Hi guys, I think that Wine can temporarily lower Intelligence. Are there some other similar drinks which can do that? Or some items, like a cursed ring or something?
Any alcohol can lower intelligence temporarily (wine, beer from barkeepers, absinthe, etc.). You can also use the therapeutics item Muscle Maker to lower intelligence permanently (raises all your physical attributes by one whilst lowering all your mental attributes - including intelligence - by one). Other than that, I seem to remember hits from the Lethe Wyvern can lower your intelligence permanently as well.
Thanks mate, I read this from the UAP: Absinthe and Brandy will now get you drunk as well. Where can I find Brandy?
As far as I know, it can't be found in the game. It was supposed to be used as an item to get Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe to like you after you upset him considerably (like Dwarvern Snuff for Magnus, etc.) but never got placed in the game itself.