John Titor

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chunky944, Apr 17, 2004.

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  1. Chunky944

    Chunky944 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2003
    i was wondering how many people have heard of the person claiming to be a time traveler from 2026, he called himself "John Titor"
    heres the link
  2. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Yeah, that's exactly what you and I would had done isn't it? Travel back some 36 years in time and... post on some fucking bulletin board.

    What a scam... well-constructed of course, but still a scam.
  3. Chunky944

    Chunky944 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2003
    VERY well constructed, but I'm not sure wether its a scam or not.
  4. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Wake up man. Why do you think he can't tell us any names on anyone or anything? Because he doesn't know shit, that's why. Yes, he put on some believeable reasons for not doing so, but hey, are you surprised about that? Don't be so easily fooled.
  5. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    I'm not sure what to think. I hear that scientists think they are becoming close to time travel, but most of it is still on the drawing board.

    Dark Elf, have you ever considered the possibility that he didn't want to alter the future, or that he knew he would be laughed at if he stated something that we then would have thought impossible?

    If you went back in time to the Titanic, do you think you could really stop it's sinking, single-handedly?

    I'm not saying I believe him, but as far as it all goes, I'd say that possibly searching for birth certificates under the name John Titor would be a good idea. As for the rest, perhapse scientists could decide whether his physics babble was bullshit or not.

    He predicted a cival war in the USA sometime in 2005. I guess we'll find out in a year whether he's bullshitting us or not, eh?

    He also predicted that the Internet will still be up and working fine by 2036. I hope he's right, considering the fact tha I want to enter the graphic designing business when I graduate.
  6. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    Hey guys, newsflash: time travel is NOT possible. I don't think it will ever be possible. There is no way to jump back and forth in time. Sorry, but it's a scam.
  7. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Well, in theory at least, there should be a way to travel forward in time... but that would require us to build a space shuttle that could travel in speeds at which humanity hasn't even been close to reach a fraction of yet. Which, I guess, further supports the impossibility theory. We won't simply be able to construct anything that can travel that fast, at least not within 32 years.

    Correct me if I'm speaking out of my ass here. I'm just a layman.
  8. Riciky

    Riciky New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 1, 2002
    Man, it's always the Russians killing us off. Otherwise though, it's almost believable, with all that kerr wormhole crap.
  9. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

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    Sep 3, 2003
    Wouldn't travelling faster than the speed of light bring you back in time. You would catch up with the light from the past.

    And to get forward you'd just have to crash into something hard and let the light pass you again.
  10. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Travelling faster than the speed of light isn't possible, not even in theory. Even if you used up all the available energy in the universe to accelerate a single electron, you still wouldn't reach C.

    Going forward in time is possible in theory... if you have a space shuttle that can travel fast enough. Just travel away from earth and return a few years later - more time will have passed on earth than in the space shuttle. But this require rather insane speeds before it could work.

    Or maybe it's my ass talking again. :)
  11. mathboy

    mathboy New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    It would be easier to get forward in time by going into the space with a spaceship slowly, and then drive back faster. You would pass all the light sends out, and get forward.
  12. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    Ummm, your relation to the light has nothing to do with your relation to time. Just because you can see the light wouldn't mean it was there. We can see stars that have been gone for centuries.

    Of course, unless some of us have the phd's ecessary to talk about stuff like this, I think we should all shut up.
  13. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Frankly, I think it does.

    Why? Nothing is as amusing as ranting on about stuff we don't know squat about.

    You should know. :)
  14. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    What have I ranted about that that I don't know anything about? As far as I'm concerned philosophy, theology, and society all hinge on the decisions and opinions of people who know absolutely nothing.
  15. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    I'm deeply concerned for our future if a man from 2036 has to come back to pick up an old computer that was last built in the 70's. I can understand NASA taking the cheap option, but gee... This'd be like NASA spending $1 Billion to design a pen that works in space. How ludicrous would that be?

    I'd also like to know how his neat little "you are 2.5% away from your WorldLine" system works. That'd be cool. Imagine, you could just walk in somewhere and it flashes:
    DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER! You are 2.5% away from your natural environment! DANGER!

    I mean, obviously such a system like that would need:

    A Bill Gates Wealth Identifier: Obviously being the world's wealthiest man, you can accurately calculate your current position in the timeline by how much dough Mr Gates has in the bank. Anything prior to Bill's formation of Microsoft is known as a "Pre-Gates Period" and requires another calculation. Similar functions are the Henry Ford Wealth Identifier, Warren Buffett, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnagie and the John D. Rockefeller Wealth Identifier.

    A Coke Sales Measure: Coke has been on sale for over 100 years now. Obviously some kind of mechanism or device that measures the number of Coke's sold in any given year would give you an accurate measure on how far away your current WorldLine is from your own. A society without Coke would be too far "out of whack" to be worth considering.

    Who Won the Most Olympic Gold Medals at the last Olympic Games: Also known as the WWtMogMatLog identifier, this function is able to identify the nation with the greatest prowess on the sporting field. Obviously a result which returns Germany at the top would indicate that they won either of the first two World Wars and as such, you should evacuate the WorldLine immediately. A safe result would of course have America at the top and a result of Canada at the top means you fucked up somewhere and should do the calculation again.

    As you can see, a vast array of functions would be necessary in order to calculate whether you were 2.5% or just a mere 2.2% away from your current WorldLine.
  16. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Sorry, I didn't want to ruin the aesthetic of my previous post by editing this in.

    From here.
  17. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    This John Titor guy isn't exactly talkiing about going forward and backward in time by rewinding it like a videotape. He's talking using Quantum Leaps and the like. I base this on how the website reports that John Titor claims his world was hit by the Y2K bug. Well, for every decision you or anyone else makes, there are a billion different possibilities, and each is chosen in it's own timeline, making an infinate 'web' if you will of possible choices, ideas, times, etc. Perhapse in another one of these timelines, Hitler was able to overtake Russia, instead of being defeated. In another, the Twin Towers were not destroyed. Yet in another, the doctor slapped Jar's mom so hard, he came out a stillbirth (oh, what a glorious world that must be). So, therefore, we may never see the things he predicted, and not because he was a phony, but because some choice in our timeline was the determining factor that there wouldn't be a cival war in the USA in 2005, or that we won't ever have another World War, while in his time, a different course of action was taken, and everything reflects that.

    If you make a Quantum Leap, you don't have to move at the speed of light or faster; you merely need to be able to make a rip that would allow you to pass into another timeline. Not all timelines are going at the same rate, either. In another timelne, Hitler is just now invading Russia, while in another, the Twin Towers are being destroyed, and in another, Jarinor is being born, and his mother is debating whether to name him Meathead or not. So time is actually quite static and impossible to change, but it would still be possible to visit the past or the future, although none of your changes would directly reflect on your home timeline.
  18. Aries Shion

    Aries Shion New Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    Well, if you use a quantum space foam inflator such as Paul Davis talks about in his book about building a time machine there may be a way to a time-hole or a the very least a way to connect two points in space. The process he talks about is to redirect the energy of a couple of hydrogen bombs to a single point to compress space and increase the energy of that region of space to Planck's Energy (the energy released at Big Bang). At that moment the quantum effects will have macroscopical effect. Then you just have to extract one of those Planck Volume-sized wormholes and bombard it with negative energy (There can be lower states than 0 energy. Hendrik Casimir theorized that if you put two plates as close as posible (as in there is NOTHING between them) and then surround them with a box in which a perfect vaccum has been established, there will still be virtual particles phasing in and out of the region outside of the two plates because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Those virtual particles would be encouraged to phase in and out of the region outside the plates by energy from the region INSIDE between the plates. That region would now have less than zero energy and would be phasing electrons from Dirac's Sea (See, what you call alternate timelines are actually parallel universes submerged in another space with 11 dimensions. This parallel universes are infinite in quantity because the cost of creating them is nothing because the positive energy in that universe would be balanced by the gravitational negative energy (in short words, as long as the universe pulses from big crunch to big bang and viceversa, infinite universes are created since they are self-contained and unable to affect each other by normal means). While those universes are unable to interact (if you reach one of the edges of this universe (for example the singularity at the center of a black hole) you could never send anything through the ultra-tight wormhole that connects the black hole with Dirac's Sea because anything would be obliterated by infinite energy surfaces and tidal forces) you may be able to create a wormhole with method above sketched and survive (negative energy (not to be confused by the negative gravitational energy that exists as long as positive energy exists) antigravitates with each other and by sending and fashioning a ring of negative energy, you could enlarge the wormhole to pass through it. Although to actually time travel, you'll have to dis-phase both ends of the wormhole (by accelerating one in a particle accelerator or putting in a very intense gravitational field (As gravity affects time too)).
  19. Chunky944

    Chunky944 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2003
    I didn't say that I believed it necisarily, I was just pointing out that it was interesting.
  20. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    If you sent someone backwards in time six months, and they were stationary, they'd be on the other side of the sun.
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