Is there anything to do or interact with in the Boil except just slaughtering everyone? Am I getting attacked because my character has a good alignment or am I getting attacked because I have to trigger some event in order to enter safely?
It should be noted that I just killed a bunch of people after coming up from the sewers. Will this affect the Sebastian quest? I haven't been to the boil tavern, or the tarant city hall yet. Also it should be noted that the bandits at the entrance to the boil won't attack you if you approach from behind, but their hostility is triggered by being in the area just in front of the tarant city guards who warn you not to enter. (46 words in that sentence btw) I thought this was a bit odd. If you talk to them they more or less state "i'm busy bro, come back later bro" and then they attack you when you walk away.
I haven't accessed the (forbidden) sewers before doing the boil quests myself, but I don't think that killing one gang leader will prevent you from getting Sebastian's quest; he'll just ask you to kill the other. As for the the bandits at the entrance, they are supposed to attack you as a warning that you're not powerful enough for the boil yet and leave you alone at higher levels, but seeing as you've already taken out one of the leaders (who are both at level 40) I'd say your power is sufficient. As far as I can remember, there is one quest in the boil that isn't gang related. Talk to Caleb.
Ok so I've been looking for other guides but I can't find anything that addresses this possibility - Is there an option to say "I already did that" if someone offers me a quest to wipe out the gangs, and I've already wiped out the gangs? Whoever that is supposed to be, Sebastian or Willoughsby, etc.
I believe that almost every quest in Arcanum has a "I already did that" option (and with the UAP I'm almost certain that is the case), but I haven't taken out both of the boil gangs without talking talking to Sebastian, so I can't guarantee anything. In the case with Sebastian's quest, you'd still have to receive it through Willoughsby and then tell Sebastian that you've already done it. However, you'll miss out on a few other quests if you simply slaughter everyone in the Boil (since you'll antagonize both gangs). Here are, to my recollection, all the Boil quests: Spoiler Caleb Maloy's Whiskey (this quest (and only this quest) is available for anyone, regardless of gang affiliation) *Accept the quest from Caleb, the bartender in the Boil's bar. *Start walking over the Garrillon Bridge (or whatever it's called; the one leading back to Tarant's inner city) and talk to the dwarf standing about halfway across. *Once he gives you the whiskey, you'll be approached by a half-orc named Malek (maybe - I believe it was similar to Malak) who asks you to give up the whiskey. *You can either kill him and his orcish friends (who are regarded as monsters rather than orcs, even with the UAP) and take the whiskey back to Malloy... *OR - you can give the whiskey to Malek, follow him back to Malloy's and tell Caleb that he stole it. You'll get paid anyway (and get to watch Caleb beat the shit out of Malek) but you'll miss out on the XP (Malek is a member of Clan Maug, so he'll assault you immediately if you're a member of Pollock's gang, or just hostile to Maug) Steal the Ale (accepting this quest makes you an enemy of Clan Maug) (Leads to "Kill Maug") *Talk to one of the gnome patrons in Malloy's and tell him that you want to work for Pollock. He'll direct you to Miranda Tears. *Talk to Miranda Tears (if you haven't talked to the gnome beforehand she'll attack "for no particular reason". Accept her quest. *Break into the warehouse to the north (kill the guard, steal his key) and bring the ale back to Miranda. She'll send you to the south side of the Boil to talk to Pollock. Collect the money (accepting this quest makes you an enemy of Pollock's gang) (Leads to "Kill Treat") *Talk to one of the half-orcs in Malloy's and tell him you want to work for Maug. He'll direct you to a dwarf whose name I can't remember. *Talk to the dwarf and accept his quest. *Go to Larrs' house just west of Malloy's bar. Mr. Larrs doesn't have any money. You can either pay his debt or kill him. Doesn't matter one way or the other. *Return to dwarf and he'll let join. However, in order to see Maug you'll have to finish the next quest. Kill Treat (previous: "Collect the Money" - leads to "Kill Pollock") *Talk to Milo the gnome standing guard outside the Bentley. He'll tell you to kill a half-orc rival gang member. *Go to the south side of the Boil. Check the houses until you either find said half-orc or get assaulted by a snake creature (sometimes he's hostile from the start of the quest). Either way, kill the bastard. *Return to Milo and he'll let you see Maug. --- Kill Maug OR Kill Pollock *Talk to the leader of the gang you've joined, be it Pollock or Maug. *Pollock will ask you to kill Maug; Maug will ask you to kill Pollock. (Both will comment on Virgil if he's present.) *Kill your questgiver's counterpart - charge his home, or sneak in through the forbidden sewers. *Return to your questgiver for your reward. Finally there is... Clear up the Boil for Sebastian (you'll get this quest once you've returned from Quintarra and not a moment sooner) *Speak to Edward Willoughsby outside his home at 19 Pickwick Alley. He'll tell you to meet him at City Hall *Talk with him at City Hall. Speak of the problems Tarant is facing and he'll mention the Boil (and taking personal measures to alleviate the problems there). Ask him about the "personal measures" and keep telling him that he can trust you (I believe you "wink" at him). He'll tell you to talk to Sebastian in Caleb Malloy's bar. From here on Sebastian's quest can go in one of two (or possibly three) directions. As I wrote earlier, if you haven't killed any of the gang leaders (or if you've killed Pollock) Sebastian will tell you to kill Maug. *Kill Maug, return to Sebastian. He'll offer to join you on your quest. If you've already killed Maug, Sebastian will tell you to kill Pollock. *Kill Pollock, return to Sebastian. He'll offer to join you on your quest. Finally, maybe, if you've (for whatever reason) have killed both Pollock and Maug, you'll get the "I've already done that" option when talking to Sebastian. *Talk to Sebastian. Say "I've already done that". Sebastian will *probably* join you on your quest. That's pretty much all I can remember about the Boil. Come to think of it, this is my first and only walkthrough. Something for the geek thread, eh?