Too much stuff!

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Digitalmethod2k, Mar 26, 2002.

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  1. Ancient One

    Ancient One New Member

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    Jun 29, 2002
    I have never had any problems with keeping things at any of the inns. Just rent a room for a night, stash your stuff, and when you return(weeks later) it's all still there, and you can add or subtract from it whenever you want, whether you rent the room or not. The only time I pay for the room is when I have lots of gold and want to spend some, or if I need to sleep til morning. Having the Bates Mansion is a goodie since you can take everything from all the stash boxes and have them all in one place. :razz:
    I have spent hours just taking the goodies and making items with the schematics, then selling them to the various merchants. Watch out for the "junk" sellers...their prices are a bit on the low side! :wink:
  2. Raziell777

    Raziell777 New Member

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    Feb 9, 2002
    Putting stuff into containers and chests..heh!! I have my followers for that!! :razz: :razz: :razz:
  3. Ancient One

    Ancient One New Member

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    Jun 29, 2002
    I like to keep my follower's inventories trimmed down to the "bare necessities" so that when we get into places where there is loot to be had, there is lots of room to carry it all in one trip. If you go to Kree, for instance, the barbarian armour and swords take up lots of room, and I surely want to carry it all to town to sell. :wink:

    I have had the chest of drawers in Tarant Inn filled to the max and still had lots of stuff left to stash. I keep most everything I find and convert it later into sellable or usable goodies. I keep at least one copy of everything I make as a replacement in emergency. So it all depends on if you save anything, or just have followers carry some things you need. When I take on a new follower, there is usually ample supplies in my storage to equip them until better can be had. 8)

    On the other hand, if I need cash right now(which is very seldom), I'll sell everything I have that I don't need at the moment. :cool:_
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