One weird trick that will drive Smuel's mom crazy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jungle Japes, May 6, 2016.

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  1. Ruda

    Ruda Active Member

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    Feb 6, 2013
    Well I'm relatively new here so I figured that it was just a low water mark. Especially considering the poster. I suppose I could dig through the archives but that shit's exhausting. Can anyone shed some light on the controversy since it seems relative to the matter at hand?

    I'm curious as to the sort of haven you grew up in. No, neither my family nor my closest friends were ardent misogynists, but we all go to school and some of us engaged in sports and so forth. I recall having posted about my school days some years ago so I won't get into too much detail. Suffice it to say that school was a horribly sexist environment and hockey practice, if possible, even moreso.
  2. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    Did she quietly respect your opinions?
  3. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    Should have quit while you were ahead.
    Now you've gone and done it! Wanted is one of my favorite movies of the past few years and I just rewatched it not long ago. It was a wonderful, ridiculous romp. Wasn't Chris Pratt a douche in that movie? It didn't really fall apart until toward the end with all of those damned rats. I could go on and on about Wanted...
    My interest is piqued. What was disturbing?

    I don't remember the fish-in-ass picture but I'm sure it was fantastic. I do recall an image of a heavily muscled Scrooge McDuck impaling two Nintendo Eskimos with his erect cock and while I prefer not to limit the forms of expression here at The House, I was relieved when the NSFW policy was put in place. I'm here and I choose to subject myself to whatever it is you maniacs post, but a passerby should not be subject to images such as these that cannot be unseen.
  4. Jungle Japes

    Jungle Japes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 30, 2005
    It's probably because the population here is aging and maturing, but I can't remember the last time I saw a tubgirl, lemonparty, or meatspin link.
  5. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    I can. It was late in 2013. Early snows covered the ground, and a few leaves still clung stubbornly to otherwise bare branches. An unusually mild wind had started to blow in from the east, providing a respite from the harsh chills of winter. Grossenschwamm was still posting on the forum in those days, and he and ytzk and I were gathered around a small camp fire when Dark Elf sauntered over.

    "Hey guys," he said, his lilting Swedish accent only just perceptible behind his perfect English. "Have you seen this?"

    He casually handed a photograph to ytzk, who took it in both hands and eagerly held it up to the light. Puzzlement flashed across ytzk's brow. He rotated the picture onto its side, and then back again, trying to make sense of the form within. "She... her... which direction... ?" A flurry of unformed sentences came to his lips, as his mind processed the image. Then realisation started to dawn. "That's... she's... in her own..." He flung the picture aside and began to convulse. "You bastard!" he yelled. He opened his mouth wide, and spewed forth an arc of yellow vomit, in a shape similar to that depicted in the image he had just seen. The vomit splashed on the ground, narrowly missing me, though a few flecks of it landed on my shoes. Ytzk continued to mutter obscenities at Dark Elf, who retrieved the photo from the ground and looked on blankly at ytzk's still heaving body.

    "Huh, weird," said Dark Elf. He turned to Grossenshwamm, and held out the photo. "Have you seen this?"
    ytzk likes this.
  6. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    In rural England, the pinnacle of western civilisation. I'm not saying there weren't racists and sexists around, just that I didn't take part in that in it that culture myself or really jokes about those topics or associate with many of those kinds of people - I guess I was just too busy making jokes about bestiality and shagging dead people. I didn't really run with a sporting crowd either which I suppose can be part of the problem - between my terrible hand-eye coordination, my flat feet and my hypermobility I have about all the grace of a drunk, recently buggered, club-footed gazelle.

    Let's just say I found out where the fish picture came from.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  7. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Everyone picturing this guy, yeah?

    I'm not necessarily only talking about blatant misogyny, here; I'm also thinking of the more casual, low-key occurrences that many people just thought or think of as 'normal'. I didn't mean to say that I myself held overtly misogynistic views at one point, but I did watch TV & movies, play video games, and was just generally exposed to certain attitudes and stereotypes as though they were simply 'the norm'. When I was a kid, I would've thought of being a nurse or secretary, for example, as a "woman's profession". That's pretty laughable now, but I can still remember a time when culture said that the idea of a male nurse or secretary was supposed to be the thing that was funny. As I mentioned, I'd be suspicious of thinking that growing up in this sort of environment just straight up didn't affect me at all; and I'd be even more self-critically probing if I believed that all of my friends and family somehow escaped such prejudices rubbing off on them—even a little bit—when they were surrounded by the same stuff, and possibly worse in the case of older folks. It's not really a case of 'obviously super sexist' vs 'nah, not me; couldn't be'; there are more shades than that, and that's part of the problem.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  8. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I don't really trouble myself overly much about the last generations', or even our generations', dying prejudices. Society is becoming ever more progressive, and I don't see myself as being accountable for society's problems given the upward trend. As I've mentioned, even as a kid I didn't contribute to sexist or racist dickery - so I don't really see the need for me to share in society's guilt. Don't get me wrong, I did do my fair share of dickery and also had it inflicted on me, but it was the kind of "normal" unprejudiced bully-ish dickery that I'm sure many of us faced and may have participated in - if not then lucky you.

    If you want to excoriate and torture yourself about these issues then I'm not going to stop you nor tell you you're wrong, but it's not for me - primarily because I was always raised as free-thinking and conscientious in the first place, not to say you weren't I just no longer sweat stuff I don't really think I had a hand in in the first place. I guess let's all hope for a time where the idea of a sexist or racist jokes are as farcical as jokes about paedophilia and necrophilia - and so these misunderstandings never occur in the first place.

    And so to lighten the mood, after that rather sombre tone here's another back-catalogue sickipedia joke I remembered:

    After looking through my hard-drive, my girlfriend commented, "Look, I don't mind you looking at porn every once in a while, but I think with the amount you have there might be a bit of a problem."

    "I know right, 4 terabytes, that's not even going to last me the night," I replied.
  9. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    All I'd say to this is that at least part of the reason such prejudices are dying is as a result of the kind of self-critical, re-evaluative, and inclusive thinking that I and others in this discussion have been advocating. Once people start excusing themselves from that on the grounds of seeing themselves as unaccountable for society's problems—and, by the way, lots of people who are part of the problem are doing that (I'm not thinking about you)—then it starts to look grim for this progressiveness.

    To be clear, it's not about torturing yourself; it's about questioning your (and others') actions. I don't find that tortuous. If you think that you've no need or use for, and would gain no benefit from, such critical self-reflection anymore, then I guess I don't really know what to say. I don't know you, so there's that; but I think most everybody could do with some (ongoing) degree of what I'm talking about. Anyway, this issue isn't just limited to you; it's about all of us here; and it seems to me that a lot of the comments above have something to offer in this respect.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  10. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    I think you're kidding yourself, truly prejudiced people are a dying breed in western society. Both my parents were arguably hippy-dippy liberals, and both my fiancee's parents were arguably staunch conservatives - and yet while the latter's opinions are slightly regressive they're far from ridiculous 1950s' attitudes in the first place, because even they realise that doesn't fly anymore.

    Personally, in terms of equality, I think we're three parts of a quarter there. That is of course not good enough, and I'll do my upmost for us to round off that extra quarter, but I don't personally hold myself accountable for the discrepancies of that last quarter not already being there in the first place - and I never will.

    I was going to play the OCD card, but suffice to say I'm living proof that people can have horrible things pop into their head and not actually act on them pr be influenced by them. I guess that's why I'm fine not questioning everyone's actions, but I guess my bar is set a little lower considering what I'm now easily able to deal with on a daily basis - and I do appreciate everyone else isn't a DoubleThink master like I am.

    I guess the gist is, Zanza upset Xiao enough that she left - and that made us all *terribly* sad, further Xz and Vorak left because Zanza had been such a big meanie. Then wankers like me showed up, and I made a joke about a British public service announcement being sexist in the most inappropriate way but only to highlight the stupidity of the British government for feeling it could somehow stop date rape through a public service announcement. I feel like me and Grakelin were ultimately at cross-purposes, seeing as he was a chill dude and Zanza will be upset with his loss, besides in PM back then I said, "I put on over-eloquence as a front [which I think I believed at that time rather than me coagulating a persona on my first ever forum] and please come back because you are a cool dude."

    And then Xz and Vorak suddenly came to resurgence over the Pillars of Eternity buzz. Vorak called me out on not having enough money to contribute to the community backing on kickstarter yet despite me wanting to purchase the game and the expansion for the same price (this forum had only a select number of keys for each at the time and I was in relative poverty so I wanted both the game I cared about and the expansion). Muro decided to get in the middle of it somewhat, which I think made him depart for greener pastures (either that, or from my creepy PMs). And hey, when I actually had the money I backed the forum to stay afloat, so I guess I wasn't such a hypocritical gimp after all. I suppose Vorak was really going on at people with less money at that particular time as being undeserving losers, the fucking - and here comes the modderateability - cu... erm... dick. Please don't ban me Vorak.

    In the mean time, ytzk disappeared because of ideological differences with Zanza, otherwise I think you're all up to speed and I have a worrying feeling I'm some sort of cancer on the forum. ytzk, thankfully, rejoined the cult - gooble gobble.

    Smuel, before this point, had made beautiful youtube songs and the like. I would provide a link, but it diminishes both (a) the discovery and (b) the glory of the discovery.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  11. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    That reminds me, I'd like to apologise for unfriending the following people on facebook: Darkelf, Darkfool, Jojobobo, Muro, Wobbler and Yuki. I hope I didn't forget anyone? TheDavisChanger? Grakelin maybe?

    Sorry. It wasn't anything personal at all towards any of you. I just get a little overwhelmed by more than 20 facefriends at once.

    Anyway, I recommend judicious use of the Ignore Member function. It really raises the tone of this place.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  12. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    I think you give me too much credit.
  13. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    Even now, I wouldn't describe that as laughable but I'm sure my interpretation of a "woman's profession" is playing a significant role in that. Even so, I don't see this as oppressive, misogynistic, or otherwise inappropriate. I suppose it could be sexist, but of the benign variety that many would insist cannot exist.
    This shameful shit needs some explaining.
    Apology accepted.
  14. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    It was a rap song about being repeatedly banned from the House of Lords.

    It was hilarious, and well produced. I can only remember one fragment, "What the fuck?"

    Four and a half stars.
  15. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Probably. I mean capricious douchebags like Xiao are always go to be, well, capricious douchebags - it seemed like she wanted an excuse for a dramatic exit. And I was never really sure why Xz and Vorak left, only to come back, only to seemingly leave again.

    You should feel terrible, given the obvious and massive importance of facebook in my life.

    Essentially, he just came to talk about Ark-kaaaay-num. Bah-bum.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  16. wayne-scales

    wayne-scales Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2007
  17. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
  18. Philes

    Philes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 22, 2006
    The sheer amount of wall-of-texting with embedded quotes followed by a "rebuttal" 11 times or more in the same post in this

    Feels like it's 2001 again and I'm in high school trolling some shitty early forums somewhere online. Thanks for making me feel young again guys.
  19. Philes

    Philes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 22, 2006
    Allow me to double post by saying the reason Vorak and Xz (or anybody else who was a frequent poster and now *isn't*) left has probably more to do with this place's irrelevancy than anything major involving drama. Then again, I may not be party to relevant drama.
  20. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    Irrelevancy? How dare you! That does it - I'm outta here.
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