Level cap 50 sucks big time!

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Lambda, Jul 24, 2001.

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  1. Glim

    Glim New Member

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    Aug 1, 2001
    level 50

    Currently I have a level 38 Half Ogre Fighter with the (wild ogre clan bonus thingy) He has 20 dex and like 22 St, he is maxed out in melee and dodge and is an expert in both, I have put a few stats into int (11 is the score now I think) and a point or 2 to Cha (8 cha now) and 1 pt to beaty (8 beauty now) and 1 pt to perception (9 perception) I have learned like 4 tech things (ore, sword, axe, healing salve) and 1 magic thing (heal) I still ahev 12 levels to go... ie 15 more points.. now that is going to be one ripped char when I max out at 50... try and tell me level 50 isn't enough! I can still master three more things like pick locks and 2 other dex/ st based things! (that's if I stop dumping pts to my St.. which I don't plan on doing) Half Ogres get a good reaction if they are high level and high st/dex due to intimidation :wink: who needs haggle and persuasion lol an int of 11 helps though and cha doesn't hurt
  2. Ungeziefer

    Ungeziefer New Member

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    Sep 6, 2001
    Level Cap is ok for tech

    you can use the manuals found in the tarant university to raise your expertise. thus you can easily build all the found chematics. you find allmost all the ingredience in the game. so you don't have to max out in all the techschools. you can have a tesla gun without a single point spent in gunsmitty for instance.
  3. tarin

    tarin New Member

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    Sep 5, 2001
    i m not bothered because of the cap but of the end I DONT WANT TO FINISH THIS GAME i if i ha enought money i would by troika so they must prduce an x-pak every month
    i dont care reallly about the cap but about my char he s has a bit of a little child (uhmm im getting to loose the sense for reality a bit i think a worse compare i know)
    what i mean is i ve spend so many times with my char have seen him growing stornger
    and than theres is a point where the game ends thats like my char is dying with his history and items i dont care about replayable or lev cap
    but i think its sad spendig some mutch time for a char (and if you play and think about the game a bit like me you like your char
    he s cool he s tought and he s has somthing of your own personality mebbee evil good strong wak what ever)but all the time you know whatever you do someday
    this char is useless cuz the game end and thats like the char is dying
    thats why i like D2 you can use your char in the multiplayer whenever you wnat
    the game has no real end even with level cap
    and the end of the game you start just a new game with you old well know and well liked char mage warroir thief what ever he s still their ready for a new quest a new dungeon a new adventure out there anywhere between
    shimmering forest and vendigroth desert...
  4. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    First off, let me say that Arcanum is the best role playing game I have ever layed hands on in 21 years of video game playing. The only other RPG out there close to rivaling it is Ultima Pagan (spent a good portion of my life on that game and never solved it), but this level capping scares me, as it may end up leaving my 'jack-of-all-trades' character too weak or too inexperienced to defeat beasties much later in the game. In the process of building my character I have taken a little taste of everything, thieving, diplomacy, melee, tech, magic, but this has made for a gnome who's not very powerful in any one particular trait and I don't think picking the pockets of the end baddy is gonna do me any good. I'd hate to think that I can't finish the game as I chose to broaden my horizons at the begining.
    I have a suggestion for the designers of Arcanum if they're listening-if there's to be an expansion pack for the game I think it would be best instead of opening up new parts of the world to just simply add and alter the mini quests in world as it already is, so when playing through a second and third time, you're not getting the same old missions over and over.
    I think the best thing that I could have done, was to not thouroughly go through each town hunting down all the side quests and saved them for a second time around, However I have the Prima strategy guide (great guide, more tables and appedixs than spoilers) and have seen the world map with every location revealed-there are tons of places that you'll never come across your first time around!
    To help my situation right now, what would have been a blessing in the game was finding a wizard of sorts who could've made it so you could forget a learned skill and redistribute character points to another of your choice, as it stands, I have wasted points on gunsmithy and firearm skills, which as the game proceeds, I'm finding I have no intention of building on any further as It's been beneficial to direct CPs towards other aspects such as melee and magic.
    With level capping I am hoping that I won't be left in the dust towards the end.
  5. Beelzebubba

    Beelzebubba New Member

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    Jul 31, 2001
    Role Playing Games...

    Arcanum is one of the first RPG games that I've seen that really gives you a chance to play a character with specific skills and offers so much detail. The game was designed for creating characters that specialize in one area, not for Jack-Of-All-Trades characters, which you've come to find out the hard way. :smile: This is the best thing about the game, and if you play it as it was intended, the level 50 cap allows plenty of character points to make a killer specialized character. Of course, you could always get the character editor that's out there, and edit your characters to the point you want them if you hit the 50 mark and still have things you want to get. :smile:
  6. smcwhtdtmc

    smcwhtdtmc New Member

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    Sep 8, 2001
    Character planning

    Unless I'm mistaken, you get 64 character points. Plan them out at the beginning and you won't have any problems with the 50 cap. Granted, you should play a few characters up to about level 30 to see what you like, but after you find out exactly what you want, Trokia's cap shouldn't prevent you from getting it.

    Quick tip: If you want to conserve CPs, use the stat-up spells. They're so cheap to maintain that they merely slow your fatigue regen, and you can get them off the bat.
    If you have 3 maintains, thats an additional 12 CPs you can spend elsewhere. My current magic-augmented warrior has a str and dex of 16.

    Another tip: After you get through your first few characters, decide -exactly- what you want. My current guy has two 'pure' skills: melee and dodge. Both are maxed (only shows with agil. of fire and str. of earth on) and mastered. This freed me up to get str, dex, con, and wp to 20, master 2 colleges and dabble in white nec. for convienince. I believe that when I hit 50, I'll have about 8 CP to play around with... maybe less. Probably master backstab with those...
  7. Saint_Proverbius

    Saint_Proverbius New Member

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    May 5, 2001
    I totally disagree with the level cap just because it's fundamentally a bad design idea.

    The fact that character advancement stops halfway through the game, with no rhyme or reason, is just plain moronic.
    Replayability? There's enough of that without some arbitrarily low cap. Considering there's male and female exclusive quests, alternative dialogue options per race, three different weapons specialties, tech or magic or dabble in both, and so on, that seems like an awful lot of replyability.

    The fact of the matter is, the incredibly low level cap is really one thing that greatly brings this title down.

    Somewhere along the way, probably early on, they decided that nothing in the game would be more powerful than level 50. That design decision crippled them from the second that choice was made.

    And Skorpios, even bringing up Baldur's Gate and level caps is foolish. The reason BG has level caps in the first place is two fold.

    1.) They didn't want to spend the time to add a lot of spell animations.
    2.) It's a great reason to buy an expansion pack.

    Neither of those fit Arcanum. All the spells in the game have effects. Chances are there won't be an expansion pack because people can just make their own modules and Troika are working on some to give away as well.

    Honestly, do you think Fallout would have been such a great RPG if the advancement in the game were capped at 6th level? Or Fallout 2 at 13th level?

    Level caps suck, period.


    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saint_Proverbius on 2001-09-08 07:57 ]</font>
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