United Sovereign States

Discussion in 'CyberNations Archive' started by DarkUnderlord, Jan 23, 2007.

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  1. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Well I know that Nocturne has joined the USS, so she minght not help in the GC. To be honest, since my job wasn't all that important, I don't know if I want to stay in the GC. I'm pretty bored there, and have been for a few months. Vorak, when you want to make the HoL alliance, just let me know and I'll leave the Council.
    I'd leave now, but I have nowhere else to go.
  2. Vyenna

    Vyenna New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2005
    Well, it won't be too long 'till I reach nuclear capacity. I was actually thinking of nuking Max once or twice and then deleting my nation.

    [edit]: I have serious problems with these kind of situations, and I'm capable of building up huge amounts of hatred for someone I've never even met. All due to a little incident that ruined free online multiplayer-games for me a few years back. CN was kind of me returning to those games, and the same shit happens here (only on a far smaller scale).

    Anyway, I'm loyal to Vorak at this point, though I greatly respect everything the GC is.
  3. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    I'm guessing you know that he is still able to read this secret forum, should he decide to log on.

    I guess I'm glad I never got into CN, but it means I don't have much of an understanding of what is happening at the moment.

    And what was it that happened to you before?
  4. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    I like the HoL alliance idea, and I'm not THAT loyal to Vorak, so if he doesn't start one, I will.
  5. Vyenna

    Vyenna New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2005
    I won't bore you with details. Suffice to say there was some backstabbing and destruction of things I had worked very hard to build. That fact that it was perfectly executed - meaning that a lot of people didn't understand what happened, and those who would have understood didn't know what was going on until after the whole mess - made it even worse.
  6. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    Actually now will be a good time to begin the forming of a new alliance, would you be as kind as to create "hol.terra-arcanum.com", DU? :)
  7. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    I think it's a little of both. Here's a quick run-down of events as I understand them:
    1. JC Zim tries to do a foreign aid deal with his brother (who's leaving CN) on the same IP.
    2. JC Zim's deal is flagged as cheating and *POP* goes he's 13,000+ strength Nation as it gets deleted.
    3. We begin pledging amounts to re-build JC Zim. 15 Million is pledged but at this stage, only 3 Million is raised and given to him.
    4. At 3,000 strength and with no army, JC Zim is a target and gets attacked by "soldiers of allah", a member of WTF acting alone.
    5. Maximus PM's me saying he's looking for a second in command of the Grey Council's army and asks if I want the job. I reply that I do and that I'm about 600 tanks away from buying nukes (as being in the top top 5% strength of all nation's is required and tanks are +1 strength each). This agreement isn't finalised and was yet to be made public.
    6. Myself, Maximus and Telcontar declare war on soldiers of allah. Maximus begins negotiations with WTF.
    7. soldiers of allah responds to Telcontar's declaration by attacking him. Telcontar attacks back and then peace is accepted between the two.
    8. 3 days after the war begins, Maximus declares that we are to ZI "soldiers of allah" and that reparations will be paid to JC Zim by WTF. He posts a screenshot of a message from soldiers of allah's brother to Asa Phillips (negotiator for WTF) which says "My brother shouldn't be in the WTF". He also posts a message where WTF saying that even though it will be disappointing to see such an old member go, we may "do as we wish" with him.
    9. I mention that I'll be ready to go at pre-update and "possibly with nukes".
    10. Maximus declares that "nukes aren't authorised". He messages me in game saying "I can see the greedy glint in your eye. No nukes please!"
    11. I respond to Maximus' request with a PM, saying that I see nothing in the Charter granting him the authority to make such an order and that therefore, I am legally obligated to uphold the pledge I took and live up to the Council's motto of "Peace through superior firepower".
    12. Maximus declares publicly that if nukes are used, he will remove himself from the war, declare peace with the aggressor and publicly apologise for my actions to WTF. He also begins a thread to discuss the seemingly unclear issue about quite what the Field Marshall can and can't order. Several other members post that they too see no reason to use nukes.
    13. I do what I usually do when I'm adamant on a course of action. I refuse to back-down. Quite a few long posts are made in JC Zim's war thread where I attack the "weakness" I perceive within the Council. Quite simply we were given instructions to "do as we wish" and the only reason to not use nukes was because "WTF might retaliate" (even though they'd made it clear they wouldn't), his brother might get involved (even though he too had made it clear that he wouldn't) or some unknown "Egyptian friends" might get involved (as soldiers of allah was an Egyptian). I declare that this is "weakness" and that I don't back down because of "baseless fear", even if the odds are against me.
    14. I purchase and use "Jemima", a Nuclear Weapon against soldiers of allah.
    15. Lots more big posts ensue. Other members of the GC declare that they disapprove of my actions. JC Zim and I have it out in private messages.
    16. It becomes clear to me that my action's are not tolerated. As I have every intention of using nukes again, I withdraw myself from the Council. I also announce that I intend to pursue trade colour happiness bonuses because as Uranium is a natural resource, I can't make a quick trade, buy nukes and then dump it and get a good income trade. The minute I change my government position to allowing nukes, I lose $3.00 per citizen and if you have nukes (of which I intend to get many), you can't change it back.
    17. I have no idea why but my withdrawal triggers a flood of other withdrawals. Maximus establishes the United Sovereign States with Lyonheart and Monkeydee. He chooses the white colour presumably because of the low numbers there and an interest in gaining a Senate position. Meanwhile, Vorak considers leaving and bringing half of the alliance with him while a few stragglers look like remaining with the GC.
    18. I decide to apply to the Order of the Blak Rose firstly because they aren't afraid to allow nukes and uphold a number of the Council ideals and secondly because they've all got nukes, so if someone decides that I need to be punished in-game for my disobedience, there'll be hell to pay.
    I'll get Taluntain (the guy who hosts Terra-Arcanum) to set up "houseoflords.terra-arcanum.com". I'll PM you the FTP password. Do you need me to install anything (forums, Joomla! etc...) or are you going to be fine with that yourself?
  8. Frigo

    Frigo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 21, 2006
    We shouldn't be scattered in microalliances.
  9. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
  10. wobbler

    wobbler Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 23, 2006
    Does The Order Of The Black Rose has any requirment of joining?(Like you must have nukes to join or something?)'

    Otherwise I might be intrested of joining. Possibly.
  11. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    I'm throwing my lot in with Xz, it'll be just like the old days at Chaotic Cafe all over again. Only we'll actually have a point to the forum.

    I'm making copies of documents from the GC forums, so is there anything in particular people want.

    After I give JC a decent chance to cut and run (I'll try and give him another day or so) I'll make a public announcement and wipe the forums.
  12. Telcontar

    Telcontar Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006
  13. Spuddy

    Spuddy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 16, 2006
    I serve my lord Vorak! (Or whoever's in charge.)

    So if you set up your stuff, I'll happily dig out who my minder is and move over to join you lot.
  14. Telcontar

    Telcontar Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006
    Well that is what we are hoping. Though I think Max will not come over....
  15. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    I'll go wherever my alter ego in Oz goes!
  16. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    If max doesn't come that's his problem, I'm thinking we should go white and go for the senator seat. :)
  17. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    ... with the natural drawback that white is low on members, and we're going colored to get in on the trade bonuses.
  18. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    True, it's low on members, but that's only so far, I believe the white team is pretty new. In any case, we won't get sanctioned if we get that senator seat. :)
  19. wobbler

    wobbler Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 23, 2006
    I just came up with something. (Just idea)
    That if Max aint coming with us, is there any real reason for him to be able to read this?
    (remember, this is just an idea, don't nuke me:))
  20. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Well, a senator seat would certainly provide us more political leverage than a grey alliance ever would...
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