Drog's Extra Pack

Discussion in 'News Comments' started by DarkUnderlord, May 29, 2008.

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  1. team a

    team a New Member

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    May 10, 2007
    The "batshit crazy/drunk" defense is bulletproof, and I don't think it needs any further explanation. Also, my bad about the schematic text - I should have looked that one up before posting about it.

    The automaton (item) transforms into the automaton (NPC) using a script that's attached to the HIT and MISS script attachment points. Because there was no NPC to turn it into, the Automaton Gunner (item) proto just has the same scripts as a regular automaton, presumably placeholders until the actual gunner was made, which it never was.

    Gross - I misunderstood why you were using backgrounds to add items. I forgot that running WorldEd without "-unassigned" (which I learned about only a few months ago, I believe) would prevent these items from being available to add to a mod.
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