Full bred ogres, Deathlords (-50 alignment, -1 CH, only Virgil and Geoffrey Tarrelond Ashe, and Dog will join you.), Full bred orcs.
Eeehm....I don't think people will want to talk to a Demonic Deathlord... Plus, will Virgil, Doggy en Geoffrey be in Arc2? Considering you prolly trained 'em in 1 to level 50 or so, they'd prolly have other things to do, IF teh game is in a later time period. I'd personally go for the Age of Legends.
If you were going to allow characters to start off naturallly evil, then there should be somewhere in the plotline a chance for redemption, otherwise, if you were going to use that sort of charachter...screw the plotline and just forward to mayhem, and give an evil ending. ex: you have sent everyone to oblivion, the end.