I have created bind stones for my new Arcanum modification . There are 3 of them . One in Tarant one in Qintarra one in Caladon. When you touch them you activate them and from now on if you touch one of the runes of telepotation (most exist close to the altars of the gods) you are instantly teleported to the last binding stone that you have touched. I have 3 questions for anyone that is interested in answering. a) Should i put more bind stones ? b) Should I put more runes that teleport you to the last bind stone that you touched ? c) Should i put any restrictions for parties teleporting that way say level of player or any stat of player ? Any other comment that you would like to do ? Thank you. edit . I have not decided for the exact image i will use for the runes of teleportation. If you want another in graphic image to be used please describe it. /edit 2edit. Oh . And if you can make a story that explains these runes and how they came to be and why they seem to be ignored by most people ( something preferably to do with the gods) i will be happy to put your story in game and give you full credit. /2edit
Capital! A. Maybe B. Definitely C. I don't thinks so.... Finally, a swift, transcontinental form of transportation that is neither purely technological nor purely magical. These stones would permit a person to fight his way to the bottom of a pit and then get the heck out of there, say, if it starts to collapse. But I wonder if you might not be more satisfied with a drop-down list of bind stones touched. It need not be all bind stones touched, but imagine being in a dungeon, escaping to a town, and going right back. It would be an awful lot like another game which shall remain nameless. Actually, it would be like a LOT of games which shall remain nameless. Thinking around, Arcanum seems to be the only game of its type that doesn't have something like that built in. Heck, maybe you can even have the corpses appear outside of the town/ in the temple. :lol: Edit: Good luck in your creative endeavors. Your latest is especially alluring, and I anticipate its release with bated breath.