No idea, the newest I can find anywhere is 2.2, the one where you can "make love to Jeanette regardless of the storyline." I don't think it's availiable here, so you'll have to look around for it.
You go somewhere near here: And they're up to 2.7 now, if anyone still cares. (And 2.8 in the very near future.) * * * 31 Aug. correction: Ver 2.8 out, 2.9 in the near future. In case anyone still cares.
There's also a beta patch to be found here: However, if you are offended by nudity, you might not want to go to this sight (other fan patches exist there as well that are very comfortable with the power of the female form). This new patch is not made by the folks at Planet Vampire but by fans from Tessmage forum. Please consider it was well. Thanks, BVB
Currently your current business found so you could have you may actually.