Sex and relationships

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by ville-v, Nov 10, 2008.

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  1. papa_dog_1999

    papa_dog_1999 Well-Known Member

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    Aug 14, 2008
    Indeed. Not my favorite drink, but it sounded more 'drunk inspired' than a Bloody Mary, which is my favorite mixed drink.

    I'm a Vodka dog by nature.
  2. Earth Nuggets

    Earth Nuggets New Member

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    Aug 10, 2005
  3. Klaz

    Klaz New Member

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    Aug 18, 2007
    Well, Fallout 2 had a nice number of possible sexual encounters for females (Heck, Fallout 2 had even the possibility of homosexual male sex)
  4. papa_dog_1999

    papa_dog_1999 Well-Known Member

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    Aug 14, 2008
    So does the Fable franchise.
  5. Mr Frost

    Mr Frost New Member

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    Jan 18, 2009
    this is sort of off topic, can you have a romance with any of the other followers?
  6. Archmage Orintil

    Archmage Orintil New Member

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    Sep 18, 2007
    Dog and Gar.
    For Dog you need to be a male gnome or halfling.
    For Gar, you need to be a female half-orc or human.
  7. Mr Frost

    Mr Frost New Member

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    Jan 18, 2009
    same they didn't do more with the "reomance" plots as baldurs gate had done. I have always felt that was a very fun aspect of the game was winning the girl and trying to not piss her off (that i ended up doing in the end any how)
  8. Archmage Orintil

    Archmage Orintil New Member

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    Sep 18, 2007
    I was never able to get Aerie pregnant in ToB. Who knew elven mages are sterile?
  9. Mr Frost

    Mr Frost New Member

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    Jan 18, 2009
    lmao, i did it once and you had to carry around a baby in your inventory. i love that game, they dont make em like they use to.
  10. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    Aerie was a whiney little bitch and I only ever took her with me to get her killed. Grrrrrrrrrrr. I didn't mind Viconia's romance though, owns the crap out of Nathyrra from NWN: HotU.

    As far as romances for female characters, though, I think the two best were Valen (NWN: HotU, the crabby Tiefling) and Kelsey (a fanmade mod for BG2). I've played a lot of those romance mods now (shut it, my half-elf needed to get some), and they're by far the best. Honourable mention goes to the Edwin Romance (for the 'find the body part' line uttered by Edwin's family assassin), and Lorwin from the 'Birthright' module for the first NWN.

    As for NWN2... fuck Elanee, fuck Casavir. They're both dull as dishwater and I wouldn't touch either of them. Neeshka would have been awesome (yay for loony tiefling rogues, oh yes), Bishop was at least a cranky bastard (and Chaotic Evil into the bargain), and I would sell you all into slavery for a decent Sand romance.
  11. Mr Frost

    Mr Frost New Member

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    Jan 18, 2009
    yeah she was annoying but it was really the only fully fruitful romance in the game. the real chick everyone wanted to nail was nalia.
  12. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    NALIA?!?!?!?! *what I wouldn't give for a freaked-out twitchy emote* That frigid bitch? No thanks. (Although there does seem to be a new trend toward people wanting to shag Imoen, which scares me somewhat.)

    I wouldn't mind a Cernd romance, actually, but as said before... I would sell every person on this board (well, maybe not ALL of you, certainly not my puppy and the masters) into slavery for a solid Sand romance. Mmmmmm, sarcastic elf...
  13. Archmage Orintil

    Archmage Orintil New Member

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    Sep 18, 2007
    There's a Nalia romance?
    I obviously didn't go through the tlk files as thoroughly as I had thunked I dud.
    Either that or I blocked it out for some reason. What were the pros/cons of it?
    I thought there was a Cernd romance already? At least I recall such. Admittedly, I've never played a female character before, so I may just be imagining a memory.
  14. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

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    Oct 11, 2005
    There's a Nalia romance Mod over at Pocket Plane. Apparently theres a Cernd romance in the works somewhere, but I've never been able to find it. *cry* The only romance for women in an unmodded game is Anomen, and, well... apart from giving my RP character Anna a reason to be a slightly nuts rebellious bitch there's not much to recommend him. (Except his voice. Good lord, it's both funny and hawt.)
  15. Mr Frost

    Mr Frost New Member

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    Jan 18, 2009
    whats wrong with Nalia? there aren't very many women to choose from, the annoying elf..thing with wings, the tree hugger or the depressed chick.
  16. OiNutter

    OiNutter New Member

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    Jan 25, 2009
    Although some may deem it ungentlemanly to expose my virtual predilections with a forum I have just introduced myself to, the mention of the Baldur's Gate series has aroused my memory (excuse the pun), and loosened my tongue. I think I'll choose to ignore the fact that even the fluttering of a butterfly's wing hundreds of miles away could loosen my tongue enough for a novel (albeit, not a best-seller, as butterflies are sadly out of vogue) and consider myself mandated (delicious pun) to spew forth my opinions like raw sewage from a... well... wherever sewage comes from...

    Of course, by this point, I've forgotten what point I was going to make, except for the fact that while I feel Bioware made a very good decision in eliminating "paired" companions from the Baldur's Gate series, they committed an atrocity in murdering our man Khalid in favour of Jaheira. Yes, I romanced Jaheira in Baldur's Gate 2, but only in the interests of completeness! It is required by RPG law to see at least one romance plot to completion on every playthrough of every RPG which offers such things, so obviously I had no choice in the matter.

    I only played through the game once, years ago, due to my obsession with wanting to import a character from the first game who endured the bugs and open impetus-less wilderness (things which are notably absent in the "nostalgia" portion of my brain, but reside at the forefront of the "reasons why you can't have fun" portion) and emerged with all the maturity of a perfect, complete play through (Oh dear, it appears that I am utterly unable to fashion a single post in these forums without mentioning "foibles"), and such a task I have not been up to since. However, I still poignantly recall allowing both the Jaheira and Aerie romances to continue simultaneously, not wanting either of them to actually bear fruit (...even I'm disgusted with this pun) and hoping that an actually likable Good-aligned female party member may somehow wander into the world of Faerun, perhaps because she took the wrong portal at her layover in Sigil.

    But wait, what of Imoen from the first game? Certainly she was played up to be an over-exuberant youth in the first hour of gameplay (I wonder if the portrait artists knew anything about her character), but later on she became quite the reliable thief, and her apparent muteness throughout the rest of the game gave me a lot of time to not build up a seething resentment of her. Back to Baldur's Gate 2, yes, perhaps now that time has passed and character interaction has become a more fully fledged part of the game, certainly her more mature, more developed (ugh these puns are going downhill fast) character can provide a suitable romantic subplot!

    Wait, what is going on here? She can no longer level as a thief? Uh... OK I guess I can get another thief and still keep a mediocre half-thief/half-mage hybrid in my party instead of a powerful mage, no biggie.

    OK, what are you doing, Bioware? I can't exactly interact with her when she is imprisoned for half of the game, you know. Alright, we'll I guess she'll just be that much more grateful when we break her out.

    OK, SERIOUSLY, BIOWARE? You pulled a Lucas!?
    I am just going to let loose with the spoiler we're tip-toeing around, here, because besides the reason for my frustration here, it's ramifications are almost non-existent, and it seems to exist only to provide an arbitrary plot-twist shocker. Besides, if you haven't played BGII yet, there is not much chance you are going to be enticed to buy it when you see its box sitting on the shelf of your local source of gaming merchandise, dwarfing every other title to be produced since the Gaming Battle of the Bulge.

    However, I WILL apply this Universal Spoiler Alert Mechanism for the sake of a clear conscience:

    Ahem. Imoen is the player character's sister. Yes, her character could die in the first game without forcing you to watch a cartoon of her observing her hand turn into dust in the wind (because that is what everyone dying in the midst of a battle is most fixated upon: how great their skinny, naked arm looks, flexing in front of a wall of superheated purple plasma. My apologies in advance to anyone whose parents were killed by plasma, hands, or both, and thus turned to crime fighting, using the very implements of their death against the evil that wielded them), but somehow she is wrought of the same god-seed that made the world come to an end because you failed a "save vs. death." Similarly (and I hate to even mention this, but it seems to be the only thing that could prevent resurrection. Romans, take note), she could have exploded into a dozen identical chunks of meat due to excess damage in the blow that killed her, but now she's back, she's a Bhaalspawn, and she's your sister for some reason.

    Actually this might have been a genius move on the part of the writers, as making her your sister allows them to avoid writing her romance dialogue, and making her class(es) useless allows them to avoid writing dialogue for any likable female characters.

    But exactly how "icky" is the idea of a romance with her? I submit to the court People's Evidence A: Imoen could be a completely different race than your character. Sure you have the same father, but he's a deity, and that seems like it should mean something. Besides, I don't mean to ruin Throne of Bhaal for everyone, but it's pretty much about you hunting down every last one of your siblings and murdering them. Is an attraction to one person who is only technically a family member more stigmatized than the wholesale slaughter of the rest?

    Oh, it is? Oh... Well, OK... Just forget everything I just said.

    This post probably makes me seem like some sort of misogynist, but I swear, it's the game! In the first game you actually meet a priestess of Umberly who calls herself "the bitch queen." Of course, whoever gave her that title has not had the pleasure of being in a non-neutral-aligned party with Jaheira as its healer. The alignment issue didn't seem to bother her much when I had to tell a dark elf queen that I couldn't sleep with her because I was a eunuch for the sole purpose of avoiding Jaheira's oft-wrought disapproval.

    So yes, I followed the romance plot with Jaheira. I do not remember if I actually slept with her, and if I did, I would have blocked it out anyway, but in any case I just wanted to say, "I'm so sorry Khalid... But really, what were you thinking?"

    Actually... What was *I* thinking?
  17. Philes

    Philes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 22, 2006
    Wall of Text crits you for 9582 damage.
    You die.
  18. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

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    Jan 28, 2005
    *chuckles* Nicely done, Philes.
    Well, you thought the games were that screwy, read the books. All the same story line, none of the pushing of the keys. Since I failed to render a point, beyond saying that you thought the romance options in BG and BG2 were aweful, would you care to provide one? Also, did you ever try Icewind Dale or Icewind Dale 2? I made it through the original ID, which was much of the same content, on a slightly less stable rendition of the Infinity engine, with no romance options. Hell, I don't think that game even had people who'd join your party.
  19. OiNutter

    OiNutter New Member

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    Jan 25, 2009
    Thank you, Philes, it is good to know that although my performance at Nethack is depressing, and my hands are a far cry from lethal weapons, I can still be deadly boring.

    I actually managed to put off purchasing Icewind Dale for quite a few years. After an agonizing tryst with the first few substrata of The Temple of Elemental Evil, however, I felt myself willing to try it. Of course, I went whole-hog and bought the Icewind Dale Ultimate Collection, like anyone unsure of whether they are going to enjoy a series, and I patiently awaited the delivery from Amazon.

    The starting town had some nice quests and lore, and at least my party was perfectly configured (yes, of COURSE I rerolled every character's base attributes until the dice totals were obscenely high, that's what you're supposed to do, isn't it?), but after several days of dungeon crawling with nary a pip from my beloved companions, I lost interest and became a productive member of society again... for a very brief period of time.

    Did I quit because of the lack of character interaction? Maybe.
    Or maybe it was because I habitually stacked up piles of those weapons with the weird green highlights and ferried them back to town to sell for 3 gold each, perhaps attaching undue dread to the title.

    As for the Baldur's Gate series, I hope that you do not think that I dislike it. On the contrary, I thought they were both brilliant games. It is probably just that they were my first pure RPG experiences, and the titles that propelled me head-first into the genre (it is quite lucky for me that a genre is metaphysical, ensuring it to not be made of concrete, for example). I don't think any game, even a Bioware title, can live up to that kind of nostalgia.
  20. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

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