I've seen a lot of talk about some kind of tech counterbalance for the transportation spell. So far i've seen everything ranging from something Maxim's planes or a zepplin, to the rediculously modern (harrier jets). Planes and zepplins have been done in my opinion, and if you want to have something interesting and still stay in the reletively primitive time period, how about a Gryocopter? They've got character, are unusual, and still can use reletively versitile landing sites. Plus i think you could do a lot to make one look neat, and they would be simple enough to build without making the design too too unrealisitc for the time period.
I think the gyro-copter idea is a good one, a harrier jet would be just plain ridiculous! I think that just adding the option of being able to purchase a horse as a quicker way of land travel would be pretty cool!
Man I reckon they should have A larger mechanized aracnid that you can build, and then ride, and be able to buy a skematic that upgrades it with saddle bag's and machine guns.
Even better: Mecahnical Horses. Remember that end-game slide where there's a techie dude with a Marksman Rifle riding some Mechanical Horse. Now THAT was COOL.
I think if you just want to get to areas faster, you could rent/buy a horse, and if you wanted to carry lots of items in it you could buy a buggy to go with it.
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True, but they arent real handy. My idea would be to have something like a device that transforms you into a light particle or a lightning bolt and zaps you to different locations
Well, a gyrocopter would be more fit to the setting, such Star Trek technology is a bit beyond Arcanum's level. The only reason for using transportation beams would be to have Arcanum placed in the future. Could be quite a controversy that - in the original game we have an industrial revolution in a world of magick, whereas in the sequel we could have a magick revolution in a world of technology. Seems a bit like Final Fantasy III that... what about an Arcanum were Magick is long forgotten, were the elves have had to evolve to "regular" beings and the great city of Tulla is an unknown ruin (and Vendigroth the largest city in the world...) Then some Vendigrothian scientists discover a magickal artifact and start experementing with it... could turn into an interesting scenario really...
I like the Gyro idea. You could make it look all retro-tech and maybe you have to do a few quests to get various parts to build one to make it go (a/la fallout 2 and the car). It could even be similar to said game (hopefully without breaking copyright) and have a 'boot' where you could put stuff. Each town or location would have a helipad/field/etc where you could land. I can certainly imagine some interesting story arcs for that, but it takes away the best bit about being a tech guy, that is being attacked on the ground as you travel to and fro, and racking up all that wonderful XP!