The Great Arcanum Scavenger Hunt!

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Jojobobo, Oct 14, 2011.

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  1. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    It's alright. Never would have assumed you was. I was honestly glad my mistake wasn't too confusing.

    I once tried to find this out myself. Did everything I could think of that could upset Pete and never ended up cursed. Started a thread about it as well and no one was able to come up with a solution. I think it's safe to assume the curse is unavailable under normal conditions.

    Just to be sure, adding scrolls those to backgrounds/shopkeepers' stocks doesn't count, right?

    Remember that by the time the Living One confronts Kerghan, usually both the number of his health points and the quality of his magick resistance are considerably high.

    The spell is indeed identical to Quench Life in every aspect other than the different sound and visual effects.

    Just checked it and found the Demi-Liche in K'na T'ha, fairly close to the Star. That place is truly Arcanum's preserve of rare and bizarre beings.
  2. Deman

    Deman Member

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    Jan 15, 2007
    There are some empty houses/buildings in the outskirts of Tarant. One of them almost matches your description.


    Of course, this one hasn't gotten a door (not even a doorway for that matter) so I doubt that's the correct one. If it isn't, then does the room you're referring to exist in a building with several rooms?

    Yep, that's taboo. What needs to be figured out is how you steal from a creature which seemingly has unpickable pockets. In fact, this trick lets you pick up several quest reward items in advance. The trick makes not only inventories accessible, it will also turn wearable items visible before they are supposed to (e.g. the Trapmaker's Spectacles).

    And yeah, I seem to have gravely overestimated Kerghan's Quench Life spell. There's nothing significant to it, besides what you've already mentioned.

    Correct, and correct on the Air Elemental as well. Makes you wonder if there are any placed Earth Elementals out there too.
  3. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    I'm pretty sure there isn't. Started searching for one years back, which was several playthroughs and a thorough scavenger search ago.

    The tip reminded me of a certain trick. Tried it out and figured out two of your targets.

    1. Cast "body of [element]" on Kerghan during battle.
    2. Pickpocket scrolls from him (if they aren't there, wait a round or few, they replenish constantly).
    3. Cast them on him.

    One ball can be acquired from each of these three sources:
    • dialogue with Madame
    • Madame's inventory
    • the stand in her house
    Here's an exemplary solution to get all three (checked just a moment ago):

    1. Kill Madame indirectly.
    2. Take the first crystal ball from the stand on the table.
    3. Bring Madame back to life.
    4. Talk to Dolores and accept the quest to bring her a crystal ball (not having the first ball in the inventory may be required, drop before dialogue if necessary).
    5. Return to Madame, cast "body of [element]" on her and pickpocket the second ball from her.
    6. Talk with Madame, say you're for the ball and that you're on her side, receive the third crystal ball the default way.
  4. Deman

    Deman Member

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    Jan 15, 2007
    Correct on both counts again. Elemental body is the key to the trick which does have its uses. Beside those already named it would also allow you to grab all the magickal medallions from the master mages in Tula and thus become master in all the schools yourself (even if you should be underqualified). Though another necessity for this to work was the following; you had leave each "proofing ground" area via the Teleport spell instead of the intended portals. I believe this is fixed in Drog Alt's patch. It can still be done without the Teleport spell, but if I'd type that here I would give away one of my challenges.

    An alternative for collecting the three crystal balls.

    1. Smash the stand to the ground in front of her eyes and pick up the first crystal ball. In the UAP she might react to this (doesn't matter really, see 2)

    2. Dominate her will and make her trade for the second crystal ball. Take her down into the sewers, make sure that her reaction is at least 51 (if not then you need to be invisible) and release her from the spell.

    3. Go back to the surface, re-enter the sewers and then go back to the surface again. She should be back in her house, completely oblivious of what just had transpired. Now you can simply continue with the quest and collect the third one. Well, should you feel that this is too much of a hassle, then you can initiate her dialog in the sewers as soon as you've released her.

    I think I've let my mouth flap a little too much this almost feels like I've given away something crucial.
  5. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    No it wasn't the one I was thinking of, though it's still a good find. I'm quite surprised that they bothered to put more than one empty room in the game to be honest. As for your question, I wouldn't call it a building per se - take that as a hint!

    I was wondering how did you manage to kill her indirectly? I tried this target but couldn't open her inventory - a feature I thought was probably introduced in the UAP - and without reverse pickpocketing something horrible onto her I couldn't think of another way to kill her without her caring.
  6. Deman

    Deman Member

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    Jan 15, 2007
    I guess the Boil might be the reason why those residences became abandoned eventually. The inhabitants probably didn't feel quite as comfortable about their neighborhood when the Boil started to expand.

    Given your hint, I think that I've now a vague recollection of where to find this room.

    Well since Murgo figured out how to steal from the gypsy, he might just have figured out how to plant something on her as well :p. Dropping such an insidious equipment near her should also work.

    Another (more expensive) solution to kill her ''silently'' would be to sneakily plant an ignited dynamite in close proximity to her, a la Fallout 1 & 2.
  7. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Need to get back and help priesties.

    I did it by mind controlling the wererat from the nearby warehouse and dispelling the spell with the wererat in Madame's house and myself just outside.

    Dropping something like the Baneful Gauntlets next to Madame would work too. She would pick up and equip them.

    Just like the dynamite but without the need of sneaking, plastique could be used as well.

    Another possibility would be dropping a coin two tiles from Madame with a trap set on the tile between them. Her greed would kill her after the second of third spike trap.
  8. Deman

    Deman Member

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    Jan 15, 2007
    Arcanum, a place of possibilities
  9. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Sorry I forgot to mention, I tried dropping the ring of shadows on the floor and she wouldn't budge. In fact she didn't seem interested in anything I dropped, hence the difficulty. The wererat was a nice touch, I guess I just don't have the same talent for murder that you do!
  10. Deman

    Deman Member

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    Jan 15, 2007
    Okay, I'm up for a thorough playthrough right now, where I'll also try to crack the remaining targets in this thread.

    While I'm busy at that, I'll let you ponder over a couple of new targets; :p

    1. How do you get Evelyn Garringsburg to double the payment (600$) for finding the stolen painting?

    2. How can you successfully complete both quests of the Toone siblings? Note, the sister's quest won't be registered into your journal.

    3. What needs to be done to have more than one alive familiar around?

    4. How do you get Tolo Underhill to remain a free follower even after you've completed the quest which involves him? While turning him into a mindless drone (exposing him to the 'permanent follower' glitch) doesn't count for this one, it doesn't necessarily mean that you won't have to mind control him at one point.

    5. Name another way of passing over the bridge that is occupied by thieves in Shrouded Hills, without resorting to the usual means of dealing with the situation. Destroying or lockpicking the gate undetected isn't allowed.

    6. This one is somewhat harder than the rest; It's possible to complete both Raven's and M'in Gorad's quests at the same time, which will allow you to continue on with both "paths" (Dark & Light).
    You'll have to mind control M'in Gorad at one point and make sure that the Silver Queens' reaction towards you doesn't drop below one.

    7. Explain how you still can turn spells permanent which are indirectly cast on your character, while using the unofficial patch.

    8. This last target is for the vanilla game and it requires you to prove the following statement wrong, "without the UAP or any other modification, the hero/death's champion/god endings are inaccessible".
    A tip, you'll have to acquire two items which are only available through creation and by owning two schematics which aren't found outdoors. You'll also have to invest five character points into a certain discipline.
  11. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I'll have a look at some point soon for some of these, I'm currently deep into a Medieval II: Total War campaign and reading the Song of Ice and Fire books on the side but I'll give a few of these a good shot within the next couple of weeks.
  12. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    To liven up an otherwise dead hunt, I decided to make things interesting and share one more hint for this one.

    And here it is.
  13. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I'm sure that's the Tarant (maybe Caladon) music, which is just even more infuriating because I'm sure I've searched both places from top to bottom! Instead of saying I will look for it soon like I did in my previous post and seem horribly insincere, I'll say I'll try to have another look for it soon. Currently I'm playing through V:tM~B again, but I'll probably wrap that up shortly.
  14. Philes

    Philes Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2006
    It's the Tarant music, you filthy heathen.

    And I'm sad to say that is one town I've scoured but that particular potion isn't coming to mind at all.

    Maybe it's inside some weird clickable barrel that I missed somewhere?
  15. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011

    Well what can I say, I'm out of touch.

    The mysterious potion is obviously in a random chest in Wallow's Quality Armour - I mean that's the first place anyone would look right? I give Muro a mighty salute for this one, having an unusual item in such an innocuous location meant that without a hint I would have never have found it - a very good target indeed. I really should have checked everywhere first before I skipped the story state forward and did the Caladon assassination mission to see if Heinrich Jenks' inventory updated when I completed the quest (a really odd idea I had, yet somehow it seemed more likely than it lying in a chest somewhere) but nevermind!

    In my searches I noticed:
    • Two more electrical components, making three in total exempting Mr Plough's

    Also Gilbert Bates has an alarming number of pictures of young children in his bedroom (well it's only two, but still) for someone who as far as I'm aware has no living family to speak of.
  16. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Well done, Jojobobo.

    While it was an answer to Philes' point, I found Out of Touch a nicely atmospheric background theme for you revealing the location of the mysterious potion. I imagined you doing so while wearing a pastel-colored suit with palm trees in the background.
  17. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I wish! I'll try to update to the original post within the next couple of days a full list of all targets (Deman's and mine). As per usual, if anyone can think of anything to find, then feel free to post it up.

    EDIT: Here's the updated list (tell me if I've missed anything), I've also updated the targets on the first page too. I've added new hints to all my targets to keep things from becoming staid, if you want more hints then just ask:


    Jojobobo's targets:
    • A character with only a dagger of speed and a potion of heal lesser wounds in their inventory. Hint: They're on a Halfling
    • Two large gears in one container/on one person. Hint: They are likely replacement parts for something nearby that would require them
    • Three more electrical components!! Two are in the same location, found in Tarant; the third is in a room with lots of barrels on the edge of a town (for people who don't want to check back, not the one found in Mr Plough's warehouse)
    • A quality iron shield found on the floor, I will mention it's hard to spot. Hint: It's in a place of residence, and below ground (which probably doesn't mean what you'd first assume it would)
    • Two more vials of poison; excluding the three previously found at Razors Pointe, Adam Maxwell's house and Caladon's high security prison. They're both in people's inventories. Hint: I'd like to think the subtext to why they have the poison is because they're plotting against their superiors, so it's found in a location where the NCPs are named with evident hierarchy
    • A character who drops an item after being disintergrated. I have killed the character by other means and the item is indeed already in the person's inventory, not just conveniently beneath them or something else that may make it look like the character dropped the item upon disintergration when this actually isn't the case. The item and character I am referring to are in no way related to the main quest. Hint: It is however a quest item, just not the main quest. Also the item is strikingly similar to the Gem Of Malachi Rench which has already been suggested by Pyotr
    • Two carried - not equipped - sets of Oiled Thieves Leather, I won't comment on size to keep things interesting. This one should be positively fiendish. Hint: They are found on non-unique NPCs, and are found in unison in a similar situation to a previous target of mine where two of one item were required to be found
    • A completely empty room. No containers, no windows, no lanterns or wall mountings, no other un-interactable items (chairs, etc.) of any sort. All the room has is a door. Hint: Not exactly found in a "building" per se, what civilisation has rooms in it which aren't buildings (as in built on the ground)?
    • A pocket watch in a non-random container underground. Hint: Have a good think about what could be considered underground, and when you have try to recall all possible locations which fall under this description

    Deman's targets:
    • How do you become cherished as the hero and despised as the outlaw of Shrouded Hills at the same time?
    • Name how you can get at least two examples of the item “Debt of Bessie Toone mine” from Stanton. Acquiring unlimited is again gold star material (not possible with the UAP though).
    • This last one I'll just quote as a whole:
    • How do you get Evelyn Garringsburg to double the payment (600$) for finding the stolen painting?
    • How can you successfully complete both quests of the Toone siblings? Note, the sister's quest won't be registered into your journal.
    • What needs to be done to have more than one alive familiar around?
    • How do you get Tolo Underhill to remain a free follower even after you've completed the quest which involves him? While turning him into a mindless drone (exposing him to the 'permanent follower' glitch) doesn't count for this one, it doesn't necessarily mean that you won't have to mind control him at one point.
    • Name another way of passing over the bridge that is occupied by thieves in Shrouded Hills, without resorting to the usual means of dealing with the situation. Destroying or lockpicking the gate undetected isn't allowed.
    • This one is somewhat harder than the rest; It's possible to complete both Raven's and M'in Gorad's quests at the same time, which will allow you to continue on with both "paths" (Dark & Light). Hint: You'll have to mind control M'in Gorad at one point and make sure that the Silver Queens' reaction towards you doesn't drop below one.
    • Explain how you still can turn spells permanent which are indirectly cast on your character, while using the unofficial patch.
    • This last target is for the vanilla game and it requires you to prove the following statement wrong, "without the UAP or any other modification, the hero/death's champion/god endings are inaccessible". Hint: You'll have to acquire two items which are only available through creation and by owning two schematics which aren't found outdoors. You'll also have to invest five character points into a certain discipline.

    I assume that pickpocketing Lukan's key and getting across the bridge isn't the other way you are referring to?
  18. Deman

    Deman Member

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    Jan 15, 2007
    [Shamless self promotion] In case that any of you are interested in the solutions for most of my targets, then you can soon find them revealed in this thread.
  19. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Cool stuff, I'll remove the target from the list.
  20. Wasted_Savior

    Wasted_Savior Member

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    Jul 2, 2011
    How do you get Evelyn Garringsburg to double the payment (600$) for finding the stolen painting?

    I don't know if you can do it other ways but this is how I did it.

    Do not talk to Evelyn Garringsburg prior to having acquired the painting.
    Once you have the painting, talk to Evelyn and tell her that you have it.
    Do not accept the reward she offers and instead give it to her free of charge.
    She'll offer you double the reward for being so generous.
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