Lowest Fatigue EVER

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Muro, Dec 19, 2009.

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  1. Darkform

    Darkform New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 22, 2008
    I've been doing STUFF. you may be correct about how Arcanum records current Fatigue, BUT I would SWEAR that in Arcanum Protos if there is a negative # then the bit would be FFFF for -1 and countdown until it reached the magick halfway point where instead of having a max negative you end up with a max positive then continue counting down from that. of course the theoretical max and min is way beyond what the Proto would ever need to function as a Proto. I would look it up and the Proto for the Upsy Dasium Gem in AWIP would be a good reference since it has such a high negative weight but there would be no point, even if you was wrong about the way Arcanum stores current Fatigue data I don't know enough about that part of Arcanums data storage to disprove what you say AND if I did look up and prove Protos do it a different way I would just make everyone think I'm a idiot for saying "a orange is good for making pies and this apple proves it"

    to sum it up you may be right. and I refuse to argue with you on it since my understanding of the part of Arcanum you are using as fact is not good enough to confirm nor deny that you are right.
  2. Charonte

    Charonte Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2009
    Eh? It's basic computer science, more or less all integers are stored in the same manner regardless of what they are used for. I wasn't trying to 'prove' anything, just discussing what I thought would happen.

    Dear god man, get some sleep already. I was hardly picking a fight.
  3. Vorak

    Vorak Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    I don't think he's coming back.

    Lying bastard.
  4. Darkform

    Darkform New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 22, 2008
    but the reason I figure in Arcanum Protos store the integers in a different way from the rest of Arcanum is that when I mod a Arcanum Proto I get the felling the people that designed them didn't communicate well with the other Arcanum staff as to the layout and templates used for a LOT of stuff involved with programing (ether that or the Proto makers just sorta created the Protos using a code language loosely based on what the other Arcanum staff was using on purpose. probably to delay modders from being able to edit or create them)

    seriously tho based on all the other programs I altered and the parts of Arcanum I understand enough to alter, Arcanum is the only program I've encountered that looks like 2 or more separate programs made by people that didn't know the others even existed where placed together by yet another completely different group of programmers that jury-rigged them to working together properly. (this is really why I don't think digging up a screen-shot of how Protos store integers would help. a translated hex inside a Proto doesn't always point to the same # in Arcanum. [why on earth would they make a translated hex that becomes N go to Description.mes N+20 for info instead of simply having it go to the # listed in the Proto? other than just to try and confuse modders trying to edit or create a Proto?])
  5. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2007
    I really have almost no idea what you people are talking about, but it should be possible to just check it, shouldn't it? Creating via editor a melee weapon that deals 0 damage and 10^9 fatigue damage with each shot, replacing the staff in Virgil's primary inventory with it, starting the game, attacking Virgil ans watching what happens is just a quick suggestion of how to do it. Sadly, I don't have the skills to do it myself. Crypton, where the hell are you?
  6. Darkform

    Darkform New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 22, 2008
    it's possible to a point. the main problem is I believe that there is a much lower cap on how much damage you can let a weapon do (I haven't trued to make a Proto weapon on it's own do to much damage, instead I've always after a point just linked it to a spell effect to give it higher damage).

    if all we wanted to do was know the max Fatigue loss a critter could have then maybe someone should just open worlded and make a NPC that starts with as much negative Fatigue as they can. (I'm not sure, but I would think when the Proto stops being a Proto because it was edited in world-ed the resulting modifications to it are simmular to the temporary changes of taking damage in game)
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