- Swyft was in fact a secret agent from T'Sen Ang sent to kill Gilbert Bates in Tarant. Using ancient and forgotten magic she was changed into a regular Elf and embarked for Tarant. However she got attacked at night and was badly hurt. She was found by the elves of Quintarra and nursed back to health although she lost most of her memories...the only thing she recalls was the need to go to Tarant! - If you had sex with Belle the sheep, then at some point some mutant freak should show up claiming to be your child! - Having sex with anyone else in the game, including Madam Lils Girls, Lillian Misk, Raven, etc. means the chance of a kid turning up later on in the game... - The real mastermind behind the Shoruded Hills Bank Robbery coming after you at some point... - Discovering that Metthew Jameson lost more than his ring in the sweres. i.e HIS BALLS! - Discovering a secret group of Wheel Clan dissidents practicing magic in the Dredge -
Well, having some good time with belle might tigger a special encounter, kind of like the ne with 'arronax' on your way to the wheel clan. Taking place no sooner than 45 days after the 'accident', you encounter a fleshy mound calling you daddy... That might be a pretty fun follower to have.
I'd want some creepy sheep-boy to walk up to me, and then keep him as a follower. He'd be like the Dog, only he could carry an inventory, and wouldn't be able to attack all that well, but the wool on his body would act as a buffer against melee damage. And, I dunno, maybe he'd learn nature magick, or therapeutics.
The only abilities fitting such creature would be stunning and assraping enemies. He should have a natural affinity toward attacking chickens, pigs and cows. That would serve as an explanation how he survived in the wilderness, avoiding death by boredom. Yeah, an animation of a freak mutant raping chickens would certainly get arcanum some fresh attention.
You're definitely not alone, rroyo. I got a pretty decent chuckle from the "chicken lover" scenario myself. :lol:
I'd like to see a quest where that snivveling little called Willoughsby is exposed as the "mr.X" mentioned in the HO island quest and get what he deserves. He ought to die! DIE!
If memory serves, in Car-Arcanum, you do get to track down and kill Willowby. Thank you, Mr. Beddoes. Of course, it's been a while since I played the game that far. If I'm wrong, somebody please correct me.
You actually get to do that? Kill him? For the Half-Ogre thingy? I WAN'T CAR ARCANUM RIGHT BLOODY NOW!!
I'm playing it now and I'll point out its been years since I last did, so my memories hazy. I have done the regular part where you go to the island, I seem to recall that from there the half ogre quest continues in the Blackroot sewers, can't remember how to trigger it though.