This topic is sort of a follow-up on my previous topic concerning a World Aptitude (which. by the way, can be seen here: ) Please note: If you haven't bought nor played Arcanum yet, you probably shouldn't read any further. The following text contain some so-called "spoilers" (info that reveal some of the story and plotline). Consider yourself warned... In the Arcanum manual, we can read that ogres were a product of an immense magickal outburst, the real essence of which the ogres, and their ancient forebears - the giants - exist on. In the most recent centuries however, this dweomer has faded (probably due to the recent rise of technology) and left the ogre populace slowly dwindling, bound to eventually become yet another extinct race. The ogre patriarchs, out of sheer desperation, thus begun molesting human females in a wicked attempt to preserve the ogrish bloodline (and hence we've got half-ogres running the streets). Most half-ogres however, are more or less manufactured in special laboratories (I must admit that I haven't done this particular quest, though I've read about it in those forums). But since the offspring between man and ogre only can lead to hybrid males, the race of pure ogres is, quite unevitably, dying. Now, let's say that I begin a new game in Arcanum 2 as a Half-Ogre (or, for that matter, a pure-blooded one). Let's say that I choose to walk the path of the wizard, and eventually become one of the mightiest sorcerors in all Arcanum. Shouldn't I then be able to strengthen this ancient enchantment? (the chance of success could, quite favourably, be determined by the World Aptitude I proposed in my earlier thread). A lv 50 mage could surely do that, he would after all be equal or at least near-equal to Nasrudin, the greatest magicker of all time. Now, of course not even Nasrudin could channelize the arcane power required to create a brand new "ogre spell", but considering the relatively awesome power he actually do posses, the potency of his mystics would surely be well-enough to strengthen the spell already in place, right? Perhaps a 50th level ogre mage could even turn the enchantment fade-safe and tech-proof? What if you, as an ogre, were to seek out an ogre clan to obtain this particular quest? Of course, others than ogres and ogre-hybrids should be able to obtain this quest, though it would be harder for them to receive it, especially so for dwarves, who are technologically inclined with very few exceptions (Jormund is, after all, one of a kind) and sworn enemies to ogres. Dwarves should have to complete a long series of quests to prove their worth. This topic is getting long, so I'd better stop by now. And you, please give me some feedback, will you?
Well, that looks good... mostly the fact that even a dwarf could do the mission... not that they attack you on sight. I don't know what to give you as feed-back... but it's creepy that ogres stop extinguishing. :-o I prefer them to dissappear! :x
Well, I´m probably wrong, since I haven´t read the manual carefully, but if you finish that quest (the conspiracy) you find a book (lab journal). As I remember it, the book stated that they had female half-ogres for breeding purposes. But as I said, I could be wrong...
Hmm... wrong. Yes. Well, this might spoil but... The conspirators had female humans breeding Half-Ogres in the laboratory in Half-Ogre Island. But as that strange gnome at the end of the quest tells you, then they had enough female Half-Ogres so they stopped kidnapping humans. And for some reason they abandoned the lab. (Psst! You get a fate point for finding the journal!) Anyway, it was enough reason for me to go to Tarant and kill every gnome and their wives. (With the BANGE... bah) The most depressing of that quest is that Tyron and de Cesare dissappear and there's nothing you can do! :x :-x
Uhm... I wasn´t wrong... I was just pointing out that was wrong. Unless the gnome was lying, of course. Yes, there is, you can kill the gnome.
Ah, of course! And I never stopped me from doing that! :x :-x But I don't know who the hell is that gnome! Is really the contact Tyron speaks of? Being a gnome you can't trust him... I hate that mission! :x
The funniest thing happened when decided to kill the gnome. I had saved just after talking to him, I loaded the game and... he was gone... :x untrustworthy gnome... I like the quest up to the point when you meet the gnome. After that, I could never figure out what to do... well, you could sell the book to the tarantian, but that doesn´t seem like it matters. The reporter keeps saying that he will publish it later...
Hmmm... the first time I went with Mr. Wright (the Tarantian from Tarant) and he said he had no time, that I should give the book to Sam Longswel, from the Caladon Tarantian. I gave it to him and he said, as you said, that he'll publish it in no time. After a few days I came back and there was other guy in the Caladon Tarantian building. I asked him for the book, and he had no idea, then asked for Sam Longswel and said that nobody with that name worked in the Tarantian......... you know he was from the conspiracy. Then I went to Wright and I discovered he was also from the conspiracy. You can sell the skulls to the phrenologist but he's also from the conspiracy. :x :x :x If you have sense alignment you'll notice that everybody from the conspiracy have around -15 align, so you can kill 'em... at least is what I did.
I´ll have to check that out next time I play Arcanum. The computer I play Arcanum on is currently broken.
Well, when you get it fixed, you can check it. And you can't get Enemy of Tarant for killing the conspirators (another good thing)...(and just for you to know, the're called "the conspirators" in the WorldEd factions, that's why I call them that way). So kill 'em and try to stay out of the guards so you don't kill good ones...(but most of Tarant guards have negative align and are also from the conspirators... terrible city, isn't it? :x )
Maybe, if there any near him. The problem is that if you kill one of the conspirators in front of a good guard, it will attack you... but anyway it's impossible to get Enemy of Tarant by killing them. The phrenologist, is far from the other conspirators... in fact, he's very far from the rest of the city. PS: Someone knows where Tyron goes when you return from Half-Ogre island?