I would like your guys's opinon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by YeaYea2001, Feb 7, 2002.

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  1. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Well... I did write the Arcanum Mod-Making Tutorial. http://users.senet.com.au/~dbschah/amtut.htm
    And I've been told that it's pretty darned good for people who want to be mod-makers. So there ya go :wink:
  2. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2001
  3. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean, damn. I HATE it when people go and drip acid all over my neck. And as for being conceded? You are quite correct. I have no interest in getting into a war of words with you.

    I wish you all the best with your english project on Teenagers' rights.
  4. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Guess you owe him some money now, don't you?

    Maybe true in an informal sense, getting your point across is alright. However, intelligent people don't respect those too lazy how to spell simple words like "tongue" correctly.

    I believe the expression is "If everyone was jumping off the XXXXXX Bridge, would you do it too?"

    I dare you to tell you that to your future boss. Whole reports are thrown into trashcans because of one simple spelling mistakes. There are particular companies that write reports for other companies - there was an incident over here were one such company was paid two million dollars to write a report for a large grocery chain. One decimal point was wrong. The whole report, and a year's work, was literally thrown away.

    I beg to differ. I don't see school students working 3 days constantly to get important assignments finished. That's what happens in the real world - people work all day, sometimes all night, the next day and the day after just to get something finished on time. If you think school is hard, you're in for a whole new world of pain.

    Big things are made of little things. Details make the picture whole. It was a few cents difference in a budget that busted some major scandal in the USA wide open.

    I have several other points to make:

    1. I never said I drank saltwater. Fresh water is available to buy you know.

    2. DarkUnderlord's tutorials are good, and I'm one of the people who have told him so. Keep up the good work DU.

    3. Nit picking is totally different to having acid dripped onto your neck. For one, acid can be relatively inert until you try to wash it off. That's when it burns through your skin. Two, acid burning through your skin is one of the most painful experiences you can have.
  5. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    On the face of it, your Dad appeared to have quoted and easy, self-evident truism. However, giving it a moments thought, we might note that he didn't say (for instance)

    "the traily smut men is cornered with idiots, not tea spilling"

    My point being that spelling contributes towards communication and is not redundant. My own feeling is that if I know what you mean, I'll not give a rodents bottom about spelling. However, the ONLY way you can be SURE I will understand your meaning is to spell the words recognisably. For example, since my own trust levels regarding your language ability are so low, I cannot tell whether in your later post you meant "Picky and conceded" as you wrote, or "Picky and conceited" which might make more sense, or something else entirely.

    I believe school is relatively a bed of roses, compared to the other places I have been compelled to spend my time, such as many places I have worked.

    You have, up until this point in your life, never had to face the issues arising from needing to work from a living and develop a career, so you won't know how it compares to school life. Conversely, I, and most of the other people here, I assume, have attended more school than you, so are more familiar with school issues than you are, and we also have stuff to compare it to.

    Get over it. Everyone gets critism and noone goes through life having their opinion accepted at face value first time, everytime.

    Learn to take criticism positively, rather than rejecting it and stressing about it, and your life will be happier. Even better, welcome criticism as an opportunity to learn. You obviously like to think you're smart. Don't you ever get the urge to PROVE it to people, rather than just meeting someone and saying "I know you won't believe this, but I'm reallllll smart!"

    As you have comepletely failed to respond to my posts, I'll choose to assume you find my arguments overwhelmingly compelling and don't feel up to the job of commenting intelligently about them.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sheriff Fatman on 2002-02-14 20:52 ]</font>
  6. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    After reading Fatman's post, I have a quick truism to quote (and thus support his arguments)

    Actions speak louder than words.

    In other words, prove what you are saying, instead of just talking about it. Of course, it is incredibly difficult to prove anything to me - just talk to Milo about that :smile:.
  7. Saint_Proverbius

    Saint_Proverbius New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 5, 2001
    Here's another reason why teenagers deserve less rights than anyone else. This amounts to, "I basically don't care how ignorant I look as long as my point gets across."

    Well, your point won't get across if the people reading it think you're a moron. That's a pretty damned basic concept there, boy. It's a lot easier to assume a person is a fool based on the presentation than the content.

    Ignorance, defined.

    skool si h4rd!

    Give me a break, child. We've all been there, we all thought it was hard at that time, but it's as easy as it's going to get.
  8. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    I hate to do this...

    con·cede Pronunciation Key (kn-sd)
    v. con·ced·ed, con·ced·ing, con·cedes
    v. tr.
    To acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper; admit. See Synonyms at acknowledge.
    To yield or grant (a privilege or right, for example).


    con·ceit·ed Pronunciation Key (kn-std)
    Holding or characterized by an unduly high opinion of oneself; vain

    So, which one is it YeaYea2001?
  9. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2001
    Number 1, DONT feed me the crap that teenagers have no clue that school is easier than work. I worked at the local dollar store for a month last summer. And accually, working IS better than school. We dont get any tangible benifits from school, we dont get paid for going to school, we dont get stock options, we dont get retirement options, there is no such thing as a "free lunch hour", you are not subjected to a strip search if someone says you are strapped. And yes granted, in some respects school is better than a job, but the cons far outweigh the pros as far as school goes.

    For example, this is for the people that have jobs, how many people come up to you and ask you to solve 3x-3y+9<9??? Or what particles are in an atom, or what year the Battle of Gettysburg was, or what scene IV act I line VVV of Romeo And Juliet was??? My point is, 99.999999999999999999% of everything that school teaches us is, USELESS in the real world except to certain jobs. Now, I DID ask a teacher this "Why do they teach us this useless crap" and the vauge answer I got back was "To make you a more educated person". Well.....just because you can memorize doesnt make you educated. People say we need to study history so that the past mistakes arent repeated. Thats all very well and fine, BUT, if you wanna know that stuff, they should have a specail school where you LEARN all that extra. They should just teach us basic math and basic algebra, how to read, write and have some shop classes and then send us on our way. Ive also heard that school is for developing your social skills, while that may be true, school has very little to do with my social skills. Accually school drove me to the edge of killing myself, but thats beside the point.

    Does any of this sound familiar? Now I assume that you all are reasonalby educated, you know Martin Luther King Jr. The man who led the african americans to take a stand for themselves. What I think, is that we need a teenage Martin. Teens have ZERO control over thier own learning environment. Yeah yeah yeah, I know what your going to say, "Goto your student government". HAH!!! Why dont I just go talk to my cat, my cat can do just about as much, if not more, to change things. The ASB (as the student government is called at our school) has ZERO real authority. EVERY SINGLE descison that they make is routed thru the administration. ASB doesnt control its budget, it doesnt control school activities, it doesnt control SHIT. There have infact been rumors circulating in our school that the so-called student voted officers of ASB are accually hand picked by the principal herself. I know what your thinking, "So what". Ill tell you so what, what if, lets suppose, that we DID get a teeange Martin Luther King, suppose we DID get someone with the stones to accually say what the students REALLY thought. Well now, that wouldnt look good, teeangers suddenly demanding thier rights because, gee, teenagers are too stupid to realize that "Yes we DO have rights", the same as any other citizen. Atleast in the United States, in other countries I dont know. Think about it, a civil rights movement for teenagers.

    People under 18 outnumber people over 18 2 to 1 in the world. Think about it, suddenly there is a NEW force in polotics. And heaven forbid, teenagers are accually allowed to VOTE!!. Horror of horrors. In truth if a person that was running for, say President of the US, was able to arrange it so that teenagers WERE guaranteed thier rights AND were able to vote. POLITICAL GOLD MINE. Suddenly Election Day lands right in the candidate's lap.

    Every US citizen is guaranteed free speech, freedom of press, and the right to peaceably assemble. Now, in my personal expierence, those do not apply to someone under 18. In school, a student doesnt DARE open his mouth and say what he/she really thinks. You get in trouble. You all know what im talking about. You were all once (I hope) in school. Remember those fun writing assingments where your teacher would say "Write a story, about anything, could be fictional, could be true, could be anything, BUT, you cant write about yadda yadda yadda". Offically, that is classified as freedom of expression. And as long as you do not make racist statements, threats etc, you can express yourself in any way you choose, barring killing someone. Schools dont respect that. I tested that rule personally, by writing that school was a waste of time and that we had no good reason to be there. I got in trouble.

    Also, students do not have the right to peaceably assemble. When I was in Jr High, we had a required dress code. Well technically it wasnt required, the school district decided to be sneaky and not tell us that we could have our parents opt us out. So when the school said that we could, everyone dumped the dress code entirely. When the school got mad at us, we gatherd in the quad and refused to leave in protest of the school's punishing us. It was a totally peacefull assembly. Now technically, the student holds absolute power. Yeah yeah go ahead and laugh, get it out of your system. But hear me out, as long as a student is (A)On school property and (B)Not being violent, destructive etc, the school cant TOUCH you. So, we used this to our advantage, we all just, ignored the teachers who were screaming at us to get back inside. The principal shit a solid gold brick when he heard about it.

    My point is this, schools do not respect that as human beings, we ARE endowed with certain rights that are not left at the school gates and that the school HAS to honor them.

    I would also like the people who think teenagers are too stupid to do anything to look at this. This was complied by a gathering of students at the University of Michigan in March of 2000. http://www.bamn.com/1/youth-declaration.htm

    "Command What Is Yours, Conqure What Is Not"

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: YeaYea2001 on 2002-02-15 13:52 ]</font>
  10. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
    Okay everybody.... I KNOW you ALL want to reply to this... But I assure... There is no point... Just go away. There's nothing to see here.. Shoo... Shoo... There's no need to reply. He'll learn one day. Trust me. I have great faith in the human minds' evolutionary properties. IT WILL MATURE. So just carry on.. Ignore this thread... Don't worry about it.. Things will take care of themselves.

    He's had a months work... He's thought of suicide at least once so far... Wait till he gets a REAL job. THEN he'll learn. I assure you all... HE WILL LEARN.

    [EDIT] - Trying... To... Resist.... Must... Hold... Back....

    [EDIT 2] - Welcome to the Forum Brother Jerhyn, it's nice of you to join, read this entire 4 page post and then post a reply. There are other threads here as well if you like. I personally recommend the role-playing forum, we need some more people in there. http://www.terra-arcanum.com/phpBB/view ... rum=13&812

    *cough* zlobster, Ioo.... Dejavu?? *cough*
    Moo... Moo... I'm a Troika cow.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarkUnderlord on 2002-02-15 14:03 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarkUnderlord on 2002-02-15 14:30 ]</font>
  11. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2001
    ahhhhhh cmon guys, yeayea sounds like a smart guy. i think you guys should stop raggin on him. i agree with him all the way.
  12. Amos Trask

    Amos Trask New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 30, 2001
    I am a male teenager.

    how does that five word statement affect your opinion of me?
    well I don't know but I would like to

    Most people know where my handle(alias) come from and anyone who does automatically in my mind is smart, each one of you has these mental triggers in your mind and it is very hard to do this and since most of us is too busy pretending to be virtual people who saves and ends lives in a virtual universe so I'm doubting any of you are advanced monks or pyschocohesives..

    also I would like to tell Jar To shove his comments right up his stinking *()_ing fat
    Arse we all know approximately what your going to say about how hard your life is but, if it dosn't directly relate to us we doubt you care and what has realising how lucky we are about having to bathe in fresh water it dosn'nt matter to this discussion so start a new thread called woe is jarjar that arse. Your realism is nice but until you see these two together I'd get your hand out of his throught trying to crush his heart and for all you know he is the Mega-*(_#ing jock at his school

    Thats my $200
  13. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    :grin: You guys want hard? Responsibility? Nearly driving yourself to suicide? No rights? No say in anything?

    Get married and have a kid.

    That's MY $200.
  14. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2001
    Way to go Amos. You are a smart person I can tell.

    And retard, about the suicide thing. Its hard to understand unless youve been there.
  15. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Why? Because Amos agreed with you? :grin:

    Oh, and about the suicide thing, I have to correct you. I HAVE been there. YeaYea, you are not the only person to have contemplated suicide you know. As a matter of fact I would bet everything I own that everybody on these forums, or in the world for that matter has contemplated suicide. But as a sufferer of mental anxiety/depression, I most CERTAINLY have been there. No longer, thank God. But I have been there.
  16. YeaYea2001

    YeaYea2001 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2001
    I didnt say that you hadnt been there. And I do not doubt that everyboddy on this earth has, at one time or annother, seriously contemplated driving off a cliff.
  17. Sheriff Fatman

    Sheriff Fatman Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 20, 2001
    Since you once again completed failed to address any of the points I made, I will once again assume you couldn't find any arguments against them, Yeayea

    I know how hard algebra is and I know how hard my current job is. Algebra, frankly would be harder I had to do it day in day out, 8 hours a day with no foreseeable end, like my current job. Such is not the case at school. I'd be surprised if you do more than 6 hours a week of algebra, and the rest of school is variety.

    Currently, the company I work for has a cash flow problem. This means I did not get paid on time last month, which means I had to go into debt to cover my bills.

    Last week, a client of mine threw a tantrum and didn't want to pay us the money she previously agreed (she's a marketing exec and extremely sneaky).

    I have to phone her up and try to coax her into sticking by our original agreement. I have to dig up old e-mails and present them to her. However, I have to make sure not to "throw them in her face" or she'll get offside and slam the phone down.

    The consequences of me saying the wrong thing, or not finding it in myself to be convincing enough, in the conversation are that she may not pay us, or she may convince her company (our biggest clients) not to use us for future projects. The very shortly has the following knock-on effects:

    - Our company folds, owing me and Lysa our previous wages

    - I don't get paid for this month or last month

    - I have no way to pay the debts I have been running up while my wages are "delayed"

    - Without money or a job I can't buy food, pay rent or do anything, including have a social life.

    This is the kind of environment I operated in last week. I don't believe it's all that different from the daily pressures most adults face.

    Yes - I would rather be sitting in a classroom doing algebra and wondering which summer job I should dabble in this year to make money for spending on self-indulgence.
  18. DarkUnderlordClone

    DarkUnderlordClone New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2002
    Hey YeaYea! I think yoor so kewl!! Like, I totally agree with you 100% man! Like, yoor so smart for a 13 yeer old an' stuff. When I'm yoor age, I wunna be just like yoo! Like, I can see, like, coz you must be f**cking Jock at yoor skewl... Like, Jocks r Soooo smart an' stuff.. I wunna be just like yoo!

    In two words.... GROW UP.

    You asked for it. You got it. If ya ain't happy with what ya got... Tell someone who cares.
  19. DarkUnderlordClone

    DarkUnderlordClone New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2002
    And before that...

    By that statement, you presume he HASN'T been there.
  20. DarkUnderlordClone

    DarkUnderlordClone New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2002
    It doesn't. There are plenty of other male teenagers here *cough* How old do you think I am? *cough* and *cough* Have you asked anyone else here how old they are? *cough*

    What does affect my opinion of you and anyone else here for that matter, is what they write. Let's face it... If you didn't say "I'm a male teenager" I might think you're a female grandmother with nothing better to do.

    As for your name? I don't know what it means. So by your own predetermination, I am not smart in your mind. However, I make no predeterminations in any forum I go to. I only judge people (and most of everyone else here judge people) by what they write, not how old they are, what their name is or what they ate for breakfast. Just out of interest, what IS your judgement on me? Am I a 13 year old bad speellar who's had less life experience than a lab rat born with cancer? Also, with your judgement, how did you make this judgement of me? You read my name? Or you've read what I wrote?

    Ohhhh... Yesss... The 'relationship'. Yes. I hope it lasts. Being 13 and all... I remember the relationships I had when I was 13.... It was love. I was going to marry her. Then we broke up and I called her a bitch. Hey, like I said, if it lasts, it lasts. But don't be too surprised if it doesn't. Again, some of us here have 'Been there, done that'. You and YeaYea seem to think we haven't?

    Ummm... I'm NOT DarkUnderlord.. I'm not... Honest...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WhateverYouThinkThisIsNOTDarkUnderlord on 2002-02-16 09:32 ]</font>
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