Don't know if anyone had suggested it before, but I was thinking: what if the sequel of Arcanum would be mostly based on interaction of different races? Your city is under siege, you escape and go travelling around Arcanum, finding war and hostility everywhere. The Elves are fighting the dwarves, Bedokaan hordes raid human villages avenging their brothers who were skinned by poachers, the orcs are migrating, forcing the kites out of their native forests. Kings and chiftains all have strange "advisors" who seem to be the ones to blame, but their conspiracy has to be proven, and this is exactly what you have to do. Eventually, when your investigation is coming to the end, you discover two secret councils- one of the mages and one of the technologists- both power hungry and hell bent on taking over the world. The wars are incited by them in an attempt to establish a total domination of either magic or technology. Then you have to chose who you side with- or destroy them both. What do you think?
hmmm....sounds like exactly the plot arcanum had, except with the main plot instead, following the racial wars , I'm sure you know what I mean. They played that idea already, sorry.