LORE Team Presents....

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by Lore Development Team, Jun 27, 2002.

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  1. Lore Development Team

    Lore Development Team New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 25, 2002

    A very trivial remark. Hmm the Terra-Arcanum community seems to be flaming The LORE Team.....haha. Trust me. The LORE Team has felt very amused that the TA Community is nothing but a flame board. Very interesting, Calis delete or move the threads to the flame section if there is one. We are now voting to actually to make the Demo feature the second floor and first floor. THIS should get interesting. I'll make you eat those words. You have no idea how hard this module is even in EASY mode. Why do you think Dungeon of Tactics is fake? Because were having problems? This is our first time. Bear with us you impatient one. What about your module HexRei? Wheres "Deep 15". Still in Near-Alpha release? That kind of makes me mad just reading your post...then again, when DoT is released you'll be eating those words and whining "I cant finish this!".


    Not Sincerely,

    Codey (Code-X)
    LORE Webmaster
  2. HexRei

    HexRei New Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Deep15 is dead, as I already said. Nothing to hide :)
    You, on the other hand, haven't produced anything but a link to a fake mod. I'd say that even my small beta release beats the shit out of your little ruse.
    If you actually have something to release, as you claim, why do you keep ignoring people's offers of a real webhost? Why won't you AIM or ICQ it to anyone? Why does your download only lead to an empty zip?
  3. Lore Development Team

    Lore Development Team New Member

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    Jun 25, 2002

    ICQ and AIM have spyware and adware in their DL source files. The LORE Team doesnt want their computers invaded by lame ads for Sex, Talk shows, or stupid little cameras to spy on our friends popping up on our computers. As for our module being fake, we'll gladly make you eat those words HexRei. Why havent we taken any offers for webhosting? Also- we updated our site hours ago: http://lmcenter.tripod.com. quote:

    ***We are aware of the problems with Geocities! and were looking for a new host to make Dungeon of Tactics available for Download. ***

    Now, what was that HexRei? Your module is dead? We dont care. We never played the demo. Now, because I'm feeling nice, I'll gladly do this for you HexRei, if you want help making Deep15, I'll gladly talk to you at LoreTeam@hotmail.com about it. I'm not even suppose to be on shift, but anyways, tell me the storyline, and what it was suppose to be about and I will try to help restore it. Be "very" Detailed.


    Nicholas Freedman
  4. HexRei

    HexRei New Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    *shrug* then email it to me. Or does your email have adware and spyware too? :roll:
    LOL! you will "help" me?
    Download my data at http://www.subtend.net/~peter ...
    I have hundreds of scripts and dialogs completed, dozens of maps, many FINISHED quests, edited .pro files for new monster and item prototypes, and new spells. What have you got?
    no quests, a couple of maps, and an empty zip?
    At least I can ADMIT that I'm not working on my mod anymore.
  5. Lore Development Team

    Lore Development Team New Member

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    Jun 25, 2002
    HexRei- I understand about school, etc. etc. However I will say- That site gives me a 404 Error, and Hotmail doesnt allow users to send files over 5 MB's. Sadly DoT's Demo is nearly 10 MB's.
  6. Notharah

    Notharah New Member

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    Jun 8, 2002
    Then why don't you zip it in multiple parts???
  7. HexRei

    HexRei New Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    The link on this page works fine. The link on the deep15 mod thread was broken because HoL stuck my end-of-sentence period into the link.
    Anyway, I would honestly be very interested in seeing what you guys have accomplished, even tho I'm not modding anymore myself. Did you say you were going to be sending the mod DU? Will it be on his page sometime soon then?
  8. Lore Development Team

    Lore Development Team New Member

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    Jun 25, 2002

    I asked DarkUnderlord how to split .zip files and then recombine them. He hasnt replied to me yet.
  9. Jasper_Chen

    Jasper_Chen New Member

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    Jun 29, 2002
    try going to www.download.com and search for something, they have lots of stuff to split and recombine files, i won't mention anything specific
  10. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Sorry Maniac :D

    Jasper is right. This program might help:
    http://download.com.com/3000-2248-10117 ... ag=lst-0-7

    D-Koup 2.5
    From the developer: "D-Koup' is a program, working with the Windows 9X, ME and XP platforms (sorry, issues not yet resolved for NT and 2K users), that allows the user to cut up large files into smaller portions, making it possible to place them on diskettes. With this new version, the user is able to define the size of the portions created. Five (5) sizes are predefined: 60K (notepad), 713K (double density diskettes) , 1.38Meg (high density diskettes), 100Meg (zip disks) and 650Meg (CD-ROM). If the pre-defined choices do not suit the user's needs, it is possible to specify a personalized size. A batch file is created for the re-assembly of the original file. No installation needed."

    DU's Guide
    Program gives me errors (I'm on windows 2k), but I got it to work anyway.
    Create a new directory and copy the file you want to split into that directory. Then fire up the program (Just double-click the .exe file). In the "file to cut" part, click on the dots at the end of that space, browse to the directory you made before and select the file you want to split. Then hit "open".

    Then click "options" click in "other size" and type in "500". Click ok. Now click "cut". It'll say "the file s cut" then if it's like mine, it'll pop up some error box and close. Don't worry about that, it still worked. Browse to your directory with the file you wanted cut. In there, you'll find the original file, as well as a whole bunch of other files and a .bat file. If you want to test it, delete the original file, just leaving the split files and the batch file. Then double-click the batch file (it'll be called something like "NAME OF FILE.dat.bat"). If it worked, that will re-create the file.

    Soo, if you want to do that and send each of those little chunks to me seperately, that should be fine. Just be sure to send me the .bat file as well.

    By the way, if I were you, I'd be careful coming in here and pulling this shit. Your team has enough problems as it is already. Don't start adding to them.
  11. Snobothehobo

    Snobothehobo Member

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    Jul 19, 2002
    Yeah, right, you're the one who insulted him in YOUR locked post. You're the one who tries to flee from Arcanum because we complained about YOU not getting your mod done. Who should be apologizing? Certainly not DarkUnderlord.

    Your Devil,

  12. Snobothehobo

    Snobothehobo Member

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    Jul 19, 2002
    Lore Development Team wrote:
    A very trivial remark. Hmm the Terra-Arcanum community seems to be flaming The LORE Team.....haha. Trust me. The LORE Team has felt very amused that the TA Community is nothing but a flame board. Very interesting, Calis delete or move the threads to the flame section if there is one. We are now voting to actually to make the Demo feature the second floor and first floor. THIS should get interesting. I'll make you eat those words. You have no idea how hard this module is even in EASY mode. Why do you think Dungeon of Tactics is fake? Because were having problems? This is our first time. Bear with us you impatient one. What about your module HexRei? Wheres "Deep 15". Still in Near-Alpha release? That kind of makes me mad just reading your post...then again, when DoT is released you'll be eating those words and whining "I cant finish this!".


    Not Sincerely,

    Codey (Code-X)
    LORE Webmaster[/quote]

    Why are we flaming you? I can provide a list, fiend.
    1. You NEVER have your mods finished
    2. Your a bunch of liars
    3. You insult everyone
    4. You insulted DarkUnderlord in a post that Calis locked. (Special thanks to Calis for locking it, or that argument would have went ON and ON!)
  13. Snobothehobo

    Snobothehobo Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2002
    Snobo The Hobo writes:
    Why are we flaming you? I can provide a list, fiend.
    1. You NEVER have your mods finished
    2. Your a bunch of liars
    3. You insult everyone
    4. You insulted DarkUnderlord in a post that Calis locked. (Special thanks to Calis for locking it, or that argument would have went ON and ON!)[/quote]
  14. Calis

    Calis Member

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    Apr 20, 2001
    This one looks like a good candidate for a lock as well.
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