Going Crazy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Grossenschwamm, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. RodneyDale

    RodneyDale New Member

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    Aug 2, 2010
    Well music goes back even further than that I hear. Did you know that the T-Rex would lure its prey by singing Barry White songs in a forest clearing on a hazy summer evening? They would occasionally enlist the aid of a few Woolly Mammoths to sing the really low parts. Also, I'm in fact Elvis back from the dead, hence the belly.
    Thank you very much.
  2. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Aside from the glaring time period error (mammoths never saw dinosaurs), you seem to be forgetting that the T-Rex performed in barbershop quartets.
  3. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    I don't think I believe you are Elvis but that T-rex stuff sounds legit to me.
  4. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    We can exploit evolution in the creation of specialized breeds of different animals. That must mean evolution is real. There are things that form naturally and then there are dogs, the most visually diverse species on the planet, all because they're our best friend. Because we can create something by breeding for characteristics over a period of time, it's proof of natural selection by its ability to be exploited. It's just another natural resource.
  5. Mesteut

    Mesteut New Member

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    Jun 28, 2009
    I can end it faster by saying anyone who believes in Creationism/Intelligent (lmao) Design need to learn about Scientific Method.
  6. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    I can end it faster by saying anyone who uses that argument needs to attend a Sociology class.
  7. Jungle Japes

    Jungle Japes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 30, 2005
    Those who don't believe need to question the bullshit that's rammed down their throats under the guise of 'scientific consensus' and learn about the most powerful force in the universe: Faith.
  8. RunAwayScientist

    RunAwayScientist Member

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    Apr 20, 2003
    Hmmm....a dedicated method of observational research by creating the subject itself rather than having it pre-existing in the environment. This would be interesting....but would it be ethical practice?

    It would seem that, per evolution, intelligence is the most dominant of survival characteristics. Therefore, your observation here is plausible and I agree.

    Does the skull not have varying features? Prominent brow region, larger jaw, and elongated (or is it shortened) cerebellum/skull? I also believe they were shorter than modern homo sapien....lack of size might not be a tactical evolutionary advantage.

    Oh? Haven't heard about this. Very curious. Not unexpected or unusual, I suppose, but more like further confirmation/expansion of knowledge on early human forms of culture. Think I may need to go look that information to which you allude up, to confirm.
  9. Mesteut

    Mesteut New Member

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    Jun 28, 2009
    Why would that be?
  10. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

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    Aug 2, 2007
    Many scientists are also religious people.

    This is because the Scientific Method doesn't actually rule out Intelligent Design. Intelligent Design still can't be proven or disproven. There is evidence for Intelligent Design and against Intelligent Design. Even Einstein was of the belief that there had to be a God of some sort.

    Believing in Intelligent Design doesn't mean you believe the Bible or Qu'ran has all the answers for you. It just means you believe something actually designed the universe we live in.
  11. RodneyDale

    RodneyDale New Member

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    Aug 2, 2010
    I loved that in science class. We had one of these Science/If I can't answer the question then we look to the bible style of teachers.

    Me: "Um, Mr Green?"

    Mr Green: "Yes?"

    "What actually is a planet?"

    "Well Chris, a planet is a celestial body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity".

    "I see. But surely if the Big Bang Theory is true, then why is every planet and star a perfect globe?
    If the Universe started off with a massive explosion. then all the stars and planets should be jagged and uneven like asteroids."

    "Umm, yes well, God did it. Now get back to your work....."
  12. magikot

    magikot Well-Known Member

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    Aug 29, 2003
    Stars and planets aren't actually perfect globes. Even our own planet is extremely jagged.

    But moons, revolution and the gravitational force of other celestial bodies pull the planets into an oval shape.

    Planets and stars only look perfetly smooth and spherical from extreme distances.
  13. Grakelin

    Grakelin New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2007
  14. Mesteut

    Mesteut New Member

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    Jun 28, 2009
    That is because religion is a long standing cultural element indoctrinated to people from the beginning. And not all scientists have the luck to observe phenomena which goes against "holy books".

    You need something to be provable to be scientific. The people who claim something exists also carry the burden of proof.

    There is no evidence for Intelligent Design. There is no evidence that suggests our DNA's were coded by a super-complex intelligent being. We do not have signatures, we do not have glaringly differing parts of our genomes that were obviously tampered with.

    Intelligent Design couşd rely on irreducible complexity:

    Read the "Response from Scientific Community" part completely. You did? Good.

    Now, the opposing counter-part of ID is actually Abiogenesis. Abiogenesis, unlike it's counterpart supported by the religious, have some evidence backing it up.

    Evolution too, has been observed through mutations in laboratories.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._coli_lo ... experiment

    The part about one population developing ability to use citrate is really interesting.

    Oh, and we can evolve computer programs too now by introducing "random mutations/errors" too - since DNA is basically organic coding language, there is nothing that prohibits a similar mechanic taking part in us.
    http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg2 ... gence.html

    In elementary school, yes, the famous anectode is well known. His later letters to people include his views going into Atheism.

    And it is a notion with no evidence backing it up.

    Perhaps there is a god, but evolution is a real phenomenon.
  15. Jungle Japes

    Jungle Japes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 30, 2005
    Not all people have the faith to see the hand of God where others see only random chance. Nothing in the physical world will ever or can ever disprove the existence of its creator, because however we discover the laws of nature to work, they work that way because that's how they were designed to work, and spirit is something that can't be seen with even the most powerful microscope. Nor can human logic successfully deny His presence. It can only succeed in darkening the mind so that He can't be seen. Rail against His existence all you want, He is still here.

    Must be frustrating, being an atheist. Knowing that there will never, ever be any definitive way of confirming what you believe. I, on the other hand, have an unshakeable certainty that one day "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." No physical phenomena or 'scientific consensus' can undermine what God has placed in my heart.

    Okay, your turn. Make your pointless argument against the existence of spirit based on the laws of physical nature.
  16. RodneyDale

    RodneyDale New Member

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    Aug 2, 2010
    It doesn't matter what scientists can and already have proven according to you Japes. As such, nothing can waver the belief I have in my Lord Christopher Trushell. Yes that's right, I believe I am God. In fact, surely me saying I am God is on the same lane of the ridiculous highway as your belief. I believe I unconsciously created the universe and humanity with my mind, where as you believe someone else did it.
    The only belief that I have, is that I have seen more sickness and depravity in this world than I care to accept. If God does exist and he allows this shit to go on under his watch, then good on him.
    And by the way, why would we bow or kneel to Jesus? That I don't understand. Like, I would understand if it was God but Jesus was a fucking carpenter, probably quite a shit one. With today's tools and techniques, I'm sure I would be more skilled. I live in a world where the social norm is to treat people by class which is more often than not, defined by their job. Now, I charge 110 pound an hour which by reckoning puts me slightly above the "Crib making" Jesus Christ in terms of class. So, the question is, why wouldn't he bow to me when I die?
    "Because your fat!"
    Yes fair enough.
    See, what's important for me in an argument, is to be as ridiculous as possible, while at the same time trying to involve some sort of point. So, not incredibly dissimilar to the bible really.
  17. Jungle Japes

    Jungle Japes Well-Known Member

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    Aug 30, 2005
    That is precisely the reason God came to earth in the form of a man(Jesus) and allowed himself to be crucified, so that he could take the punishment for our sins and impute his righteousness to us, thereby redeeming the sinful people who he created and loved in spite of their sinfulness.

    God did not create sin, and man was not designed to be depraved. God created man with free will, and man freely chose to rebel against God.
  18. RodneyDale

    RodneyDale New Member

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    Aug 2, 2010
    But surely that means that God made a mistake?
    So what, God allows himself to be crucified once and that's his way of taking our punishment? So he was almost some kind of sacrificial lamb. God comes to Earth from his secret star in the Universe in the form of a human. Well, obviously he see's fit to hop inside Mary's pussy as a foetus to piss around in there for a bit. As he grows in his human form he becomes a carpenter and starts spreading word about himself in his spare time, but as not to appear self righteous, he pretends that he is some sort of messenger "sent by God". After years of him turning water into wine (yeah he liked a drink now and then) and curing retards of their disabilities (sort of his fault in the first place really considering he is God and urgo their creator), his master plan comes to fruition. He gets nailed to a cross and gets left to die. Couple of days pass and he decides that now, only after being left in horrific pain and suffering for days on end, that its time to exact a bit of holy vengeance and he makes a storm....
    See, if I was God, I would have just cut the bollocks out altogether. I would have said, "Right lads, your being a bit rough here. Cut the crap and behave yourselves."
    "What gives you the right to tell us how to live?"
    I would have then made his head explode, turned to the rest and said "Didn't you hear? I'm the new Sheriff in town."
    At least then, Humanity might have been like, "Shit we better start behaving ourselves."
  19. Peter Quincy

    Peter Quincy Member

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    Dec 12, 2002
    A dictatorship of virtue would invalidate virtue. Human beings have to choose for themselves otherwise they have failed in their highest capacity.
  20. RodneyDale

    RodneyDale New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 2, 2010
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