Hello good people of Terra-Arcanum, I hope old connoisseurs are still around. I'd appreciate if you could help me find a specific soundtrack to a module. The premise is as follows: A really really long time ago I downloaded some custom Arcanum module the name of which I can't remember. I'm pretty sure it was French. I couldn't play it for some reason (probably because it was French), but It had its own soundtrack that I checked out in the resources and there was one kicking tune that I really liked and kept. I thought I had it to this day, but it turns out at some point I lost it. And recently It's been constantly popping in my head. I decided to track it down, downloaded all the modules I could possibly find both French and English, but no luck. And now my OCD is kicking in. All I have to go on from is my recreation of the tune: https://voca.ro/14Ye5thoTh93 Sorry for the lousy performance, it's been ages since I've touched a keyboard. The tune had this droning, desolate feel to it, It would fit well with locations like Kerghan's castle or something. I guess it's really a tough one, may have been from a demo or an older version of an existing module. Or maybe the track was actually taken from some other game, who knows. If anyone knows what it might be
If I'm not mistaken there was only one french module with custom music and that was CrossRoads: https://terra-arcanum.com/forums/threads/a-new-french-module.17554/
Thanks! I did check that one out, though. There's a lot of music there, but none of it matches. May have been in an older version though, but I can't imagine why would anyone scrap a good track. By the way, it's not the only module with custom music. Modders often just put their music in place of standard tracks, so tracks named "Tarant", "Caladon", etc. may actually be custom ones. "Livre des ombres" module has pretty similar sounding tracks to what I'm looking for in terms of overall production, but again, none of them match.
Okay, I found it. Just decided to go through my massive unpacked modules folder once again by dumping it into the player, and there it was, hiding in the "Speech" folder of one of the mods, and that's how I missed it, even though I think I tried to through all of the folders. The mod is "Mystère à l'abbaye", the track is titled "Armada", if anyone was wondering. And apparently it's really been composed specifically for the module! Google translated: "In world exclusivity and in preview, straight out of the workshops of Styx Production, here is the album of the music of "Mystere a l'abbaye". Indeed, Mad le Duc, whom you know by voice if you have played the "Affair of the Mysterious Death" module, gave me the pleasure of composing a dozen pieces of music to set the mood within different places that you can visit, such as the cloister, the crypt, the cells, the catacombs..." Thanks for trying to help!
I was just going to suggest looking in this old site: http://arcanumlab.free.fr/ Glad you found what you were looking for