Which characters have their own moments in the plot, such as Magnus at Schuyler's and Sons, Virgil with Vollinger and Pollock, and Vollinger when he betrays you (apparently)? When and where do these moments occur? Is it possible to have both evil and good followers in the party? How can this be accomplished with a good aligned character? I'm trying to get Torian Kel. I'm mainly interested in followers for their stories and input. At the moment, I plan on having Loghaire, Raven or Z'an Al'urin, Virgil, Magnus, Torian Kel, and Kaka-Tur. Spoiler caution would be appreciated.
First of all I wouldn't recommend using black text as spoiler indication, as each other post have red background making the spoiled details very much visible. Use the spoiler tags instead. Virgil is the foremost star when it comes to adding dialogue, throwing in opinions at least half a dozen times. He's also got a little side quest of his own. Magnus, I believe, is number two. He quarrels occasionally with Virgil (and Torian Kel IIRC), as well as adding bits and pieces on dwarves subjects. For more details see the spoiler later. Yes, you can. In order for a good character to gain evil followers (or indeed the opposite) you need to be a master of persuasion. To initiate the master quest you need to have come quite far in the main storyline. You also need to have 18 points in the persuasion skill (that's usually 5 invested character points) as well as expert training. See spoiler for finding the quest. Followers with their own moments (not a complete list) Spoiler Virgil talks your ear off at the crash site and can scare off the first assassin. In Shrouded Hills he talks about the note and the bodies in the Inn. In Dernholm, he comments on Volinger, as you observed. In Tarant he squabbles with Magnus twice, talks with Pollock (alternatively with Maug, at least with the UAP), and offers a fair bit of conversation after reading the letter from Joachim. In Stillwater he talks a bit when you find the book left behind by Joachim and in... okay I really don't have the patience for this. The followers who tend to talk are: Virgil, Magnus, Raven, Zan al urin, Papa Thunderstone, Geoffrey the snobby wizard, Torian Kel, Perriman Smythe, Dante and Vollinger (the first 6 talk quite often, the others not so much) Master Persuation quest Spoiler When you return to Tarant from Quintara, you encounter Edward Willoughsby and Perriman Smythe in front of the former's home. Talk to Willoughsby and he invites you to his office. Find him in his office (it's the same building as the Hall of Records) and he'll offer you a quest concerning the negotiations with Caladon (if you have the appropriate skill mentioned earlier, that is). The quest itself is pretty straightforward, just remember to save before the negotiations begin. Complete the quest to Willoughsby's satisfaction and you'll receive training as well as a load of money. Oh, and don't kill the king.
I didn't take quotes into consideration when deciding how to use spoilers here and I'm not used to spoiler tags that break up sentences in such a way, so I got creative. Someone linked me to this page full of what I'm looking for. Thanks for the information, though. Looks like my next stop's Quintara.