We have a few issues that need to be sorted first but there are two ways to go about establishing the first Government of The House of Lords: The three week method. Finish the Charter to a point where most agree with it. Appoint people to various ranks and titles. Follow the Charter, call elections and create the first Government (takes about 2 - 3 weeks according to the Charter so far when you consider all the voting periods etc..). The advantage is we get to test the Charter out in the election process and if we find out that it sucks, we have the opportunity to fix it before making it public. The disadvantage is that it takes 3 weeks. The one day method. Sort out who gets what position now (Me Lord President, Vorak Prime Minister). Declare the first Government in the Charter. Finish up the Charter and all the other loose ends (including ranks and titles) before making it public. The advantage of this method is that we can get moving, create embassies etc... and just tell people that the Charter is coming. The disadvantage is that we don't get to test the processes involved in electing people. Vote!
Option 2, I want to get started on treaties with other alliances while I still have some free time and in 3 weeks I'll be back at Uni.
Option 2; But that's only because we could test it in secret somewhere else, just to see that it works
Well we don't have to have our first election straight away. I think that as soon as DU has a workable Charter we go public. To begin with DU can just appoint a cabinet.
Actually, that's a good idea. We'll appoint the first Cabinet and get positions sorted out now and then if we want, we can either officially hold elections then or run mock elections just to see what happens. Okay, better idea. I've appointed a Prime Minister. We can now follow the Charter and appoint a Cabinet. All I need now is a Lord Chancellor. Any takers?
I'm impatient to start, but that doesn't mean we can't hold proper elections later. We could even call this a provisional Cabinet, so the first official one would be set up after the first elections.
What Silvara said. We need to get going; after all, we've been planning for some weeks and already go by HoL in-game, so lets go public.
I selected option two because we're already The House of Lords. We need embassies to be active, considering people can see our nations with the current alliance affiliation, and we should be able to gather some new recruits from the black and maroon team with a working government already in office.
I selected options 1, if were gonna have someone running, they have to be efficient. And the election must be thorough. :wink: What do you personally perfer DU?