I already completed the game once. I enjoyed it. I didn't like the fact that my character was Level 50 far before the end of the game. I could have gone farther up. Did I need it? Probabbly not. Would it be fun? Heck yeah! I have read about the "hacks" that take off the cap limit on level, but I am afraid that by doing that "something else" in the program may be damaged/lost. Has anyone istalled the hack that takes off the cap limit on levels? What is your opinion about it? What is your opinion (in general) about the hacks? Thanks!
Depends what character you're playing. If yuo're melee/dodge extra levels will do you no good really. If you're a techie they might just help you making that one thing you always lacked cp to learn. Personally I didn't use hacks, instead I edited my followers level-up schemes to shape them into something useful. Besides being overtly powerful makes the game boring.
The only use for something like that is doing tests on things like what special techie items do etc. Personnaly, I could win the game at level fifteen If I was prepared but its hard to prevent yourself getting extra experience and turning up at lvl 30.