Update #43 - The Year In Review

Discussion in 'News Comments' started by Dark Elf, Dec 22, 2017.

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  1. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Happy holidays, Watchers! It's been a fantastic year making Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, and we couldn't have done it without you and your support! With all that's happened, we asked Producer Katrina Garsten to help us look back on all the major (and some not-so-major) milestones we've hit with the game since we launched our crowdfunding campaign at the beginning of the year. And, like any good developer, we put a nice little bonus at the end of the video for all our fans. Enjoy!

    We can't thank you enough for your support this past year. As we go into the new year, get ready for even more updates to the Backer Beta, and prepare for a lot of awesome Deadfire news to come your way! In the meantime, if you're taking part in the closed Backer Beta for Pillars II, be sure to check out the latest update and send us your feedback. We've already made countless improvements to various aspects of Deadfire based on feedback we've already received – thank you so much to our dedicated backers!

    Limited Quantities of Physical Orders Are Back For a Short Time!

    It's kinda cliché to say "back by popular demand," but Physical Backer Tiers are... back by popular demand! We are re-opening a limited number of our physical rewards for a short window for those of you who missed out on them and still want to order. From now until January 5th, 2018, if you want to upgrade your Deadfire order to a physical order, or add more physical rewards to an existing order, you may do so. But seriously, after January 5th, those physical orders will be gone for good, no matter how much demand there is – so be sure to upgrade now!

    Join Us At PAX South!

    As Katrina mentioned in the video, some of us will be are also going to be at PAX South in San Antonio, Texas with our publishers Versus Evil, at their booth (#10476). If you're going to be in the San Antonio area, be sure to join us the weekend of January 12-14th, 2018 where you'll be able to get some hands on time with Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire!

    Until next time, citizens of Eora, happy holidays to you and yours!

    If you missed Update 42, check it out here!
  2. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I've now refunded my pledge after finding another bug in PoE 1 that's spoiled a 27 hour playthrough I had going on. Hopefully you'll all benefit from a less buggy Deadfire from my bout of pouty moaning (sounds a little more sexual than I was hoping for, but I'll leave it like that), though realistically I doubt Obsidian will notice or care too much. If anyone was interested in me taking a brave and noble stand against the monsters at Obsidian, here's the topic I made, in a subforum with very few other competing topics listed so it'll hang around like a bad smell.

    I'm of course joking about them being monsters, but when I've probably had around 100 hours of play spoiled by bugs (from what I've mentioned in their forums, minimum 72 hours, and I had more bugged playthroughs than those two where I bothered to clock my hours) I can't be bothered with the frustration anymore. They shouldn't partially market a game as challenging, and then consistently undermine that challenge through incompetency by having a load of bugs present that interfere with their prescribed difficulty settings (making them unintentionally easier or harder). It has stopped being the product that was advertised in my opinion.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
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