I'm trying to leave the Wheel Clan but whenever I go through the main exit, the game screen freezes (although I can still press esc and load the game again.) Is there anything I can do other than abandon this save file? (or seeing as this is my only save, abandon this game) edit: I should mention that this glitch only appeared after I copied this save game to another computer after my laptop died, its Windows 7 64bit.
It's probably an issue with the save if you copied it. Do you have Virgil on your team? If so you could try downloading his debug menu to teleport out (the older version not requiring the ring). However most likely this would be a short term solution even if it does work and you'll come into more of these issues in the future.
Is there a way I'm supposed to be copying the save to avoid problems like this? I just copied/replaced the whole "Save" folder.
I would have thought that would be okay, but I've never tried it myself. I presume you still have all the same patches installed?