RPG Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NobleKnight, Dec 14, 2003.

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  1. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    You know, that's actually sensible advice there from the Hammer (which is what I'm going to call you from now on). The best way to shut us up about you is to shut up yourself, and work on proving your intelligence.

    Still waiting for you to quote me. He said she said is all very nice, but hearsay doesn't work in a court of law, and it sure as hell isn't going to work on me.

    There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance.
  2. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    I can't quote you exactly because you never said it exactly. What you have done is call me stupid when Sea Dog, who actually knows me, says I'm smart. You said I'm not as smart as I think I am. This is the time where you should read properly but I'm not sure I can trust you to. I said abover average intellect. I never said I was a genius, just that I was smarter than average. That could be an Einstein-like intellect or just slightly above average. I nevr said I was extremely intelligent just above average. Do you see the difference?
  3. Twilight'sHammer

    Twilight'sHammer New Member

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    Dec 23, 2003
    Mr Wolf, I'll play this out simple-like. You may be intelligent, you probably are. But your immense efforts to state that you are intelligent make you look incredibly dumb. So please, just be quiet, and allow your intelligent statements about the views of others, and where they have made mistakes prove your intelligence. Oh, and if you truly want us to think your smart, take the "Government sucks! Anarchy is the only way!" out of your signature. I'll give you a example of why your theory is flawed, Let's start with a simple democracy (diagram below), the democracy is weak, and they lose power, anarchy takes hold. Someone, (within the country or without) will declare themselves the total leader, Tyranny, then they will eventually lose control, anarchy, and it will probably become either communism, or democracy. Diagram:

    Democracy --->Anarchy --->Tyranny --->Anarchy ----> Communism/Democracy then it repeats. again, and again, and again. Anarchy will NEVER succeed dear wolf, it is mearly the stepping stones between each governmental power that occures.
  4. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    My god! I'm sick of people dissing my anarchy. Of course I don't truly believe it'll work. In case you don't know Anarchy is a punk thing. Punks "worship" Anarchy, and I am a punk. I don't really think it'd work. Nor do I really worship it. I just think that most governments are corrupt in one way or another.
  5. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    So punks worship anarchy, so you worship anarchy, cause you a punk, but you don't worship anarchy, know it's futile, does that make you not a punk? If so, does that mean you don't like anarchy? If so, drop the sig, Captain Logic.
  6. Twilight'sHammer

    Twilight'sHammer New Member

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    Dec 23, 2003
    Lab has a point Wolf. If you dislike governments, then put something that says that. if you know anarchy is as futile as I believe it to be, then get rid of it. Oh, and punks don't worship anarchy. I know many a local punk, and most of them could care less about our government. They dislike it, but they don't bother to do anything about it. Anarchists and punks are VERY different, so do them a favor Wolfie, and don't combine if you don't know.
  7. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    I'm not an anarchist, i'm a socialist, and i sort of consider myself a punk based on the fact that i go to shows, and listen to a shitload of crass/subhumans/leftovercrack/dead kennedy's/romantic gorilla/fugazi etc, but i live 20 minutees from DC and i'd be out there in 2 seconds with a bandana on my face if there was a legitimate anarchist protest (not just window breaking riot nonsense).
  8. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Are you serious man? I think you're confused between punks and goths. Goths are those guys who wear black, wear black lipstick, and have those depressed views. Punks on the other hand, wear tartan, and some wear kilts. Sure goths are still cool, but there's a difference between punks and goths. Also, not all punks worship anarchy, it's just one of their logos. Besides, I like the Anarchy sign. Bag me all you want, but I reckon anarchy's pretty cool. I don't worship anarchy but I like it.
  9. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    What's so great about anarchy? I fail to see anything cool about it.

    But then again, when I was 13 I thought going around the city with a couple of grenades in my pocket (just in case) would be pretty cool too.
  10. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

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    Jul 8, 2003
    Anarchy in definition is the lack of a government. Now, you might think that without the government it would still be all happy and nice, but it probably wouldn't be, and this society of friends you're shooting for wouldn't last to long.

    Listening to music doesn't make you shit. I listen to manson, system, slipknot, and I would say I'm more preppy. I dress like a prep, I act like a prep, I've never moshed or slam danced on a car. But if listening to music makes you something, why aren't I still a rocker?
  11. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    No, I'm pretty sure that's the Scots. I always thought of punks more as skateboards, long baggy shorts, bright t-shirts and hats on backwards.
  12. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Around here those are called "skateboarders". They wear their hats backwards so the pavement will have less trouble splattering their brains when they wipe out.

    Back in my day punks were just angrier rockers, often with more time on their hands to indulge their hairstyling fetish.
  13. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 2, 2003


    Check out the video.

    As for the tartan/kilt thing... may be some english punks... The Adicts perhaps. Perhaps you're just mistaking the common fashoin phenomenon embodied in the "ass rag." Which is basically a stupid cloth rag hanging from your belt loops over your ass like a half kilt and has some kind of message on it, mostly a band name & logo.

    I find that there are two styles of punk fashion; 70's english, which constitutes old staples such as studded leather jackets, bondage pants, and spikes and mohawks etc, and there is the Southern California Punk, which involves a skateboard (usually, but not always, they've all at least skateboarded a few times for the most part, its just a very freeing thing to do, and you can literally do it anywhere) and thrift shop clothing. Both of these styles are portrayed in the video of that backyard show displayed above.

    In my experience i also find that the "punks" who place the most emphasis on fashion, are either those who have been most abused, those who're most socially reclusive, or those who 's grasp of the punk ideology is weakest. Punk is not about abolishing the government, its about unity and freedom, so anarchy fits into the political slot very well for the more naive practitioners of punk activity.

    As for what jarinor said, anarchy isnt about random bombings, (though a more reprehensible anarchist group did mailbox bomb a smileyface across the united states map...) its purest form is about the assumption that if people are removed from a society revolving around a rat race for slips of paper known as money, they'll be able to act responsibly enough to live in peace without the need for an overbearing government.

    Confused about the whole punk vs. goth thing? think of it this way, before you became a punk, you were angry, and before you were a goth, you were sad.

    As for blinky's views about how listening to music does not making you anything. I agree.
  14. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    All, I can say is most of you don't know shit about puniks. Seriously, look at a sex pistols video clip.
  15. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

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    Jul 8, 2003
    No Sleek, anarchy in it's purest form does not involve living without an overbearing government. It involves living with no government, and no laws at all. To have any sort of rules or guidlines would be to add order to the system. And pur anarchy would be a system devoid of order. How can people live with absolutely no order at all?

    Although I do agree, our particular government is very overbearing, and our culture does only think about getting ahead.
  16. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    Please name a form of government that isn't overbearing in some way... :lol:
  17. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

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    Feb 26, 2002
    i've found that the majority of people who claim to be anarchists are actully libertarians... while an anarchist believes all government/order is bad, a libertarian understands government/order is a necessary evil, and only asks that it stay out of our individual lives as much as possible...
  18. Twilight'sHammer

    Twilight'sHammer New Member

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    Dec 23, 2003
    You know... Every one of you, has a good amount of right ideas, and good amount of wrong. Jarinor, I'm afraid that Canis is right that those are Skateboarders, but a lot of skateboarders are punks. There is no definate defination of punk. It is a style of angry music, with a following that varies quite greatly. Putting an exact defination on punk is like saying that all mobsters are Italian, Which isn't true. There is no exact defination of punk, and so why not just trust that our dear friend Mr. Wolfie might know what he's talking about, and leave that at that?
    P.S Oh, and the best thing to ever come from Anarchy was a song titled that made by KMFDM.
  19. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Never heard it, but ther's a song from the Sex Pistols called "Anarchy in the UK." Quite good.
  20. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    The sex pistols were ok, but there was better back then.

    GOOD examples of early english anarchist punk would be Crass, or the Subhumans. The Sex Pistols were just the tip of the iceburg.
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