Okay, enough...

Discussion in 'Vault of Folly' started by Wolf, Feb 17, 2004.

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  1. JustaFishInaJar

    JustaFishInaJar New Member

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    Jan 10, 2004
    Quethim, look at wolfs avatar quote thingy and you'll know why I spelled "whine" as "whinger". Now don't you look "fullish". :lol:
  2. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2003
    Whinger is a word, Sir Quethim the Dumbass. And DU could you please stop editing my posts. I know it's funny, but it's anoying, especially when I"m writing a serious message.
  3. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 9, 2003
    I hardly think "hey thank asshole" is a serious message.
  4. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2003
    Of course it was serious. It may have been sarastic but it was serious nonetheless. Besides, that wasn't what I was talking about, really. Look up a few meseages, and be at peace.
  5. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2003
    Of course it was serious. It may have been sarastic but it was serious nonetheless. Besides, that wasn't what I was talking about, really. Look up a few meseages, and be at peace.
  6. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    I don't know why I'm doing this, except maybe that I haven't been posting nearly enough diatribes lately, but I'm going to give this one more shot.

    Wolf. You have some choices here. Call it a crossroad. You can enjoy your time spent here, or you can not enjoy it. Really it's up to you. And that is what this is all really about. Only one person here actually knows you, and only one, in all likelihood, ever will. This here is just where a bunch of people who enjoy wasting time talking about a video game and other random things meet up to chat. No one grows as a person, no one learns anything that can't be learned in hints n'tips or by googling, no one significantly changes their perspective. That stuff happens out in real-life-land. Here, Jarinor will never become warm and understanding, Sleek less rabid, Canis more accepting of others' views, Sigurd more self-critical, or I less condescending. If that stuff happens, it won't be here. And you won't grow up here. You'll do that in the world. If you ever travel (and you're Australian, so you probably will) you'll see a similar thing in youth hostel cafes. People talking, not actually becoming friends, just pleasant disposable acquaintances. Those who become pariahs in such environs are more often than not those who expect more.

    OK, so. The choice. If you want to enjoy your time here, don't talk about yourself too much. Don't navel-gaze here. It really isn't the right forum, and you will not find too many sympathetic ears here. Don't ask why. People have answered your questions to their satisfaction, and they believe the job is done. Their perspective is that you are a plaint factory. Don't ask why. That is a plaint. Just hang around, read funny posts, posts a few of your own, and consider it light entertainement. Argue if you must, but back out if you are outgunned, or more importantly, if the general consensus is that you are outgunned. After all, the success of an argument is its persuasiveness, not for the self, but for the other, just like every other form of human interaction. If you aren't convincing anyone, you can either find better evidence and study rhetoric or you can find a more sympathetic audience. The latter is infinitely easier. For instance, if I were to go to an evangelical christian forum and declare a Nietschean worldview, I would be lambasted, no matter the quality of my argument. I would, essentially, lose the argument, even if I were in the right. If it makes you feel better, you can see that as a parallel of what is happening to you here. I wouldn't agree, but maybe that makes me no wiser than the evangelical in my example. Maybe. But the point here is the subjectivity of perception when applied to the individual. Until we develop telepathy, it will be no other way. So if you want to have fun here, just chill and lay off wondering why you are criticized. If you do, I promise that you will cease to be criticized, as there will be nothing left to criticize.

    The other option is to not have fun. Considering this is not a site that actually carries any import, and is essentially, at best, a pleasant waste of time, a diversion, I'd see this option as much less productive than the former option, or the hidden option -- just leaving. But if you insist on this track, all you need do is cntinue to do what you are doing. Ask why people don't like you, ask why people don't understand you, demand explanations, evidence, stick to your guns even when doing so will not benefit you at all. All that will happen, as has been shown, is that people will like you less. Notice that, when all you do is talk about games and comment on general stuff, nobody attacks you. That only happens when you draw attention to yourself, when you demand to be noticed. Forgive me for saying this, but that is classic childish behavior. The child believes himself center of the universe, for he is center of his own, and does not understand when others do not share this opinion. You will grow out of it, but not completely for likely five or ten years. Not all the "mature" folks here have grown out of it completely, but they are further along than you. This is not a judgement on you or them. Only the natural progression of human aging.

    Point here is that if you place yourself in the limelight, you will be attacked. If you do not, you will not. Your choice.

    I reiterate: You are not disliked when you are in calm-wolf mode. But when your vitriol and angst surface, and you throw a tantrum, an exasperated eye-roll washes over the forum. As everyone here has failings, they don't just take the high road and ignore you or seek to console you. They attack you. Not everyone here is kind. They will continue to attack you. BUT ONLY IF YOU GIVE THEM THE CHANCE TO DO SO.

    People only change their opinions of other people organically, not by argument. It happens in the gut. You cannot make people respect you by telling them to, or giving them evidence to show they must. But I promise: stop demanding, stop complaining, stop shining the light on yourself, and you will be as well-liked as anyone here.

    Finally. This forum is not entirely populated by mature, kind, wise, and well-adjusted people. You are not the only examples of this. We all are. Heck, we are all gamers. Many of the "adults" here, even those with their own kids, have been known to behave irrationally, to overreact, to be childish. If we were all perfectly wise, we would always see your cries in oly the most favorable light. We would never insult you, never be frustrated by you, never be annoyed. We would patiently advise. Unfortunately, this is not House of Zen Monks. It is House of Lords, where gamers congregate. Many of them are maladjusted and many others who just carelessly use their biting wit where it can at times do too much emotional damage. That ain't gunna change.

    So make your choice. You wanna have fun here or not?
  7. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    That is one hell of a post lab. So many truths are contained therein, that it makes me sad I do not take the time to write such glorious pieces of enlightenment myself (instead of rashly typing whatever comes to mind).

    This is so true. Then again, I have yet to meet someone who could be considered 'normal', and I find myself wondering if such a mythical creature exists.
  8. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    Thanks. I honestly do hope it helps. It's so long and polemical though, nobody else is likely to read it.

    This place (and the rest of the internet, too, but that's too unwieldy to examine as a whole) really is a great petri dish for social relations.

    And it's a fun way to keep me writing when I don't feel inspired to work on more "important"* things.

    *read "things that might actually pay the bills"
  9. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    That was beautiful. Although I did have a strange urge to edit it all out into something more simple like "Wolf you suck", but I am le tired.
  10. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Oh fuck it. Yes I am up at 3:20 AM. I guess since my last few posts haven't been edited proves the possibilty that DU won't edit them again. Yes, lab, I did take careful note of your post. Although you made an assumption or two that I don't agree with; such as about children thinking thy're the centre of the universe. Not all children are narcisists(sp?). Hehe. JUst said the last part so it didn't soiund like I took it too literally.

    Oh no! I think I might just have made a typo. LOL. I begin to wonder if sleep deprivation is getting to me...

    Edit: Oh and Settler also knows me. Not that it matters, just thought I'd point it out.
  11. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

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    Feb 26, 2002
    i read it, lab. i've got a baby on my lap, and i'm not moving for awhile, so, yeah. good points.

    i would say having a kid makes you even more prone to acting childishly, actually. it's hard to resist the temptation to live in their world :/
  12. Canis

    Canis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2002
    I'm accepting of others' views. I accept that they're MORONS, but I accept them.

    Oh, and, like, great post. And stuff. :thumbup:
  13. Quethim

    Quethim New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 18, 2001
    I think you're all whining!

    Would you all like some cheese with that? :p
  14. mrnobodie

    mrnobodie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 6, 2001
  15. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2003
    Hey I can't change my avatar. I assume this linked to the "Not a Whinger, Honest" thing. Couldn't you at least find a funny picture?
  16. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
    you don't deserve a funny picture. if they gave you one, it would just reinforce you're own faulted belief that you matter.
  17. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Admin powers are great. They really are. DU and I have great fun editing peoples posts and giving them custom titles they don't want. It's like a secret brotherhood that everyone knows about, and which you can't join.

    Well, maybe it's not exactly like that, but the sweat on my back feels like insects slowly crawling all over me, so I'm not thinking too clearly at the moment.
  18. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Wolf is coming up with some great ideas. Now it's time for some bandwidth theft...



  19. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2003
    I['m quite fond of my avatar and title, actually. You know why? 'Cause they're custom.
  20. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    I wouldn't start deluding yourself that they're a reward of some sort.
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