Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mrnobodie, Jan 22, 2003.

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  1. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Well Bush is getting himself knick out by himself. First he has than very short term view to some very long term problen which requst some very
    good diplormatic solution to some very tought issues that needed to be dealth with. The Koren War of 1950 to 1953 ended with an tempority creasefire only since there was no peace tready ever sign . It North Koren
    invade South Koren against it would be the continualy of the 1950 - to 1953 war. Plus I think the america intelligent estimate of North Koren nuclear capit. of two nuclear weapon is way off. I have it on petty good evidence that North Koren have more than one underground Urainic enrishment plant running.. So there is than very good change their have now other 30 nuclear warhead of about 100 kiloton to 150 kiloton with than
    10,000 to 12,000 miles missile to delerity then to within afew hundred feet
    of their target. The axis of evil thing Bush speechwriter put in the State of the Union speech have few government offical very nerseror about North Koren right now.
    We promise many of billion's of dollar or aid over than long term to Afghanistan in rebuilting that nation. Well it seem that Bush forgot all about
    Afghanistan now. The America media is saying that Turkey is going to allow America to station america troop's in Turkey. The Turkey Parlialent which is the only people who authority foreign troop being base in Turkey
    doesnot has it on they table yet. The Turkisk military isnot going to stage a coup anytime soon as over 90 % of the Turkish people are oppose to the
    war with Iraq. Than military coup isnot very successfully it the people donot support it and it they oppose it. The military coup in Pakistan only succue because the prime minister who was overthrown was so unpoplar with the people.

    Cutting tax isnot going to solve the America Great Depression and takeing over Iraq oill wells isnot going to help our Great Depression either.
    Most of the incress military spending is going into the wrong program to fight than war on terrorism.

    The small buncker bustering nuclear weapon our military is so proud of isnot going to be use it the terrorist buncker is in the middle of than major
    inhatial area of this planet. There will be radiactive fallout covering a miles radius from the impact point . The SECOND DEPARTMENT can take action
    against than leader who is thinking or talking about useing nuclear weapon
    without any justicaly reason, but we are very relaunt to take just action as
    it can more problem than it is worth. The SECOND DEPARTMENT only did it once in 1987 when than military ruler of than certain South Asia nation was going to use nuclear weapon on than polical antigovernment rally lead
    by than very brave lady. The nation military and intelligence department ask for help in getting rid of him. The SECOND DEPARTMENT did it than a few inorent people where kill which the SECOND DEPARTMENT is sorry about. We didnot have the time to do than clean job.
  2. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2002
    Charles! I don't know what you're smoking, but this is bullshit! The economic problems we have now are NOWHERE NEAR AS BAD as the problems they had in the Great Depression.
  3. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    The media is down playing the economic problems an how bad they really are. The political parties donot want to use the word great depression as neithor party know what to do about. First there is no quick fix to the Great
    Depression it will take along time for it to end. The 1920's stock market reach than hight in Aug 1929 before craching in Oct 1929. The stock Market didnot go pass that hight point untril I beleive 1962. Greenspam said Buch tax cut are going to have negravity effect on the economic. I think this economic is going to see alot worst before leveling off and then going up. One major airline is haveing major finical problems than have than very good change of going belly up. 45 states are running way in the red ink and most states by law must balance they budget. They social spending is going up and by federal and states law and common sense cannot be cut that easy. Many states are thinking of raiseing taxes and alots of states have republicion govonor who donot believe in raiseing taxes at all, but their see no other choice. Look the Nasdag still is no where near their all time hight of around 5000 points. The Dow is no way near it all time hight of 11000 points. Retail sales the only strong point in the economcy for the last three year are starting to go down.
    In 1998 than book came out entittle Dow 36,000 I said to alots of people that book is full of BS as the market I said are headed toward an long term bear market. Last year you could buy that same book for 2.99 at the bargain bin in the same book store.
    The GOP govonor of Cal took balance his budget without raise his tax if
    he close down all the state pirson, laid off all state law enforement people,
    laid off all other state worker. The cities and countries in Cal can balance their book without raiseing tax by laiding off all law enforcement people and firemen and then all other government worker.
    I than not going to play that game where both party blame the other party for the depression we are in. These thing happen very so often in any ecomocy. There is no just thing as than stable ecomoncy as some profressor try to teach in their class. There are peroid of boon and peroid of panic in any ecomoncy. The downward movernent started in the year 2000 when Clinton was president of the United Stated
  4. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2002
    Charles, you are so full of shit that it's not even funny. I know that it's nowhere near as bad. I didn't take that from some news clip. I've studied the Great Depression, and you are wrong in saying that this is worse than the Great Depression.
  5. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Hey snowmane did you not know that Charles has this huge surveillance team read that gives him an full report on the status of the world and the economy in the US, ofcourse the SECOND DEPARTEMNT, wich by the way is appointed by god, is trying to solve this problem. They have bush against them ofcourse cause he is the antichrist if you did not know that. It is true you see the SECOND DEPARTMENT broke in the white house and shaved the backside of Bush dick and found out that he is actually an cochroach wich has 666 inscribed on the backside of his genitalia.
    His wife is an robot made by the CIA wich is prgramed in hell, she also regularly show upp in charles house showing sexy lingerie before she beats up his wife with a playboy magasine.

    Hehe Making such stories up is actually easy. Try it.
  6. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2002
    Did you know that I am also heavily involved in spying for the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT?That's how DU, head operative of the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT, got my address to stalk me. Not only do I spy for the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT, but I also model UNDERWEAR for the UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. However, now that I've told you, I have to kill you.

    Is that good?
  7. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    Great snowmane, and now i tried to read one of charles posts:
    Just who or what is greenspam, is it spam that is so old that it has gone green or what?
  8. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2001
  9. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    He is the Chairman of the Federal Resere Board the Center Bank of America who warned people about the comeing stock market crash when the internet and index tradeing bubble bust.
    Alot of cities and state govenment are going to have to raise taxes to balance their budget. The myth that cutting taxes can solved all ecomony problen is way overblown. I might not have than degress in ecomist but common sense can tell me that very hight tax are bad as very low tax are just as bad or worst. All government need income to do their job , to service
    the public better serve the public in safely , educrateion an all government worker needed to be pay as their donot work for nothing. Than framous judge once said " taxes are the price we pay to have than civilization and to lead better lifes." . He was than Supreme Court judge.
    All of you people complation about paying any taxes are undermine civilization in away. There where people complation in 1914 or 1915 about
    paying than maxium of 4 % income tax if you make more than 10,000 ayear when the adverage worker make maybe 900 dollar ayear and he didnot pay any income tax at all. Poor people donot have the money to pay alot in taxes , the middle class is overburtan with taxes, while the rich
    people try to get out of paying any taxes at all. The most unfair tax of all
    is the sale tax as it hit the poor and middle class alot harder than it hit the
    wealthly class.
  10. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    I believe it was Qilikital.(sorry if I spelled that wrong) who said in the "Dog Lovers Beware" thread(if I'm mistaken, I apologize), that hails from denmark, or was it norway..the where doesn't matter all that much. But anyway.

    They said "It's news over here if the cops actually fire their guns, front page news if they actually hit anything."

    Others from other places have said something similar. Someone from Australia said very nearly the same thing.

    This brings to mind an interesting point.

    Why do you suppose that is?

    One could say it's because other places don't have the caliber, or amount of criminals that America has. Which is, of course quite possible.

    Or one could say that American cops are trigger happy thugs.

    Either way, what does that say about America?

    Another point, back on this thread's particular track..

    I watched a music video the other day. In it was the infamous Snoop Dogg. Snoop was wearing a baseball cap with a marijuana leaf on it. (having seen it once before, uncensored) And through the wonders of modern censorship technology, the leaf was blurred out.

    Now the next camera angle shoots to the back of someone's waist, where a pistol was nice and neatly tucked.

    Now why, pray tell, is it not ok to show a pot leaf on someone's hat, but quite ok to see them in gangster regalia, totin' a gun??

    Which is more dangerous? A gun in a waistband, or a potleaf on a hat???

    Personally, I'd rather see the youth smoking weed than shooting each other....
  11. Canis

    Canis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2002
    ((There's nothing quite like stupidity, insanity, megalomania, AND a total absence of any sense of humor to brighten a forum, is there.))

    No, the Federal Reserve Chairman is GreenSPAN. GreenSPAM is something out of a Dr. Seuss book. "Do you like green eggs and ham? Yes I like them Sam I Am. Would you like green eggs and spam? Feed it to Charlie, I don't give a damn."
  12. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    it's best not to take his views seriously safe in the knowledge he is stupid and cannot possibly aquire any power to enact his cerazy opinions upon the world
  13. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Who are you calling stupid. I might be smarter than most people think. In my opin the people in Calf who vote for pos 13 to stop raise in school taxes didnot think thing thought correctly. That why the fine educateion system in Calf went bad. It you want good teacher to teach you must pay then than good salary, school also need good textbook that arenot cencue by the far rightwing Christian Fund. In Texas in our biological textbook they arenot going to teach Darwin theory of evolution as it make God out as than liar.
    First off Darwin theory doesnot go against the written word of the bibble only
    against how we understand the bibble as written. In Islam the Iman and religious scholar have no problen with Darwin theory of evolution as some part of the Koran support the idear of evolution if you see it in a certain light.
    That was one of the few part they have problen understandly untril Darwin theory of evolution came alone . Even the Roman Church which didnot like Darwin theory ecpect Darwin theory as vaild .

    You get what you paid for. If you refuse to pay good teacher what their are worth you are going to get bad teacher in they place.
  14. Immortal_Wombat

    Immortal_Wombat New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2002
    you're not stupid because teachers don't get paid enough....yes, logic prince you are not
  15. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    In WW2 the top rate on income tax was about 92 % of your income with hartly any tax exemption to soften the blow. When President Ike has than ecomony down turn his tax cut work because the top rate was way to hight. Ike lower it down to 70 % on 100,000 dollar it single and 200,000 dollar it married or head of household. I once worked for IRS so I know this. Kenndry
    or LBJ did than other tax cut when the ecomony have than down turn to 50 %
    on earned income and 70 % on unearned income and 75 % if you won it on a game show or a lobbery.

    By this logic haveing zero taxes would mean there would be no ecomony down turn at all. This logical statement have than flaw. In the many pancie in
    America ecomoncies history we have no federal income tax at all . Japon Central Bank have zero interest rate on borrow money from then an you would think they ecomony would have recover from their depression sorry econcy down turn. It didnot recover at all which tell me there is some thing also wrong with their ecomony which cut in interest rate will not
    help solved their depression they are haveing since 1987.
    Bush have zero creditialy with most of the world leader around the world. All of our statement about Iraq being link to al Qaeda is ruining america creditialy around the world. Haveing the local Godfather of the Marif as than neightor doesnot make one than member of the Marfic. He was than very good neightnor in fact.
  16. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    Oh here he go again. :roll:

    NO it was not me who said, that second here in norway cops shot justas many people compared to the population, we just call it selfdefense and hush it under the carpet.

    Okay seriously i think compared to the population there is a little less people in norway shot by cops, since norwegian cops don't usually carry weapons at all times. I think there is some rules unless there is special surcomstances that says they can carry guns.
  17. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    very well. I was mistaken.

    No, here I don't go again. Nice to know that nonsense schizophrenic ramblings garner more response than posts that are actually thought out, and readable. It truly belies the real state of the world

    Sorry for attempting to start a meaningful discussion. Sorry I called you out.
    Sorry I actually give a fuck about my home, and get upset when I see our supposed freedoms shrinking. What bothers me the most, is that no one else seems to.

    Good day
  18. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Well, there's just one nonsensesical, shizophrenic on this board, Charles B. Huff 'N Puff. I think everyone just likes making fun of him, rather than actually thinking and discussing real matters, such as what you and I were engaged in.

    I certainly do. And I agreed with you about the crime rate in America. Though, I don't think it's quite as bad as most. True, you've got countries like Singapore and Norway with lower crime rates, but, look again at how many people there are in those countries as opposed to the U.S. We certainly live in a safer country than any in South America, Africa, any communist dictatorship, Middle-East....

    [Edit] Oh yeah, ignore Charle's happy horseshit. I do. In all honesty, he creeps me out.
  19. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    You willnot be hearing from me for awhile as I than going to be playing Master of Orion 3. It depend where you live in America. Here in El Paso we only have between 10 and 20 murder ayear on average. The police are sovleing some old case. Last year they arrest than man who murber his ex-wife 8 or 10 year ago. He said than satan cult kidnapp his ex-wife and sacrifete her to satan. He is than Christian Fund. the police didnot believe his story for one minute. First there is no Satanist cult in El Paso or Satanist church either. Unlike me he was than lair. When my ex-wife try to blame me the police didnot believe her for one minute as too many of the office saw me
    miles away from her place either buying games or talking to people I know. An since I never drove than car and depend on public tranportion or walking to get where I want to go. The reason the police didnot arrest him is they have no evindence that he did murber his ex-wife. Here in Amercia it than DA
    appear before than jury or judge saying we think he murber his ex-wife but we cannot prove it or have evindence that he did it. He would be not guietry or case dismiss by judge. It than case is dismiss by than judge it is almost inpossilbe to ever arrest him again for murdering his ex-wife even it the police now have evindence that he did it.
    When ever a Christian Fund talk about our societry going to hell I dismiss it as maddress on his part. And it than Christian Fund start saying
    there is than satanist cult that knidnapped his wife and kill her as than scacfic to satan I think he hideing something. I forgot to say when my ex-wife try to frame me the police where following me verywhere I went also. The DA was than new potical correct one who believe what ever NOW
    told him. When the police said I wasnot breat her up at all he was thinking
    they where covering up for than man. When her sister wrote that letter to him saying that she was trying to frame me, in New York State there is than law and judical tradition which say that than DA must investage any letter or other scource right away saying that than accue person is inorest of the crime or risk being remove from his post by the court, the DA is than electric post but he is also than officer of the court. It really anoying me that they are trying to change our judical system when it isnot broke at all.
  20. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 7, 2001
    Oh yeah, I forgot... TairNean, a Christian Fund. (fundamentalist) is behind every scandal, genocide, homocide, insecticide, war, sacrifice, etc. Basically, if it's bad, you can blame than Christian Fund.
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