Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Truthsayer, Dec 13, 2003.

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  1. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    I would but I'm washing my hair.
  2. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    Let's take a look at the above post in more detail, just to highlight what a COMPLETE AND TOTAL FUCKING MORON you are MrWolf!

    Actually, I'm quite sure that it feels good because it stimulates nerve endings. Now, it could just be the scientist type fellow in me saying that, but the logic type fellow in me is saying "Something feels good because a lot of people do it" is not an actual reason.

    On one level yes. As you've also noted above, it also feels good, which is why there's a $10 billion industry based around it.

    The reason sex feels good is because a lot of people do it and it's to reproduce? I don't know about you, but doing a shit doesn't feel that good to me, but I have to do it. A lot more people shit than have sex, and it's certainly more necessary, yet it doesn't feel good. Are you intelligent enough to find a reason for that?

    No, we have condoms to prevent the transmission of certain diseases, and to prevent unwanted pregnancies. I read something about how only 1 in 100 does sex result in conception, so you'd have to be pretty lucky to have a child if a couple used a condom each time they had sex for a reason other than "I want a baby now dammit!"

    Nuclear bombs are natural, because it's ingredients are, at a very basic level, natural! YOU FUCKING IDIOT! By taking that leap of logic, everything in existence is natural, because it either occurs by itself or is made from other items that do. Hell, using that argument, homosexuality is as natural as oxygen.

    I call the all-natural Nuclear Bomb and Very Fucking Fast Jet From Which to Drop It combo.
  3. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Jarinor, I couldn't begin to explain how many times you misunderstood me then. I'll try to address some of what you said. First of all that nerve endings shit is irrelevant. If we only had sex because of reproduction we would question our motives. We'd feel like animals. People do shits because it feels bad when you don't shit. If it didn't a lot of children would die of poisoning. That's right, shit is poisonous. When you think about it, using condoms is cheating our bodies. I'll rephrase that comment. Of course people mostly don't do it for reproduction. That's why we have condoms. As is obvious, there has been no SERIOUS comment about STD's. About that gays evolving thing, I could have said, "If gays are natural then they're freaks of nature" but I didn't because it sounds tharsh.

    God damn it I said I'd stop debating.
  4. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    No, we'd feel like Catholics. ;)

    (Sorry. Couldn't resist. Too easy.)

    Anyway. We are animals, you must surely know that. Are you suggesting that other animals don't enjoy sex, and that they do it for the specific purpose of reproducing? Did you even read Labyrinthian's post about the bonobos?
  5. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    Ok, if we're going to talk about whats natural and whats not, is it very natural for this planet to support 8 billion human beings and only 200 condors, and something less than 1000 north american wolves (these are by no means exact figures, but thats not the point). Therefore why wouldnt it be natural for humans to seek satisfaction of sexual impulses in a way more likely to get them AIDS than it is to get them pregnant? Its certainly a lot more humane than what lemmings supposedly subject themselves too.

    (oh, and Mr. Wolf, sorry if that last post seemed extremely hostile, my main point is that you are young and naive... etc. sorry about being such an ass, but not really, you're still nuts)
  6. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Part of my point is that humans seek to put themselves above other animals. Animals don't need pleasure for sex. They only fuck during the menstruation* period. Surely that suggests they know when to fuck and when not to fuck. Other animals probably do have pleasure during sex, but that's not why they do it.

    *Not sure if ovulation would be a more appropriate word.
  7. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Okay richard. If TS was trying to post an oppinion then he would certainly come back here and defend his oppinion, that has not happened, he has only one post. TS is a troller end of story! And by supporting his right to state his oppinion you are beeing a usefull idiot, do you get that?

    Plastic is man made, it would never have been created without mans interference. But wolf are you saying that the love and passion that two people may have for each other is unatural, because even though you don´t see it gay people probabaly have such feelings as love for each other. Are you saying that it is unatural?

    Beeing gay would be untaural from a compleatly darwinistic point of view, but as history has thought uss that we can´t use darwins theories on man. It is called social darwinism and it is wrong.
  8. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Clearly you've never had pets. Both of my dogs are fixed and they do it 24/7. The male gets a blow job whenever he wants. I've had male cats who'd do it with anything that'd fit between their legs. Don't even get me started on the rabbits.... It's amazing what you won't learn from the Discovery Channel or grade school biology, which is why I suggest you keep a more open mind about sex at least until you're able to do it yourself.

    I ask you again: Did you even read Labyrinthian's post about the bonobos?
  9. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    I have no idea what "bonobos" is. I also feel sorry for all you dumbasses who think sex is a wonderful gift from "GOD". To those of you who think I'm naive, you're even more naive for thinking that. Us 13 year olds know more than you think. CAnis, I have to ask you how often your dogs have sex.
  10. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Maybe instead of spamming you should look it up, or at least read Labyrinthian's post instead of making a public display of your ignorance.

    Most of us here were 13 at one time, and believe me when I tell you we know exactly how much a 13-yr-old knows. :)

    They have more sex in a day than most people could hope to have in a lifetime. They are of course deeply in love, and only do it with each other.
  11. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Holy shit Canis! Use your brain. Things change. I can bet I know so much more than you did when you were 13. Canis, you're dogs are quite strange, especially due to the fact that they're neutered.
  12. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 2, 2003

    I think i've been trying to tell you over the course of wuite a few posts that you do not know as much as you think, and that i was 13 once and i was the same way, in fact, probably everyone was at 13... so lease hush. Things change, but puberty doesnt.
  13. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 24, 2003
    Actually it does. Or at least it occurs earlier.
  14. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003
    Dude, I was one of those weirdos who was fully grown, fully broad shouldered, with a beard at 13 (14 years ago), so don't tell me how early you're getting all mature and stuff.

    Since you refuse to go back and read my post, I'll give a quick recap: Bonobos are primates that fuck everything, all the time, every day, male female, everything.
  15. Icairus

    Icairus New Member

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    Oct 12, 2002
    Mr, Wolf, now would be a good time to cut your losses and head for threads where you won't sound like a moron.
    This is a large compilation of idiocy.
    Even if you are vastly more intelligent than anyone else was at 13, which you aren't, there is still the fact that you don't know shit.
    You claimed that plastic was natural, while being gay isn't, and that animals only have sex during ovulation. How less intelligent can you get?
    In short, the intelligent thing would be to not look at this thread again. However, it would be much better if you were to post here again, otherwise who would we flame?
  16. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Ok, I was wrong about animals. I know plastic isn't natural. It didn't evolve. Being gay isn't natural. It didn't "evolve". The reason for sex is still for reproduction. The fact that it feels good is irrelevant. I didn't say I was more intelligent. I said I know more. For instance, when you were thirteen did you know robot's could be used for surgery? I doubt it. I know more than you did, just as you knew more than the previous generation, and when I'm 20, 13 year olds will know more than I did. It's called progress.
  17. labyrinthian

    labyrinthian New Member

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    Sep 9, 2003

    Oh well. So here goes, Chip. First, if you accept evolutionary theory as valid (and I'm aware there are some here who don't, but that's not the argument at hand, Holy Trinity) then eveything that is not actually physically constructed artificially, every instinct, no matter how seemingly impractical or odd, is an evolutionary trait. Organisms, by definition, never do things they did not evolve to do or not evolve not to do. (double negative intended and meaningful) If the propensity for homosexuality had not evolved, humans would be incapable of being homosexual, just as we are incapable of asexual reproduction and winged flight. Notice I said evolved the propensity, not evolved the trait. We did not evolve democracy, but we did not evolve in such a way that precludes democracy, and so it remains wthin our purview. The same holds true for all seemingly artificial social traits. They are simply instincts processed through the filter of socialization.

    Also, even the pleasure inherent in sex is multifarious infunction. It exists not only to keep us fuckin so we make more people, but also to foster closeness, which in turn maintains social order. Octopus females derive no pleasure from sex, as no nerves are stimulated during the sex act. Insects have no neurons on their genitalia, one of the side effects of having exoskeletons. Sex and pleasure often, butnot always, accompany one another in the animal kingdom. Also, as humans are social, sex has the function of creating ties to other individuals. These things, closeness and the breaking of the bounds of the identity of the indivual, occur in homosexual sex just as in heterosexual sex.


    And no, Chip, 13 year olds now do not know more than they used to. They know different htings, like how to use computers as opposed to how to crochet or work leather, but they still only have 13 years to garner knowledge. Yes, when I was 13, I knew that robots could be used in surgery, I knew that quasars were on the edge of the observable universe, I was studying trigonometry and chemistry and dystopias and the Epic of Gilgamesh and PASCAL in school, etc. At 13, I was a sophomore in high school, a good school that taught us lotsa stuff. I knew lotsa stuff. I didn't have a very good perspective on it, but I knew it. But I can tell you one thing. Just like you, I thought I was omniscient. Just like you, I thought people older than I didn't know a damn thing about what it was like to be 13 in my day and age. I was wrong. You are wrong.
  18. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    Wel, that was a bad example about the robotics in surgery. Future GEnerations are bound to know more. A 13 year old in 1563 wuldn't knowshit about electricity, but nowadays, children are learning how to make their own electrical circuits. I wasn't in any way inferring that I"m superior to you. Wow, you actually replied without bagging me.
  19. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Wolf, Wolf, Wolf...

    If you'd actually put some effort reading labyrinthians' post, then you'd see the folly in the statement you just made. No, of course not, sure as fucking hell a 13 year old in 1563 wouldn't know a thwart about electricity. On the other hand, he/she would have an excellent grasp of other things, like farming, craftmanship, handiwork etc. Point is, he/she wouldn't have less knowledge than you, only different knowledge.

    I believe you're mistakingly putting an equal between technological advance and general knowledge. Do you really think modern day people are getting smarter just because everything has been made so much easier by technology?
  20. Wolf

    Wolf New Member

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    Sep 24, 2003
    I do consider my knowledge superior to that of a 13 year old's in 1563. If that knowledge were equal to our's what would be the point in that knowledge? Why not just shit in a hole and kill eachother with swords?
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