learning languages

Discussion in 'Arcanum 2 Suggestion Forum' started by legolas, Jun 9, 2002.

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  1. Riddle master

    Riddle master New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 2, 2002
  2. Deathmage

    Deathmage New Member

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    Jun 28, 2002
    Maybe there could be a language skill! 1 point for Orge, Orc and Troll languages, 2 for Dwarven and Elven languages...
  3. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    That's got to be the best variation yet. A language skill, based on intelligence, that would allow you to create a 'philosopher' type character, in addition to the standard mage, melee, technologist, assassin etc. classes.

    Or maybe even an 'education' group of skills in addition to the four existing ones (ie. the theif skills, the tech skills, the fighting skills and the personality skills). This would include the 'reading' skill that would maybe allow you to read up to 5 different languages in order of complexity, the 'oral' skill that would maybe allow you to speak up to 5 different languages, and of course, two others (yet to think of them).
  4. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    But it shouldnt be over-done... you only have so many experience points.
  5. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    Yes, but if they put in a higher level cap, like almost everyone wants, then you'd have more CP's to spend!
  6. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    Well, I have that level cap for Arcanum (the one that lets your level to to 100) and it DOES give you quite a bit more experience points, but it would take a whole lot of quests to get your level from 1 to 100.... even from 50 to 100 (or 49 or 48, whatever, if you can import Arcanum 1 characters). Plus, the experience score requirement is much higher for higher levels. It would be alot harder then just going from 1 - 50.... unless they can lower the required score needed for moving on to each level... move it all down mabe 3 or 4 zeros and it may work. On the level cap for Arcanum, it instantly moves my character from level 50 to 100. it make the the required score to next level -7000 (or something like that) and that makes it go all the way to level 100 instantly from one hit off anything! It would need something similar to that, or maybe more for the money... like 2 experience points per level and 4 every five levels and 6 every ten levels? That would increase it by quite a bit (more than double). That would make it work.
  7. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    I just thought of another skill for the 'education' group.

    Ventriloquism! The thinking man's prowl. Just throw your voice and your enemies will run off, leaving you to run in and grab what you want! It could work by clicking on the 'ventriloquism' skill button and then click somewhere. The more powerful the skill, the further the people go. Normally, only guards would be affected, but with apprentice, then civilians would be affected too. Expert would keep them away for longer, and master would keep them away until the next day/night shift took place.
  8. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    Wouldnt that be a magical skill? There are 4 tech skills, maybe 4 magick skills (including the one Ferret mentioned) could be used by magick users and would slightly increase your magical aptitude when you put points toward it.

    BTW, what are you doing with Noth's sig pic in your sig?
  9. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    About the sig pic - I'm just toying with him, as I'm hosting his pic. I'll give it back to him in a couple of days! :razz:

    I was thinking that my skills would be an independent skill - not a magick or tech one. For example, your battle skills (melee, dodge, throwing and bow), your social skills (haggle, gamble, persuasion etc.) and your theiving skills (pickpocket, prowl etc.) don't count for anything do they? I thought and 'education' skill group would be cool.

    The tech skill group is there because even with all of the tech disciplines, there are not enough of them to council out the magick colleges, therefore you need more tech options to equalise the magick/tech alignment shifts and make the game more balanced.
  10. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    Ah, I see. Yes, an educational skill set sounds good.
  11. piff133

    piff133 New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Instead of your education class of skills idea, maybe have schools or the like of languages, brain power, ect.
    For example:
    1st point: common (natural unless possibly race or background changes that)
    2nd point - orc, ogre, troll
    3rd point - Dwarven, Elven
    4th point - Clan codes (i.e. the secret code of the Iron Clan)
    5th point - Magic Codes (i.e. magical inscriptions)
    6th point - Vendgroth's Languages
    7th point - Secret Languages (Only known by few families, ect.
    1st point: Large town history (Knowlegde of Tarant, Caladon, ect.)
    2nd point - Small and new town history (i.e. Rosebrough history, Shrouded Hills history)
    3rd point - War and Politics history (a basic knowledge of war and politics)
    4th point - Religoin History (self-explanitroy)
    5th point - Ancient History (Vendigroth, other anicent towns, ect.)
    6th point - Family History (knowledge of major Arcanum families)
    7th point - Secret History (history of Tulla, the Void, unknown magics and tehnologies)
    I'll come up with more later
  12. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
  13. Evil Assassin

    Evil Assassin New Member

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    Jun 11, 2002
    I think that dwarfs and things should like you more if you speak their languade.
    There could also be a reputation thing, if you have high reputation people may like you more but assassins etc. would be more likely to kill you.

    Although your idea sounds good I think a better approach would be to have to pay to get these skills. For example for the first four in each one you could have books to teach you for the fifth and sixth you'd need to get an expeert to teach you for about 2500 gol. The last skill would require a master who'd give you a quest probably much harder than the mastery quest. For example the language master could ask you to go to some ancient faraway place and brave the monsters to bring him some books containing the oldest most advanced language ever.....

    The persuasive ending to the game would need full history, languages and persuasion to complete.
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