muslim and christian. The Bharatiya Janate Party was found in the 1930's than they where very pro-nazi in belief which have not change even today.
  7. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    Looks like somebody's been watching Temple of Doom again.
  8. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    UM.... I tend to be VERY weary of any sentence that contains the words "God told me" But maybe you are right if 60% to 70% of the world population did worship the same maybe we could have a world government but I doubt it.

    I mean look at Islam and Christianity for example, How many different kinds of both of these faiths are there? Look at Ireland they all believe in Christ the savior and they were still killing each other in his name.

    It would be wonderful if one religion could actually come along and unite this would but I don't think the nature of man allows for such an event. :(

    Even in the US it is not what we have in common that makes US united but our very differences that keep US from tearing ourselves apart. The fact that individuals have the right to worship what they wish and for the most part love and marry who they wish, move wherever we wish and say what we feel or think. Freedom of choice for every individual seems to me the way to go not one religion that enforces a set of moralities that can not and will not help everyone it touches.

    I am gay I will be for the rest of my life it is a fact. 200 years ago what would Christianity have done to help me in a positive way love myself for who I am? What would Islam have done? What would either do today?

    No one is perfect yet these religions try to enforce perfection on an imperfect race; it may work for some but until religion has grown to accept and understand human nature instead of the other way around, there will always be good people left out in the cold for no other reason then that they are different. This to me is both cruel and illogical......
  9. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    The Pakistan Government is cracking down on the small violate muslin group
    that are touble maker . They are getting the group that are behind the attacked on Christian and yet some Christian Fund group are pressing our government to tell Pakistan Government to do more. The Pakistan government is doing all if can within it legal framework YES even police state
    have legal framework an certain principat which cannot be broken by the governmental without major ploblem. The government just cannot say to their Inman you cannot preack than anti-western message and then try to enforce it by raiding than Mosqua during fiirday prayer call. The president of
    Pakistan would have more than 90 % of his people plus almost all of his military turn against him. The Inman of than Mosqua traditson have freedom to pick what he want to say on firday prayer call which goes back to the begineing of Islam. So the leader of Iraq is evil and ruthless, he is serviiceing
    God purpose right now. The God has the power and mean to remove him right now better than what Bush has. When he die he will be judge by God for his actions.
  10. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2002
    With that kind of logic/thinking - Hitler would probably still be in power.

    Fortunately, throughout history, there have been people who were not willing to wait for "God's judgment" and took things into their own hands. I find that the expression "God will judge him for his actions" (or similar statements) to generally* be used by people too afraid to take action in a given situation. They would rather use re-ligion to rationalize the fact that they don't want to get involved.

    * note the word "generally" here. This is not intended as a blanket statement. :)
  11. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    There is than group of people called the SECOND DEPARTMENT sorry for cap
    by use cap in they group name. When the last Pakistan dictory not his more
    reasonly military ruler, decide he was going to kill Benazir Bhutto by useing than primate nuclear weapon the same weight and size of our WW2 atomic
    bomb at the polital rally being held by her PPP(Pakistan People Party) . The SECOND DEPARTMENT help the Pakistan military end his resign of terror. Than special bomb with reach tempurate of over 13000 degree F was plant on his personal plane some of the top brass knew they where going to die with him on that plane, they die than quick death, he die than long painful death. They are still around .
  12. Darkwalker

    Darkwalker Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2002
    Dear DU, this is getting out of hand again. We require your translation/interpretation of Chucks chicken scratch. Hel Khat seems to understand it, but who understands Hel Khat?
  13. Hel Khat

    Hel Khat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 27, 2002
    Well don't look at me! I NEVER understood Hel Khat :eek:

    I kinda get what chuck is saying but it seems OT so I'm just waiting to read something realitive b4 I chime back in :wink:
  14. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2002
    I can generally translate Charles-ese, but Hel Khat - that's beyond my meager ability. :p
  15. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    It look like MAD DOG BUSH is going to have than hard time getting than new UN resoultion pass the secuitry council. I finsh fill out than Republlian Sursey form for the National Republicatian Commtee and mail it monday. I fill out the part saying it not wise to go war with Iraq. I also said we donnot need homeland security as I think it can turn into than SS like secert Police Force.
  16. carlstar

    carlstar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 14, 2001

    What have you done charlesBHoff, now the SS will now what you think of them. I hope you didn't put a return address on it.

    DO you really think Bush cares that the UN won't be behind him on an attack. He'll be fine.
  17. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Re: Hoffman

    That going to be the downfall of America when we think we can do whatever we want in this World. I think we are going be than to than unpleaseant surpire in the Middle East it going to blow up in our faces. China will invade Taiwan, India will start than war with Pakistan which have than good change of being blown up into than full scale global nuclear war. There is than law called the Law of Unexpect conpection. Simple if you something that you are
    not to do, something unexcept which you didnot want to happen will happen.
    They want honest answer the party eldest to use in the next election, plus I think the Party Eldest donot like the idear of Bush war on Iraq too many unknow.
  18. carlstar

    carlstar New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 14, 2001
    I think india and pakistan are at war and have been for the last 50 or so years. A bit like korea.

    Its certainly going to be the test of how far USA can go before poeple take action against the USA. I dont think theres going to be some doomsday outcome because war is fought with words and trade before actual weapons are fired or smaller countries will be used as pawns to further bigger countries plans.

    Time will tell and i think most will back away from annoying USA but hold a grudge for about 10 - 20 years, which may help create depressions and an isolated USA which will help you get that military state you seem to like so much BHoff.

    I can see the USA closing there boarders completly. God that would be amusing in a strange twilight zone type story way.

    "imagine if you will....
  19. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    George W Bush wants to bomb Suddam Husane (or however you spell it), and Suddam holds our death in nukes.... So, we may all be reduced to cinders soon. :cry:
  20. Windmills

    Windmills New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 22, 2002
    Nuh-uh. I'll wear the sacred Vault-suit and hide out in my trusty underground bomb shelter...I'm the Chosen One, after all. ;-)
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