Fixing Endings Part 3

Discussion in 'Modding and Scripting Support' started by jfkoski, Sep 25, 2007.

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  1. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

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    Aug 28, 2007
    Earlier I submitted a fix to allow for the 6 other endings that were supposed to be available after you join Kerghan since what happens after you turn on him is that you still get the "Destroy Arcanum w/Kerghan" ending.

    Later I discovered why we couldn't get the "Alexander Rules Panarii" ending unless you were evil and posted a fix.

    Now I'm working on fixing ending #18, which currently uses speech from Joachim's death instead of the narrator's. This doesn't make any sense, so I had hoped there was .mes file that had the wrong speech file or that there was a narrator file mislabelled. The applicable file was v12_m.mp3 with Joachim's voice.

    I went back and checked which Dernholm screen shot it uses (Dernholm fails and Dernholm prospers look very similar). It turns out they use Dernholm Prospers. So I imagine the ending was supposed to be "Maximillian Returns (but Lianna Pel Dar is dead)." That would be similar to "Shrouded Hills prospers, (but Doc is dead). There's always a chance that Doc will die in the bank robbery or trying to lure him out of town, but since there's no quest with Lianna as your follower (such as killing Praetor's palace guards) I can't see her dying. So as it stands now, unless you kill Lianna Pel Dar (and/or Alexander - his death flips her flag by mistake) you would never get this ending.

    That would be a cool quest though,
    LIANNA: The people and the outside guards will support Maximillian, but the palace guards are on Praetor's side and will fight to the death. We'll have to kill them before Maximillian's ship arrives. Are you ready?

    So now that I've got my hands on the mp3 narrator file for Maximillian returns... I'll try to cut off the end which says something like "with their new captain, Lianna Pel Dar," and save it with the correct file # in a folder Arcanum/Sound/Speech/slides and see what happens. I'll get back to you next week.
  2. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 28, 2007

    CORRECTION: the correct directory is Arcanum/modules/Arcanum/sound/speech/slide
    I modified the speech file v13_m.mp3, renamed it v12_m.mp3 and got it to work so I'm happier.

    However I found a fourth ending mistake in the DwarvesEndSlides.scr
    I thought it was my typo that transposed gf2426 (Magnus finds Iron Clan) with gf2642 (Talk to Bregho). So it's possible, though unlikely, that if you
    #1. Don't talk to Bregho, AND
    #2. Fail to get Loghaire to return, AND
    #3. Randver dies (not likely unless you kill him), AND
    #4. Magnus finds Iron Clan
    then you wont get the Automaton.bmp ending #35 where Magnus leads the dwarves.
  3. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

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    Aug 28, 2007
    This week: new endings

    From the start I felt there should be a default ending(s) for Caladon either if you fail negotiations or never do them.
    Also you should be able to get both "Wheel Clan Happy" and “Magnus leads Iron Clan” endings.
    It took a bit of time, but I had fun doing it.

    Get ahold of narrator's speech files in Arcanum.dat: Sound/Speech/Slide
    v15_m.mp3 "Tensions between Caladon and Tarant run high. In a few short years there is war between the two kingdoms. As in many wars there was no clear winner."
    Cut this file as shown and name it something like v47_f.mp3 and save in Arcanum/Modules/Arcanum/Sound/Speech/Slide

    Cut the beginning off (v16_m.mp3?): "tensions between Caladon and Tarant run high. In a few short years there is war between the two kingdoms. Heironymous Maxim with the new funding he received built an armada of airships. Caladon with this new technology, eventually won the war!"
    Name it v49_f.mp3 and save it.

    Next find these and cut them so:
    v26_m.mp3 "Magnus Shalefist, chieftan of the new Iron Clan"
    v34_m.mp3 "used"
    v16_m.mp3 "technology"
    v26_m.mp3 "and led them to a new and golden age."
    Merge them into a new file, such as v48_f.mp3 and save as above.

    From Arcanum.dat Rules folder, open slide.mes with mesedit and add 3 new entries:
    56 WW1Knight.bmp v47_f.mp3
    57 Automaton.bmp v48_f.mp3
    58 Planes. bmp v49_f.mp3
    Save in Arcanum/Modules/Arcanum/Rules

    With Sockmonkey-scriptmaker open 02924DiplomatEndSlides.scr and make the additions :
    15. IF Global Flag 2687=1
    THEN goto line 19
    16. IF PC Player has quest 1141 in state 4
    THEN do nothing
    ELSE goto line 19
    17. slideshow: queue slide 58
    18. goto line 13
    19. slideshow: queue slide 56
    20. goto line 13

    change line 0:
    0. If PC Player has quest 1098 in state 4
    THEN do nothing
    ELSE goto line 15
    Save in Arcanum/data/scr

    Open 02922DwarvenEndSlides.scr
    While you're at it, you may as well fix the typo in line 14:
    14. IF Global Flag 2462=1
    THEN do nothing
    ELSE goto line 17
    Now add:
    20. IF Global Flag 1021=1
    THEN goto line 18
    21. IF Global Flag 2462=0
    THEN goto line 18
    22. slideshow: queue slide 57
    23. goto line 18
    Scroll up to change lines:
    3. goto line 20
    5. goto line 20
    Save in Arcanum/data/scr

    This works, but I just realized that I hadn't finished the Maxim's air armada ending, so I'll go back and do that this week. [DONE]. I have six different saved games in the void for testing, plus several more at the Ring of Brodgar which can still go around and mess with things if I want. So far I had never had a "perfect" character that either gets all prosperty or warfare slides.

    I made a list of all the ending files I'd fixed and added. I'm thinking of taking the advice of getting a place to store files online but I think the site someone recommended to me was for pictures only.

    I'm very happy with my endings. I've never done the diplomacy and been deliberately mediocre, though. I mean after all the trouble, why do it for a few hundred coins when Willoughsby rewards you (with $13,000?) Even if the bribes were for magic or tech items, you can get those elsewhere or p.p. them. Now would you betray Tarant on maybe 5 counts to get a boat? You bet - even with Haggle it costs $25,000. And this is the place where posts show people get in trouble. I can just imagine prince Farad coming over to you after the negotiation to say that you're a friend of Caladon so here's his ship.

    PS: I finally tried to get the Bane of Kree ending without success. But I guess you actually have to say you're going to give him the weapon and return him to Arcanum - just doing it is not be enough.

    I also discovered if you succeed with Donn Throgg, you never get the Tarant-chaos ending. Apparantly he's so smart it doesn't matter if Bates is dead. On the other hand, if you kill Bates you can't get the Bentley-restored ending.
  4. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 28, 2007

    OK, I finally figured out how to make a zip file for my 11 files that fix the endings. What do you want me to do with it?

    Please let me know soon, since my interest in Arcanum is starting to wane. I'll probably quit modifying and posting for awhile after finishing my upgrades of Weldo Rubin and the Firearms Master. These seem to work, whereas others like Lloyd Gurloes didn't, so I gave up on them.
  5. Klaz

    Klaz New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2007
    You could upload them at MegaUpload or quicksharing, etc.
  6. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

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    Aug 28, 2007
    I'll consider that.

    ARGHHH, I found another endings glitch. You know a couple months ago, I just wanted to see all the possible endings from my saved characters collectively. So now I went back to kill Bates (2 endings), Appleby (1 ending), Praetor (2 endings), Doc (1 ending), Lianna (1 ending) and Randver (2 endings). Can you believe there's a problem with killing Appleby??!! If you rat him out to Bates, then fiine - he's dead. But if you go after him yourself, his death doesn't set the flag. So now I have to fix it (no problem) and go back with another character. That makes 12 files for my zip (not including readme).

    Meanwhile I had been working on a new character that would give you a motive for killing Randver. I wanted it to be the dwarf just standing around in the room with the chest near the three guys who give you quests (btw their race is marked as human!), but I couldn't find anything that would distinguish him (or his room) from any of the other dwarf villagers. As a result my script and dialog attaches to the first dwarf wheel-clan-villager you click on. It works, but I need to incorporate the circumstance where you kill Loghaire and boast about it. I count 5 new files for creation/modification.
  7. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

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    Aug 28, 2007
    engings through Kerghan's dialog

    I don't know if anyone here has tried any of my ending fixes, but I'm still working on them. This week I created a new Bedokaan_dead ending, and modified Kerghan dialog so you can get Death's-Champion and Path-of-Righteous endings without having to join him. It turns out the dialog existed already, but the flags weren't added! Kerghan's dialog lines are tight, so I got lucky that there was no line 191. Even so, the dialog in question was duplicate so we could have just dumped them, like I did for lines 196-199. That's why the four lines have new gotos. I left my comments in for you to see what's going on (why not fix spelling while you're at it:

    {70}{Very well...your time is short. These words will be your epitaph...}{}{5}{}{78}{}//SPELLING

    {132}{An interesting point of view. I can see the merit it holds...}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{187}{}//NEW GOTO
    {142}{You're point of view...I can see the merit it holds...}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{187}{}//NEW GOTO
    {162}{I can see the validity of your position...}{}{5}{gf2029 0}{187}{}//NEW GOTO
    {178}{And what is the alternative? Joining you?}{}{5}{gf2029 0, lf1 0, gf2661 1}{187}{}// good not w Arronax. NEW GOTO

    {186}{I'll continue to be Death's servant. You're my next offering...}{}{5}{gf2029 1}{-72}{gf2050 1}//DEATH'S CHAMPION
    {191}{I'll continue on the path of the righteous. You're going to die, Kerghan.}{}{5}{gf2029 0, al 500}{-72}{gf2051 1}//HERO
    {195}{I'll continue to be Death's servant. You're my next offering...}{}{5}{gf2029 1}{-72}{gf2050 1}//DEATH'S CHAMPION

    The test for Death's Champion is you've just got to be on the evil path. After all, if you've killed Stillwater....
    The test for Hero I figured you should be on the good path, and have an alignment of 50+.
    Note: previous dialog already has good/evil tests to get you to these lines 186, 191 and 195. Also, the Death's Champion ending is like joining Kerghan (and Dark God): all subsequent slides are skipped.

    I went back to my evil SOB (Sogg M.M) who left Arcanum in shambles: Tarant in Chaos and crime-ridden, no winner in war with Caladon, dead Black Root and Dernholm, Dwarves in seclusion. Incidentally he had an alignment 70-100 depending on which save I used. So I wanted to see what would happen if you betray the Bedokann: nothing much. I don't even think there's an alignment penalty like killing the Farads. So as it stands there are three possibilities: convince Kan Kerai for good ending, kill the poachers for nomads ending, or nothing. Also it's possible to kill the poachers and Kan Kerai and get the nomads ending. So I went to the speech files and came up with a Bedokaan-dead ending. Unfortunately there wasn't a good pic to use other than PC-dead. Also, now it occurs if you kill Kan Kerai.

    [29.Loggers and poachers]... [41.vanquished all that lived]... [ the Dark Fens.]... [29.The Bedokaan]... [4.died,]... [40. existing only in memory]

    {59}{Death.bmp v50_f.mp3}

    0. goto line 23
    1. IF GlobalFlag 2692=0
    THEN goto line 4

    23. IF GlobalFlag 2157=1
    THEN goto line 25
    24. IF GlobalFlag 2693=0
    THEN goto line 1
    25. slideshow: queue slide 59
    26. goto line 6

    I'll add this to my .zip, whenever I get around to uploading it.
  8. Oracle

    Oracle Member

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    Sep 25, 2006
    Hey jfkoski

    I might not post much anymore, however do do read your messages, I did not try them anymore. Maybe you could upload the edited files (if there not to big) I think more people will test your ending then.

    Keep up the good work Jfkoski!
  9. jfkoski

    jfkoski New Member

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    Aug 28, 2007
    The sound files will be big, but the others are insignificant. As I said, I'm still testing and finding new bugs, so haven't looked into uploading - and don't want to keep replacing a zip every couple weeks.

    I figured with the existing downloads:,, undat.exe people here would be able to open, edit and save.
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