Guns are way too underpowered in the early game. A gunfighter character simply wastes bullets until he achieves higher ranks in the skill. Even then, you need some pretty damn powerful guns to really kick ass. With a melee fighter, you can destroy almost anything armed only with an axe and fairly high melee skills. In the sequel, guns need to be far more powerful. Since when can anyone take twenty bullets from a repeater rifle and keep charging towards you? Something that most likely won't be a problem in the sequel, but it irritated me that the guns were so simplistic. One model for long guns and one for pistols, and no reloading or anything. Maybe if you actually had to reload the guns, it would offset high power. Like, you are attacked by five zombies. Using your lever-action Clarington rifle, you empty the five-round magazine into one zombie, killing him. Then you reload and kill another zombie with only two bullets. You pump the remaining three into a third zombie, but he keeps coming. You reload and kill him, but by this time, the other two zombies are all over you. It would be much the same effect as firing hundreds of bullets into all five zombies and still having a couple reach you before they all die, but it would be far more realistic.
True. I hate that waste of bullets. Combine the insane shooting speed with most handguns and the high rate of miss at low ranks and you have got yourself a dilemma. As you said, higher power/accuracy at the cost of speed would do the trick. If there will ever be a sequel, I do believe Troika would be looking at this. Hey, those guys have played it to haven't they?
I also want to see other realistic touches, such as different ammo types. While I can suspend my disbelief at loading a shotgun with rifle bullets, using small slugs for the Hand Cannon and Elephant gun is just a little too much to swallow. Do you know what ammo the Blade Launcher uses? If it uses bullets, that's even more ludicrous.
I don't find guns underpowered, even in the early game. Especially with the patch, when the Hand Cannon becomes worthwhile and the Repeater rifle turns into a Mechanized gun for poor. You're just as "underpowered" with bows or throwing. Of course, melee weapons deal more damage, but with guns you have the widest range of choices and the advantage of a long range- which is why a gunslinger can play the whole game with very little armor. Now gunslinger FOLLOWERS are indeed "underpowered". Give them higher ST! Boost it up to 12, or at least 10, so they could use those big rifles- that will indeed make a difference. Different ammy types are a good idea. Reloading isn't. It would indeed require giving guns more power. The only weapon I would make stronger is the pitiful Bronwyck's gun, and even that not much. Just give it speed 13 instead of 11- and it rules again.
Guns are way too underpowered in the early game That's easily changed: You can change the ammo consumtion to zero if you want. It uses bullets, and lots of them.
I think the guns are underpowered. When I used the editor I made a LARGE increase in power for the elephant gun and blade launcher. I also lowered the speed to 1 (6 with training). I raised the base damage of all the others a little bit. However, shortly after doing this I played with Chemistry and Explosives (together) for the first time. All you really need are stun and knock out gas grenades. They make up for weak guns. Still...I thought they could use a bit more power. I might edit them again to do more fatigue damage, since people often survive getting shot, but they are quite incapacitated. Reloads is a good idea, but ONLY if the guns are more powerful.
Throwing is NOT underpowered. Just pack in the grenades, and you're unstoppable, especially since you can throw as many as you want in a turn. You can continuously knock your enemies back while doing splash damage... Yeah, definitely not underpowered. Wow that was way off topic. :/
1)In the unpatched game, grenades don't give you any experience for killing. In patched, things seem different though, so this isn't valid for patched version 2)With grenades you're very limited in how much "ammo" you can carry. I mean, you can easily carry 1000 bullets or arrows- but how about 1000 grenades? :roll:
I actually LOVE the guns in Arcanum. But I was just saying that when you have maybe two ranks in Firearms, you really can't do too much with it. You run out of bullets before you can kill anybody. Anyway, I still like the guns. You can build bigger and better ones, which is cool, and the really powerful ones rule, like Bronwyk's Gun, the Elephant gun, and others. By the way, has anyone ever gotten the Levered Machine gun? Don't tell me where you found it if you did, thopugh, because I like to figure stuff out on my own. The character I am currently playing through with is a human femal bandit who has Mastery in Firearms, and can build her own guns, explosives, and mechanical devices.
Running out of bullets??? How, pray tell? I mean, you buy some 250 bullets in every general store! Don't EVER use Fintlocks. It is better to have no points in melee and a rapier than two points in firearms and a Flintlock pistol. But once you get your hands at least on a Hunting Rifle, or any revolver except really rusty ones, guns rule.
I wasnt very clear in my post. I never MENT to say that Grenades were underpowered. When I said "Still...i thought..." I was talking about Guns again. When I first played Arcanum my gun-slinger was always running out of bullets, when stole 20 from Constable Owens I was like "SCORE!" THen I used them all to kill an ailing wolf. I never have problems with that now, if i'm not selling grenades, Im' peddling useless junk.