Madman’s confessional

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baal, Jul 14, 2005.

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On a 1-5 rating how insane do you think I am?

  1. 5- Insane.

    0 vote(s)
  2. 4- Crazy

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3- Nutty

    0 vote(s)
  4. 2- About average

    0 vote(s)
  5. 1- Not at All

    0 vote(s)
  1. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
    the thing about craziness, if you're truly insane, you don't tell people about it. for one of three reasons.

    #1. you're too crazy to know you're crazy, so you don't sit around comparing your craziness with others.

    #2. you know you're a psychopath, so rather than tell people how crazy you are, you just kill them.

    #3. you know you're a bit crazy, but you don't boast abuot it because *newsflash* insanity is not a pissing contest.

    so, children, good for you, you got our attention, we've all read your *true* accounts of craziness, and we think you're soooo cool. fuckin' posers.
  2. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Re: Madman’s confessional

    Not only are you a desperate attention whore, you've forever earned my scorn, you pathetic wimp of an arsehole.

    Same goes for Floyd.
  3. Nukenin

    Nukenin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2005
    My vote--for both Baal and floyd--is for "evil". If there's such a thing as Hell, better make the most of the life you have left here. :)
  4. Sea Dog

    Sea Dog New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 24, 2003
    Baal, the more I think about it, you're a lying fuck who wishes he was hardcore and had had a life. You sound like a pussy. The recurring theme here is you don't have the balls to actually confront anyone. Your crazy things sound like bullshit and I pray to a god I've never believed in that you didn't make a dog die over a week.
    Getting caught also (obviously) doesn't make a difference as to how crazy one is you wonderfully logalical fuckwit. It also makes your stories less credible. I'd guess there'd be some pissed off parents in most of those things too.
    Craziness is not something to compete about unless you're an attention starved whore and it is with a heavy heart that I say you ain't done shit compared to what's been done. You talk about it like it's a worthwhile achievment. You're almost gloating. Find some fucking insight.
    Floyd, you're an immoral prick too. Stonning a cat is not something to do when you're bored. It really is sickening. You also state everything in the 'I'm cool', non-chalant way which makes more of a prick.

    I'll say it again, you aren't crazy, you're an arsehole, just an arsehole.
  5. Bunny

    Bunny New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2004
    Well, I prefer them to that guy from the story "Woodrow Wilson's Neck-tie".
  6. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2004
    It’s more along the crazy thing I’ve done are the only thing I’ve done that are worthy enough to even be remembered by.

    And you’re right, I did actually get caught when I through the rock it to the kids head, that’s why I didn’t hurt him more, the teachers managed to ketch me before I got over to him. But I was only in second grade, I just got a slap on the wrist for trying to kill a kid.

    But standard thing I’ve matured some and don’t do things like that now, that’s why I’m so board all the time now. I still have that urge to destroy but I try to control it now, I’ve just made designs for home made weapons and bombs that I would love to test.

    Hell if I could test one of my ideas I think it might make a prototype for a blaster like the had in Star Wars, but that I would need a couple of scientists to complete and test some of my theories. I also have an idea for a new self powered source of energy that could change a few things.
  7. Sea Dog

    Sea Dog New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 24, 2003
    Hmmm, yeah...sounds impossible for a lot of reasons.
    You are still an arsehole, as I said for 1) competing in such a distasteful way and 2) you did it. Doesn't matter what age or whether one controls it, a fucks a fuck. It's who you are.

    The operative word being "story", as in fiction. Besides I prefer him to Stalin. Doesn't make what he did acceptable in ANY way. It may be preferable but you're trying to shrug it off and I don't respect a compromise in morals or trying to make what he did less/justify what he did.
  8. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2004
    You don’t like me, so what I don’t expect you to, and I don’t care if you like me or not 8) .

    You can call me a fuck all you want it wont change weather I am one or not. I am how I am, like it or not.
  9. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    These are the times I truly wish Jarinor was here. He always knew how to deliver a good bashing.

    My GOD what a witty retort. Your age... 14? Am I right?
  10. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
  11. Bunny

    Bunny New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2004
    I just meant that sometimes, telling someone who's rather nutty you don't believe them only pushes them to do something nutty so that you believe them. That's why I mentioned the guy from that story. (And yeah, I said story, as in fiction.) Aren't we supposed to write about stuff in this board? We're not obliged to read everything we consider shit, right? So why bothering?

    You do realise it's not only saying it, but also meaning it, don't you?
  12. Sea Dog

    Sea Dog New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 24, 2003
    Just like I could call you, Baal, well versed in the English language but it won't make it so.
    But I suppose you're right, you are the way you are even if it's wrong. I suppose I am the way I am too. Yes, whether you are a fuck is a matter of opinion, but so is whether the sky is blue or not a matter of opinion. The answer is apparently obvious to me that you are neither keen of wit or of, what I consider high enough moral standards.
    You mentioned that no good had come from the human race. You have regaled us all of your craziness and it's quite clear you yourself are not a positive contributor to the human race and are part of your own problem with the human race.
    Besides, saying something is just the way you are is a cop-out in a major way. You haven't even examined yourself.
    There is a reason a lot of other humans, including you, express their opinions about things. Very recently you were informing us of your opinion of religion. I think I have the right to tell you you're a fuck and why.

    Bunny, we are supposed to write. The board is self-moderating. If the majority did dislike Baal a lot he would either be abused to high heaven or banned. He hasn't been. Well he has been unbanned and I'm not saying he shouldn't post, I'm saying he’s a fuck.
    Baal has exercised his right to write stuff and so have I.
    Aside from that I'm sorry for being a tight arse to you, which I have been (to an extent :)). You are quite reasonable, in my opinion.
  13. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2004
    The point was the simplicity of the frays and a more polite way of saying “I don’t give a fuck what you think or say!â€￾

    And I’ll be 21 this next Monday.

    I can agree with that.

    If you read the ending I, in a way said that.

    Actually I have.

    Did I say stop? All I said is you can do it all you want and I wont change anything.
  14. Bunny

    Bunny New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2004
    Thanks. Honestly, I wasn't aware that the board is, most of the time, like a Roman Coliseum, where many people put their thumbs up or down according to their tastes. I didn't mean to stand up for Baal and telling you off or something of the kind, because I know that he can do that for himself and doesn't need me. Although by what he said, if he doesn't really care, well, I don't have to care either, right?

    Are you talking to / about me?
  15. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
    i've always thought we greatly resemble a coliseum... not so much with the thumbs, but we have a definite tendency to throw people to the lions... meow :D
  16. Sea Dog

    Sea Dog New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 24, 2003
    You say you've examined yourself and that's fair enough but I would definitely not far enough and maybe you know what you like/dislike but you haven't thought about you in relation to your ideals. Or at least that's what I would suggest.

    Did I say it was gonna change anything? I wasn't expecting to. But if you DID have any insight you would probably realise or at least it would pop into your head that I may be doing this for my benefit. Hmmmm.
    My point stands, all your slef defense of your actions amounts to a cop out, assuming of course you do think killing a dog is morally incorrect.
    If so you're a not intelligent
    If you do think that killing a dog is ok and it's ok to gloat about it then we have different ideals and you are the thing you have a problem with so logically you should be trying to fix yourself. You said it in a way but you did not acknowledge it and whether or not you are controlling yourself you would still be a shit by nature and a shit for bringing it up as a topic of conversation to brag about.

    Sometimes we resemble the Coliseum but we don't throw people to the lions, we cut people up and tin them for Rosie or we dehydrate them for biscuits too.
  17. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2004
    As I said I have a problem with all of humanity. But as the phrase goes “If you can’t beat, them join them.â€￾ It’s not very likely the world will end in my lifetime no matter what I do, so I might as well have a good time and trash the world so future generation can see our wrath.

    Saving the world is more than likely out of my grasp so I might as well be the one to pull the trigger, so the people that escape this world will remember me as the one who destroyed the world. I just need to wait for the right time so there will be people to remember my name. Then I put out a big broadcast destroy every thing and I get to replace Hitler in the history books.

    Being good it’s too hard to get remembered, I mean all I haft to do is blow up a big important building and I’ll get in the history books. As for good people you haft to be raised to a saint among saints to be remembered.

    I wonder if it would be possible to create a big enough nuke that if detonated just above/under the edge of the atmosphere it would blow a big enough hole to allow the sun to rip off the atmosphere, wiping out all life on earth.

    Ahhh hell… I could never do something like that. But the thought of doing something like that is tempting. If I did, the future colonies on mars would remember me as the one who destroyed the world leaving the lifeless planet to remind people of me for all time.

    It probably wouldn’t work any way the earth’s magnetic field would continue to deflect most solar activity and it would just massively increase global warming and irradiate half the globe, but that would be enough. The only way you could get it to work would be to find a way to cool/alter the planets core reducing the magnetic field, then the next solar flare hits and bye bye atmosphere. Yep… The earth has shields, and I’m talking about taking down the generator.

    You can alter the magnet structure of mettle by hitting it sharply, maybe you could do that to the earths core. a big enough blast might just invert the magnetic fields. But then what would happen then?

    Well… One more random thought posted.
  18. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2004
    And no guys I would never do something like that, I just find it to be a fascinating concept.
  19. Bunny

    Bunny New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2004
    "Concept" is the key word... (I was about to give you a little shake...)
  20. Vyenna

    Vyenna New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2005
    Theyre not evil, theyre just stupid, sick, twisted, childish attention whores.
    If you think this is what evil truly is, then life has some surprises in store for you my friend! ;)
    And i bet half of what they listed is complete bullshit.
    (btw: i skipped most of the thread :p)

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