NPC faces

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by MackaN, Dec 28, 2006.

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  1. MackaN

    MackaN New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    So, to have all clear.
    When I have NPC, and I dont want to see normal icon of him (for example arrow and bow if he is an elf) I need add him a portriat. So all I need is to use good graphic program what works good with Arcanum, than make my BMP, add this BMP to folder Arcanum/modules/MyMod/portrait.

    Actually When I made follwer from my NPC using the spell, I have this: ... dziala.JPG

    So my Photoshop and even paint is bad...

    EDIT: Ok, I checked in Arcanum, that in the game there is imposibble to see the portriat of NPC when this NPC was no fallower. It's pitty!

    So all the 3 years I tried to make impossible thing... Because I somhow was thinking all this time, that when NPC is importanrt in Arcanum, I can see his portriat... Now I notice, that only fallowers have those, and I can see them potraits only when I have them in team...

    I think it is time to close this topic. :( But maybe somone have some Idea how to force in game, to show this portrait?
  2. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    Everything you said is correct for followers - but not the other NPCs.

    I've just started looking for a way to change the little picture you see when talking to a NPC (ex: Elf and the bow and arrow). No luck yet.

    I just did a fast check on Arcanum's beginning, and Virgil's initial picture is crossed pistols until he joins me. I don't know why you got his portrait.
    There is a possibility that a specific picture is hard-coded into the pro file for each type - Human villager gets the crossed pistols - but I just don't know.

    The blank, blue picture was what I was getting when I tried to use the NPCVan portrait.
    Whatever the problem is, is something beyond my knowledge of photo-editing.
    When I made my portraits, I reduced the colors and bit-depth using Photoshop 5 and had no trouble what so ever.

    Here's the sequence I used:
    Conditional Mode Change

    Source Mode -

    RGB color (I started with jpg)

    Target Mode -

    Mode: Indexed Color
    Colors: 256
    Palette: Adaptive
    Color depth: 8-bits/pixel
    Dither: Diffusion
    Color Matching: Best
    Preserve Exact Colors

    Maybe you missed a step?
  3. MackaN

    MackaN New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Well I used the same parametrs as you do in Photoshop, and still I can see blue picture :)

    Whatever, I think I need an other 3 years to solve the problem :)
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