
Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by team a, Jul 17, 2008.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It should really go in the beta stuff.
  2. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    Moved (in the tidied version). Thanks.
  3. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    I'd suggest moving the Arcanum Modding to the right, below the Arcanum hacks, then bring the Dimensions Of Arcanum Downloads up to meet it. At the bottom you'll then have my artwork on the right, so use the TOEE and Mystary listings on the left.

    That should get rid of most of the large open area in the center of the page and still leave space for expansion of the sections.

    Edit: Polished-Carcanum is in the hacks, but I've noticed that newbies have a tough time finding it. Perhaps it should have a separate listing with the mods?
  4. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    Great idea, thanks.

    I've also solved the prolem with the site falling apart under IE, so we're back to one version -

    edit: I've moved the polished car arcanum to the top of the hacks lists, also added the first mostly pointless gizmo - highlighting of items of interest on the list - move your cursor over the list and the latest versions/manuals/other things you're likely looking for will light up. Works only in Opera and Firefox and meybe IE versions other then the one I use :p

    Come to think of it, moving the Arcanum manual to the Arcanum section might be a good idea.
  5. wobbler

    wobbler Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 23, 2006
    It looks good to me.

    Only one question, is there a way to get more information on the diffrents downloads?

    One some there is enough information, but on the hacks, there is no information, so I am not able to tell what the diffrent hacks does.

    DIET: Oh, and maybe you should specify that rroyo's art is for arcanum mods, so noone tries to use them with ToEE.
  6. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    Well actually, I was hoping someone would write a short list of what the hacks do and which mods are good enough to be highlighted. Excerpts from readme files and links to forum posts/news announcements are fine too.

    An even better idea would be some kind of a 'mod and hack guide' that I could simply link to in the section header. Has anything like that ever been created ? Anyone willing to spend some 30mins copying and pasting readme file parts into a forum post ?

    That's definately a fresh view on what some people may find confusing, I'll get to it.

    BTW, Ideas on what should be put up in the download section will be wellcome, at least by me, since it'll be DE uploading all that. While I'm still here, I'll make sure the download section won't collapse under its own weight.

    edit: also, I belive it would be appripriate to give credit to people/sources that supplied the stuff that is hosted - like the guy who gave us the Dimensions of Arcanum Downloads backup. It's just a thought, as credits make description fields look important :p

    BTW, 'Artview by Blacky', in the modding tools section, is a dead link.

    edit: A small update, added some descriptions to the stuff in the list. DE said he'll be uploading it on the server tomorrow, so It would be a good idea to have it in a realatively finished state by then.

    Also, in the troika modules is corrupt. It should be 1 662 765 bytes long (as my awesome program told me), and it ain't. Oh and I can't open it either. I'm not even sure if it's a module by troika, the readme file in all their modules mentions only six modules. I'm taking it off the list until someone can tell me WTF.
  7. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
  8. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    Thanks for letting me know about the Dimensions Of Arcanum page. I was convinced it went down ages ago and these files had to be recovered from backups stashed in somebody's basement.

    I guess I'll just direct people to their page for more information.

    And the dungeon crawl mod - was it made by troika ? I think it's a good idea to have it anyway, so put it up somewhere and nag DE to replace he file.

    I'm getting a strange impression that this page of mine is getting more confusing then it was before. At least it's structured now :)
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The description for the Extra Pack is slightly incorrect/confusing. Use this one:
    "This is a small patch that restores some of the important cut out content. It's released as a separate pack, which must be used in conjunction with the UAP."

    Also, - TROIKA's internal docs. - TROIKA's original tool for DAT files.
  10. team a

    team a New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2007
    In general, I think it's looking better. Assuming that the solid colors are just temporary stand-ins for the textures, that is.

    I am definitely willing to contribute to adding descriptions, authors, and changing the names of the links.

    1. Does anyone remember there being multiple formats of the Arcanum manual besides .pdf? Maybe I'm thinking of just the WorldEd one, or maybe I'm on crack.

    2. The .iso of the Lost Dungeon of Souls isn't in there - DE needs to upload this. I can find a link if necessary.

    3. These links should appear under a subsection header for music: 22in memoriam.rar, TheHonorableFranklinPayne.rar

    4. There are a few duplicate items because the mirrors of the Dimensions of Arcanum downloads page were also originally hosted by t-a

    5. A lot of the downloads have become obsolete because of DBT's patch, and it's almost unnecessary to include them. In particular, I'm thinking of the late game dialog fix and maxim fixes. I don't suggest removing the files from the server, but the links might be just clogging up the downloads section. Expecting some discussion on this.

    6. I would be willing to help identify authorship on a lot of these, but where should it go? In the description? In a new field next to the file name?

    7. "Arcanum Patches" subsection title should say "Official Troika Arcanum Patches" or something like that

    8. Arcanum hacks should go under Arcanum modding

    9. Arcanum Troika Modules should go at the top of Arcanum mods section

    10. A:WIP and CarArcanum might need their own section as Arcanum module expansions. What does everyone think?

    11. Drog's Extra Pack might need to find a new place in the downloads section, but it's hard to pin down what exactly it is.

    12. The Arcanum Modding Tutorial section should include its abbreviation (AMTUT) and authorship, DarkUnderlord

    13. There should be a section in Arcanum Modding for the Dungeon Crawl (regardless of how useless and incomplete it is). This might require finding the actual files as well as the tutorials
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Not necessary. Moreover, TheHonorableFranklinPayne is not a music track.

    Just 'Official Patches' will do. BTW, I have the original 1070 patch. Do we need it?

    It's an extension of the UAP, thus it goes right after it.

    P.S. Personally I think, the page already looks bloated. Perhaps, we should hide descriptions, so you have to click "read more" or smth to see a description.
  12. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    I'm really not for certain who made this one, perhaps someone who'd actually played the original Dungeon Crawl could compare this and that. It might just be the original mod but with the tutorial side stripped away.
    I found it at the Russian site, and since it was in English, I kept it.

    D.E. - Here's the link for my copy of this:
  13. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

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    May 9, 2006
    Ok, for now I've re-enabled the background images to see how the page looks. It's ok :)

    I'll get to it.
  14. team a

    team a New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2007
    TheHonorableFranklinPayne might not be music, but it was released on the original Arcanum site as part of the CD. While the original files are missing some mp3 tags, the place where these 2 files were found includes track listings, etc. This file is at least a skit/interlude and therefore not out of place in a music track listing. If there was an official Arcanum soundtrack, this would be on it.

    As far as I can tell, there's no benefit to the average user for having it next to the 1074 patch. 1074 will always be necessary for having a playable version of Arcanum (unless you want to incorporate it as well), so there's no reason to play Arcanum patched to 1070 except to analyze/deconstruct it.

    That would be interesting to have from a modding perspective, however. Could you upload it somewhere?

    A description under the subsection would help clarify that this is, in fact, a patch of content from the main module (" Drog's Arcanum "Extra Pack" Patch")

    P.S. Personally I think, the page already looks bloated. Perhaps, we should hide descriptions, so you have to click "read more" or smth to see a description.[/quote]
    It's definitely bloated, which led me to post the thread. However, I think the descriptions are necessary. Once descriptions are added for more of the downloads, we can possibly get rid of the rightmost column, or find some other way to sort through the sections more easily. The_Bob, would it be possible to show and hide sections without going to the trouble of figuring out how DU did it for the main page?

    I am not sure, but I think it might have been official. I know it was from before the WorldEd manual was released. Unfortunatly, it's not very useful without the tutorial. I'll look through my hard drive to see if I have any copies, but it might be awhile before I get around to it.
  15. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    I've made a little update, designed a simple way of telling who made what, at least for the things that earned their own subsections.
    Kinda ugly I guess.

    I kinda know javascript, but am a bit too lazy to write the rolldown code right now. Also, there's a good chance I'd end up using mootools which would add to page bloat and encourage me to turn the download section into a fancy gadget sandbox that doubles as a download list. It wouldn't be that bad, but I dunno if i would have the patience to do that, meaning a risk of the stuff being left half-done
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Considering we have all versions of the UAP and some other things, I assumed we follow a policy of archiving everything Arcanum related, useful or not.

    Here it is, anyway: ... 0.exe.html

    Could you please put my name back to the Bedokaan art section.
  17. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    I think the older patch might be useful for making some old mods work correctly. At this time I can't think of any, but there might be some that work better that way.

    I've added it to the list as a temporary download, as well as the I'm also going to mark redundant/dead files reather then remove them, so DE won't forget to remove/fix them.

    Sorry about that - fixed.

    edit: could someone please check and tell me who made the mods:
  18. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    Quaid made the Doomsday mods and Lord of Halifax made TolGuldur.
  19. The_Bob

    The_Bob Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2006
    Updated. I've also created a Arcanum Bonus Stuff section (near the end of the page), I've put the beta stuff in there, as well as the wallpapers that appeared on the forum recently.

    Drog, are:
    Magick Tech wallpapers
    Arcanum Theme pack

    supplied by you (from your personal stash of arcanum'y things) or are they taken from the Polish site ? I don't want it to look as if T-A is ripping them off.
    Never mind, I've checked myself.

    BTW there's some good stuff in their download section

    I think I'm going to implement some very basic navigation on that page.
  20. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    As I've already told The_Bob, I'm currently on a friend's computer, and since he's a tightass that wouldn't appreciate me installing FIlezilla on his comp it will have to wait until I get home, which will take a while.

    Thanks for all the effort you're putting into this though. I'll get to it tomorrow.

    Kung Fu Panda rocks by the way.
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