Save game loads forever

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Retro Rebel, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. Retro Rebel

    Retro Rebel New Member

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    Oct 16, 2014
    I hope I manage to explain well enough what's happening. I played until level 18 or 20 without any unofficial patch, just the vanilla game. Now at level 30, I was wandering around Tarant after showing (spoilers) the Stillwater Giant to the Zoologist. When I left and began to walk down (heading towards the Boil) I suddenly noticed how the map kind of got cut, or more like blocked. There was some sort of invisible wall that prevented me from walking further down from the part where the high class residences, the P. Schuyler's jewelry (or whatever was it) and the herbs and gears shop is located. Basically I could go anywhere "north" of there, but my character stopped walking whenever trying to get past this invisible line, even with the city map and the waypoints, it said t hat "the path is blocked".
    Not sure why I entered one of the houses I had near just to see what was inside, and found a "overweight noble gnome" (i think it was) and an ogre who seemed to be his bodyguard, both in suits. Talked to them both, and, I'm kind of ashamed to admit I don't recall what happened next. As it happens I saved with F7 in that location, for some reason, and when tried to load the auto save game the game would load eternally. The weird thing is that the watch that represents the loading up in the right corner, keeps on working even after the game loaded. I can see all the UI, even managed to open my character's sheet and the map (which strangely enough appeared as if I was outdoors, able to travel in the world map, you know, the blue world icon instead of the map). With some effort I manage to move the mouse around in big jumps, but there's not much I can do, as the whole screen (that box that's between the bottom UI and the top Ui, where all the action happens) is turned black, though I sometimes get to see some pixels of green and terrain in a line in the very top of the screen (not the UI).
    I hope I haven't made a mess in trying to explain what's happening. I have a backup save but it takes me back several levels, and it's quite frustrating seeing that I actually can load the savegame but the watch just keeps on loading eternally and blocking me from doing practically anything or seeing anything.


    PS: By the way, I installed the unofficial patch and uninstalled the game, reinstalled, tried without patches, with patches, in that matter I've tried everything. I bet that if I could just switch the coordinates in where I saved, I might be able to recover my savegame.
  2. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    It's not something I've ever heard of, maybe the save is corrupted? I know with the continuous loading watch after reloading if you retrace your steps then it can stop, but it sounds like your bug goes beyond that.
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