The House of Lords Alliance

Discussion in 'CyberNations Archive' started by Xz, Jan 24, 2007.

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  1. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    I'm the PM so I've got no more complaints.

    Can we make positions for life?
  2. Telcontar

    Telcontar Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006
  3. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Actually I'm working on getting some kind of democratic principles in. I'm not sure yet quite how any elections we have will work but I'm thinking limited in scope rather than being the all out affair it was with the GC. Mainly because people within CN tend to like the whole elections business (though that's really just a hunch) and my main aim is to draft a Charter which makes as many people as possible say "Yeah, I'd join that", while at the same time ensuring those of us of the old guard aren't swallowed up by new members.
  4. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    Sure, just as long as I get full access and little work, I'm okay with it. :p
  5. Transparent Painting

    Transparent Painting Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 8, 2006
    Isn't "president" a little bit old? What about temporary Overlord?
    My opinion isn't worth shit, but if I would change my mind and start a new nation, I would be welcome, wouldn't I?
  6. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    Sure you would. At least I'd welcome you, but I don't know how much power I'll be left with in this thing so... :p

    @DU: How about: In order to run for any official position, you must either be a Signatory nation, or you will have to have been a member for a certain period of time?

    Oh, and change the part about you creating the alliance, I mean you're not all alone about it. :p
  7. Xz

    Xz Monkey Admin Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    Yellow text This indicates added material.
    Cyan text This indicates changed material.


    Charter of the House of Lords


    Let it be known that we, the undersigned do hereby create and establish the House of Lords and affirm that it shall function under the construct as follows forthwith.

    I. Construct of the House of Lords

    The House of Lords shall hereby be known to others as a House, Alliance, Union, Empire, A Great Bunch of Guys Who I Really Admire and Respect, HoL or other and that such classification will be left up to the minds of those who wish to make such judgement. will be the official residence of the House of Lords with being our unofficial residence (and open to all those who like Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Greyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines as the case may be).

    That our official colours shall be Black and Maroon and that member states are encouraged (but not in anyway required) to choose those colours.

    That no-one shall be above this Great Charter, not even the President of the House.

    That the President is indeed a President and not an Emperor because otherwise that would be silly.

    That the House of Lords shall be governed by its governing body, which is laid out as follows:
    • Lord President and Leader of the House. The Lord President, President, Pres, Leader, Dude or other such title as one may choose to address the Lord President shall hold supreme authority over all members of the House. The President's word is final and no correspondence shall be entered into though bribes may be accepted.
    • Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Lord President and is responsible for the daily tasks of running the House of Lords as he deems fit and proper or as guided or instructed by the Lord President. Running an alliance is a messy business and involves lots of hard work and the Lord President has concubines which require attention.
    • Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor is appointed by the Prime Minister and is responsible for maintaining the Great Charter and ensuring that the values and ideals that lie there-in are upheld to the highest order.
    • Judicial Committee of the House. The Judicial Committee of the House is a non-standing Committee established only in times of need. Any member with a dispute within the House may call for such Committee to be established. A Committee is then formed of three Judges. The First and Presiding Judge must be a member in good standing within the House and is chosen and appointed by the Lord Chancellor. The Second Judge, also appointed by the Lord Chancellor, must be an independent member who is not of the House. Only other alliances with whom the House holds good relations may be requested to provide such a Judge. The Third and final Judge shall be appointed by the member who is at the cause of the dispute and may be anyone they deem fit and proper to stand in their defence. The Committee shall then sit for a period of no greater than 7 days during which arguments will be heard from all involved parties over the issue in question. At such time as 7 days has passed from the forming of the Committee or if the Committee unanimously decides earlier, hearings will be closed and a recess of 1 day will be made to allow the Committee to determine a majority (2 out of 3) ruling. Once a ruling has been determined, it will be delivered on public record by the Presiding Judge and its verdict will be final.
    • Hearing. Only those involved with the dispute or requested to participate in the Hearing by the plaintiff or defendant may participate in a Hearing. Records of Hearings however, will be publicly viewable by all, including those who are not members of the House.
    • Judge. The role of a Judge is to consider the facts of a Hearing and determine whatever ruling may be necessary in order to uphold the Great Charter and the values and ideals laid out there-in. If a Judge disagrees with the final majority verdict, they may issue a dissenting verdict which must be kept on public record. A Judge can not be directly named in the dispute themselves. It is a Judges duty to uphold the principles of a fair and just court system.
    • Master of the Household. The Master of the Household is appointed by the Lord Chancellor and is responsible for maintaining accurate member records. In the absence of the Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Household will assume that position.
    • Field Marshal. The Field Marshal is appointed by the Prime Minister and is responsible for the running of the Department of Defence, Wars and Other Military Matters. The Field Marshal, in the otherwise absence of direction from the Prime Minister or Lord President, shall be responsible for ensuring that declared enemies of the House of Lords are blown into tiny, itty-bitty bits with extreme prejudice.
    • High Commissioner. The High Commissioner is appointed by the Prime Minister and is primarily responsible for establishing and maintaining relations with all other Alliances, Unions, Dictatorships, Empires etc... They run the Department of Foreign Affairs and Relations and may establish Embassies and appoint Diplomats and Ambassadors as they deem fit or as directed by the Prime Minister or Lord President.
    • Exchequer. From time to time, the Prime Minister may appoint an Exchequer. The Exchequer is responsible for running the Department of Finance and Budgetary Concerns whose purpose is to ensure the adequate growth of member states by providing advice and arranging funds as necesssary.
    All positions, with the exception of the Lord President and Judges, may be held by one individual. As example, the Field Marshal may also be the Exchequer or all roles may be held by a single individual that the Prime Minister deems fit and proper. In the absence of any individual, these roles are assumed by the Prime Minister.

    The above detail is represented by the following Organisation Chart made in SmartDraw 2007 because I bought the thing so we may as bloody well use it:

    The president shall be elected by a simple majority vote among the House's members. Such elections shall be held whenever 10 or more members voice their wish to hold an election.

    II. Membership of the House of Lords

    All whom apply for membership and fulfills the requirements stated below shall be granted membership to the House.
    1. Applicant must not be a member of any other alliance.
    2. Applicant must not be bound by an oath which would prevent membership.
    3. Applicant must not lack honour.

    All such members that apply shall be granted acceptance from their peers.

    III. The Sovereign Rights of Our Member States

    That member states may aid and seek the aid of those whom they so desire or otherwise deem fit and that while it is encouraged that aid slots are left open in times of need for other members of the House of Lords, that if they choose not to do so, then that's there problem.

    We respect the Sovereign Rights of our Member States to:
    - Trade as they so deem fit.
    - Aid and request the aid of other nation's as they deem fit.
    - Defend themselves and fight in declared and approved conflict on behalf of the House as they deem fit.
    - Exercise free speech, as long as they state that they are not speaking on behalf of the House.
    - Act like silly jackrabbits as such, from time to time, is warranted.

    We respect all other Alliances, Empires, Unions and "Other" within the world of CyberNations.

    Membership is open to all men, women and other, including eunuchs who shall be highly prized for their lack of testes and girly-man singing voices.

    In time of war establish the Field Marshal shall establish a War Cabinet for the purposes of fighting conflict at home and abroad.

    Silly jackrabbit shall be smitten or smote as the case may be. Either way smiting is involved and it will be harsh.

    IV. Actions considered crimes against the House

    A. Crimes by member nations

    Member nations found guilty of participating as aggressors in unauthorized wars may be punished by expulsion and possibly ZI'ilation, depending on the damaged caused to the House.

    Member nations found guilty of falsely claiming to speak on behalf of the House may be punished by suspension, expulsion or possibly ZI'ilation, depending on the damaged caused to the House.

    B. Crimes by rouge nations

    Rouge nations found guilty of falsely claiming to be members of the House shall be punished by ZI'ilation.

    Rouge nations found guilty of declaring war on one or more member(s) of the House shall be punished by fines or ZI'ilation.
  8. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Of course. I just figured since nothing was set in stone something could be altered?
    Eh, whatever. I guess High Commissioner is good enough.
    However, having seperate headings for "Judicial Committee" and "Judge"
    may be a tad misleading (as it was for me).
    Nothing in the "Judge" portion says that the position is only applied as needed.
  9. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    All Members are welcome in the House of Lords. Why start over though? You've still got 7,000 people in your current nation.

    Well, we're short on members so we'll need some people to hold key positions. I'm working on the Judge aspect though and will see what I come up with.

    A certain period of time would eventually mean anyone can run anyway and restricting it to Signatory Nation's limits our growth. We only have 14 Nations in HoL at the moment and that's including Maximus. We're going to need other people to come up through the ranks eventually.

    I've come up with an idea though. I'm just nailing down some thoughts so that hopefully, I have a coherent proposal to put forward tomorrow. In the meantime, here it is so far.

    His Eminence The Most Revered DarkUnderlord, Lord President and Leader of the House of Lords, Grand Duke of Iboloral.

    His Excellency The Most Respected Vorak, Prime Minister of the House of Lords, Count of Vorakia

    1. Grand Duke
    2. Duke
    3. Marquis
    4. Count
    5. Baron
    6. Lord
    I've got titles. Who wants a title? Titles bestow upon Members of the House certain priviledge. For example, the Lord President must be a Duke and is selected by those of Noble Rank (Say anything above a Lord) by 75% vote. Once appointed he assumes the title of Grand Duke which he then holds even after retirement, unless stripped of his position in a Vote of No Confidence.

    The Prime Minister may be of any rank and is nominated and voted upon by all Members in a 51% majority vote. The Lord Chancellor must be at least a Count... and so on.

    All those who show virtue and honour in battle or service to the House shall be rewarded with such title and position as is deemed they are worthy. The Lord President may at any time, bestow such title and priviledge upon persons as he or she deems fit and proper. Dukes may every 30 days, nominate one person for any title and that should the nobility vote in a unanimous verdict, such title will be granted.

    In other words, we're all of Noble Rank. We decide who gets in and who doesn't. So even if the alliance is flooded with retards (which I doubt, as retards will struggle to read the Great Charter), we won't lose control to them unless we put them in the Nobility in large numbers.

    Sound workable?
  10. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    If the essence of what you're saying is that newbies shouldn't be able to wriggle control out of our hands, then I'm all for it old chap.

    /His Sovereignity The Most Honorable Lord DE, Lord Chancellor of the House of Lords, King of Svitjod.
  11. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    don't like this line in Xz's altered Charter:

    Now if I was a rabblerousing wanna be dictator and I ain't, but if I was.....

    I'd get 10 people together and call an election every week until I got the top job.
  12. Spuddy

    Spuddy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 16, 2006
    For God's sake, someone wake Xz and have him change "rouge" to "rogue" in his amended charter... (I.e. in the final part: IV.B. Crimes by rouge nations)

    Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good about the charter after a cursory read (a little to busy to go into the fine details just now).
  13. wobbler

    wobbler Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 23, 2006
    I, Wobbler, Supreme Ruler of Terra Ninjo, leader of Ninjas would be happily to sign up for the rank of Count or higher and is willingly to do whatever the HoL would ask me to.
    (Or I could be given a non offical title working as a secret police :p )
  14. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    I'm comfortable with anything higher than Lord, honestly.

    Looking further into it, I think I would feel adequate as High Commisioner. There's no need to keep a judge on duty if there is nothing happenning, anyway. However, the closest thing to a judge may be the Lord Chancellor (or at least they're an attorney-general). But, it would be impossible for the Lord Chancellor to be a judge at his/her own trial...Yeah, the transitory judicial system seems best for HoL.

    Koenig Grossenschwamm, High Commisioner of the House of Lords (how's that sound?) reporting for duty!
    I guess Count would be a decent place to start...Then again, I think Baron sounds more imposing.
  15. wobbler

    wobbler Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 23, 2006
    Just to an add, I could also think of being Field Marshall or Exchequer.

    Wobbler, Supreme ruler of Terra Ninjo reporting.
  16. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    1. Although I do indeed want a title, its going to look stupid since my actual ruler name in CN is 'Lord Vorak' and I don't like my chances of getting Admin to change it. That being said I like being a Count better than a Lord, although being a Marquis would be ever better :D

    2. DU do you actually intend to ever appoint another Grand Duke?
  17. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    I think I've dealt with both of those questions in this Vorak. It's not finished but here it is as it stands at the moment (there's still another page of notes I'm not including yet which deal with Motions of No Confidence, Judicial Committee's and war among other things):

    • Establishment of the House of Lords

      Let it be known that I, Lord Vorak of Vorakia; that I, Xz of Xzia; that I, Lord DE of Svitjod; that I, Lord Telcontar of TelcontarConfederacy; that I, Grossenschwamm of Urwaldland; that I, Wobbler of Terra Ninjo; that I, Frigo of Frigoans; that I, Silvara of Ys; that I, Vyenna of Kjeldor; that I, Spuddy of Kartoffelland; that I, Baldrug of Infected Faction; that I, DarkUnderlord of Iboloral and that I, mathboy of Math Country; listed above in order of Nation birth, do hereby establish the House of Lords and verily do spam these forums with our announcements as deemed necessary, appropriate and according to our whims. Furthermore, let it be known that the House of Lords functions under such construct and rule of law as follows forthwith.

    • Flag of the House

      Let us present to the community the official Flag of the House (shown here with additional white border for the purposes of definition).


      The Flag of the House contains the following aspects:
      • A technicolour photograph of His Lordship The Most Honourable Jim.
      • The Pistol of Baron von Hiney, best known for putting thine caps in thou ass.
      • The Axe of Chief Wanamatatingu, whose land was purchased for beads and cupcakes so that the First Great Palace could be built upon it¹.
      • A background consisting of the colours Maroon and Black, the official Colours of the House.
      ¹Chief Wanamatatingu later led an uprising of native people's which burnt the First Great Palace to the ground. His Axe was found embedded in the head of The Marquis De'Ville.

    • The Governing Body

      Lord President and Leader of the House.

      Must be ranked Marquis or greater.

      When a vanancy becomes available, all Members of the House who hold the rank of Marquis or greater and who seek the Lord President's position, must declare publicly in the Legislative Assembly their intent to seek said position within 7 days of the vacancy occuring.

      If at the end of this 7 day period, multiple nominations have been received, a 5 day period of questioning shall occur in which any Member of the House may question the candidate and the candidate must answer to the best of their ability. At the end of this 5 day period, a vote shall be opened and shall last for 2 days whereby all Members of the House may vote for their candidate of choice. At the end of this period, voting is closed and the candidate with the most votes assumes the position of Lord President.

      In the event that at the end of the initial 7 day period, only one nomination is put forward, that person shall immediately assume the role of Lord President.

      In the event that no nomination is put forward or that no person of appropriate rank is available, the highest ranking Member of the House may assume the position. Should they refuse, the role is offered to the next highest ranking Member of the House and so on until a Member is found who will accept the position.

      In the event of multiple members holding the same rank and those of that rank being offered the position, the person who has held their rank for the longest period of time shall be offered first and if they refuse, the next member of that rank who has held their rank for the second longest period of time and so on. In the event of two members having the same rank and having been appointed on the same calendar day according to the Records of the House, alphabetical order is followed starting at A and continuing through to Z. As no two members can have the same name, this should be sufficient to find a successor.

      Once appointed, a Lord President serves until such time as they choose to retire, are forced to resign or a Motion of No Confidence has been passed against them and they have been removed from office.

      On appointment, the Lord President immediately raises to the rank of Marquis or in the event that they are already of that rank or higher, shall move up one rank. In the event that they are of the highest rank, they will be unable to move up any more.

      Furthermore, the Lord President once appointed assumes the diplomatic title of His or Her Eminence.

      Shall choose name of the House in which the House resides (Category)

      The Lord President may retire his office at any time by announcing his intent in the Legislative Assembly. At such time the Lord President's position shall be considered vacant. Furthermore, the retired Lord President assumes the highest non-reserved diplomatic title of His or Her Illustriousness.

      If a Motion of No Confidence is called against the Lord President, the Lord President is not permitted to retire until the Motion has been dealt with. However, during this time he may wish to resign. At which point the Lord President's office shall be considered vacant and the Lord President shall return to such title and rank as he held before he became Lord President.

      If a Lord President has left or been moved out of office, they may not seek the role or be appointed to the role of Lord President again until at least 60 days has passed since their leaving office.
    • The Attainment of Nobility and Honourable Titles

      Diplomatic Honour
      His / Her
      Eminence - Reserved for serving Lord President
      Excellency - Reserved for serving PM

      Military Honour
      Most Admired
      Most Esteemed
      Most Revered
      Most Respected
      Most Noble
      Most Honourable
      Right Honourable

      House Rank
      Grand Duke / Grand Duchess
      Duke / Duchess
      Grand Marquis / Grand Marquise
      Marquis / Marquise
      Lord Count / Lord Countess
      Count / Countess
      Earl / Lady Earl
      Viscount / Viscountess
      Baron / Baroness
      Lord / Lady
    • Declaration of Intents and Matters Pertaining to Haughtiness
      1. The House of Lords shall hereby be known to others as a House, "HoL", Alliance, Union, Empire, A Great Bunch of Guys Who I Really Admire and Respect or other and that such classification will be left up to the minds of those who wish to make such judgement.
      2. That will be the official residence of the House of Lords with being our unofficial residence (and open to all those who like Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Greyhawk: The Temple of Elemental Evil or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines as the case may be).
      3. That our official colours shall be Black and Maroon and that member states are encouraged, but not in anyway required, to choose either of these colours.
      4. That no-one, not even the Lord President and Leader of the House, shall be above this document henceforth known as the Great Charter.
      5. That the Lord President is indeed a President and not an Emperor because otherwise that would be silly.
      6. That despite sources which would suggest otherwise, an Earl is not a Count and vice-versa because otherwise that too would be silly.
      7. That the House of Lords wishes to seek out and obtain the respect and appreciation of all other Alliances and will negotiate freely and openly with said Alliances in the event of any transgression by a Member of the House.
      8. That all forums constructed within the House of Lords shall be readable by all Members, regardless of rank or title, though restrictions on speaking may be applied where the case is warranted, such as in Foreign Embassies.
      9. That sub-forums are evil and serve no purpose other than to confuse and bewilder Members and that as such, should only be constructed when deemed absolutely necessary and approved by the Lord President.
      10. That all Members of the House swear to uphold the values and ideals laid out within this Great Charter and that should they personally feel the Great Charter has failed to be upheld in any particular circumstance, that they are honour bound to do their utmost to correct the matter via the process of Judicial Committee or Motion of no Confidence outlined herein.
      11. That the House intends to seek out and gain Senate positions within the Black and Maroon trading spheres by means of friendly competition with other Alliances who also have such intent and that should the House gain such position, that it will be used only in fairness and with great regard and respect to our fellow Alliances within those trading spheres.
      12. That the duty of the House is first and foremost to its Members and as such will assist them in all possible ways with advice in all matters, assistance with trade and arms during times of war.
      13. That the House shall honour such Members who prove themselves in battle, diplomacy or any other respected field with Noble Rank and Title as deemed appropriate by those existing Members of Noble Rank.
      14. That the House seeks to become a sanctioned alliance, through the combined and continued effort of its members.
      15. That the House acknowledges that some of its ideals are long-term but that it is willing to undertake such honourable process as is necessary, to ensure that they may one day be achieved.
      16. That while the House does have and will use from time to time, proper ranks and titles for its Members, the constant use of such titles or similar appropriate language can get tiring and that therefore, such proper speak and usage of said titles is only required on rare occasion or for official purposes.
      17. That we are not hardcore and are instead just a bit silly as verily, there is much fun to be had with obscenely long titles and Noble Ranks.
      18. That fun and silly games shall, from time to time but more often than not, be permitted at the discretion of the Lord President.
      19. That anyone who seeks Membership of the House shall have such granted, provided on there being no objection from those of Noble Rank.
      20. That the official Flag of the House, should it become available, shall be flown at all times by all Members of the House.

    • Construct of the House of Lords

      The House of Lords shall be held in a building (Web-site) deemed fit and proper by the residing Lord President. Such building shall always be accessible from and shall contain such rooms and halls as outlined below:
      • House of the Lord President (Category): The residing Lord President shall choose the name of the House in which the House of Lords resides. Typically, though it is not restricted, this shall be named after the Capital City of the Lord President's Nation in the manor of "[Capital City] [Palace | Manor | Estate]" or other such name and title as the Lord President decides. Within this House, rooms shall be available as follows:
        • The Great Hall (Forum): The Great Hall shall be open to all members of the public, visitors and honoured guests. It is where Heads of State of Foreign Nation's may request Membership of the House. A copy of the Great Charter shall be pinned upon the wall and as such, shall always be available here.
        • Member's Lounge (Forum): The Member's Lounge shall be where all Members may conduct conversation according to their whims. Much spam and merriment shall be resent but mostly spam.
        • Department of War (Forum): The Department of War is where all military business takes place. Members who have had their Nation's attacked or transgressed shall be able to request the aid of the House.
        • Legislative Assembly (Forum): The Legislative Assembly is where all Motions are put. If a Judicial Committee or Hearing is established, such action will take place within the Assembly.
        • Hall of Records (Forum): The Hall of Records shall contain information on the growth of one's Nation, the History of the House or other records as deemed appropriate by the Governing Body.
        • Sovereignty House (Forum): Sovereignty House shall contain Rooms of State (Sub-Forums) for each Member. Such Rooms may be used for announcements and Nation records according to the whims of each Member.
        • Embassy Park (Forum): Embassy Park shall contain within it Foreign Embassies (Sub-Forums) for Alliances, Unions and such Allegiances as wish to establish good relations with the House of Lords.
      Should other rooms ever be required, they must be approved by the Lord President and this document altered to include their name and purpose. Let it however be noted that such rooms should not be created lightly. It is in the best interests of the House to ensure that the House itself is kept in such a way as to remain non-confusing and easily accessible to all Members and where appropriate, Foreign Dignitaries, Honoured Guests and Visitors.

    • Appointment of The First Governing Body and Assumption of Noble Rank

      From henceforth and until such time as their resignation or other change of status, the founding Members of the House assume the following position, rank and title:
      • His Eminence The Most Revered DarkUnderlord, Lord President and Leader of the House of Lords, Grand Marquis of the House, President of Iboloral.
      • His Excellency The Most Respected Lord Vorak, Prime Minister of the House of Lords, Marquis of the House, Lord of Vorakia.
      • His Sovereignty The Most Honourable Lord DE, Lord Chancellor of the House of Lords, Earl of the House, King of Svitjod.
      • His Magnanimousness The Noble Xz, Field Marshal of the House of Lords, Lord Count of the House, Leader of Xzia.
      • His Benevolence The Right Honourable Grossenschwamm, High Commissioner of the House of Lords, Viscount of the House, Koenig of Urwaldland.
      • His Worthiness The Venerable Wobbler, Exchequer of the House of Lords, Earl of the House, Supreme Ruler of Terra Ninjo.
      • His Grace The Revered mathboy, Master of the House of Lords, Count of the House, Dictator of Math Country.
      • His Worthiness The Right Honourable Lord Telcontar, Earl of the House, President of TelcontarConfederacy.
      • His Lordship The Most Honourable Frigo, Baron of the House, Ruler of Frigoans.
      • Her Grace The Venerable Silvara, Lady Earl of the House, Queen of Ys.
      • Her Worthiness The Most Honourable Vyenna, Baroness of the House, Leader of Kjeldor.
      • His Worthiness The Honourable Spuddy, Baron of the House, Ruler of Kartoffelland.
      • His Lordship The Honourable Baldrug, Viscount of the House, Leader of Infected Faction.
      Note that all titles are in the style of His / Her [Diplomatic Honour] The [Military Honour] [Name], [Official Position (if such is held)], [Rank of the House], [Self-titled Leader of Nation].
  18. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    I'm beginning to love this charter, especially the intricate titles!

    ... Are we the only bichromatic alliance in CN?
  19. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    Okay firstly I'm glad to see this bit in here:
    Since thats got DE, Tel and myself covered so far as titles go.

    But why is Xz Field Marshal? I don't think he's even been in a war before. It shouldn't take to long to train him up if he wants the job, but until then he's going to need some good generals behind him.
  20. Spuddy

    Spuddy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 16, 2006
    I like, very much! DU for speech writer!

    Except this tiny flaw that I can't resist pointing out:
    In short: yes, please!
Our Host!